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Results (1301 - 1400 of 2646)

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#4340 Implement Email protection Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao New Feature closed Normal

Port #2220 to CKEditor (or something better if it's even possible :) )

#4341 Implement ShowBorders Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao New Feature closed Normal

Implement the ShowBorders feature.

Instead of being only a configuration option, I think that it would be much better if it was possible to use it as a command, so the people could opt to put it in the toolbar

#4342 Implement Body Id & Class Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao New Feature closed Normal

Port #32 to CKEditor

#4343 Implement BrowserContextMenuOnCtrl Review+ Garry Yao New Feature closed Normal

Port that setting from FCKeditor

#4344 Successive <br>s get lost Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
  1. Load the following HTML:
<p>AAA<br />
<br /></p>
  1. Move to wysiwyg view. Note that there is no extra line space between AAA and BBB. The BRs got already lost.
  1. Move to source. You have the following:


#4348 "l.lang.about is undefined" => editor does not open => Failed base path detection Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

I'm using Firefox 3.5.2 and CKeditor-nightly 4165.

If I call the replace method the textarea disapears but the editor doesn't open. Firebug shows the error "l.lang.about is undefined on line 34" and I saw that en.js and config.js don't send anything as response. This also happens if I move one of your examples out of _samples and adapt the pathes.

#4351 Dashes cannot be used in attribute names Confirmed HasPatch Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

The CKEditor htmlParser uses a regular expression to check for valid attributes. This regex however, does not allow dashes to be used in the attribute name.

If I'm correct, dashes are allowed as character in an attribute name, and the "\w" set, does not include the dash. Therefore, the dash should be added separately (like the colon).


- 21. var attribsRegex = /([\w:]+)...
+ 21. var attribsRegex = /([\w:\-]+)...
#4355 Toolbar button command steals focus from toolbar Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Toolbar button command steals focus from toolbar, moving it into editor.

To reproduce:

  • Open editor sample
  • Focus editing area
  • Press ALT+F10
  • Press SHIFT+TAB 2 times (focus Show Blocks)
  • Press Space

Result: Focus is inside editor

Expected result: Focus shouldn't change

Correct me if i'm wrong, but from keyboard navigation perspective (which i'm addicted to) focus stealing is one of most frustrating issues.

#4357 Paste dialog might hang in IIS Review+ Bug closed Normal

If IIS is configured to process html files as asp pages, the paste dialog generates a server error and never ends loading as described in

The patch just fixes the problem easily.

(I'll add the what's new changes if the patch gets review+)

#4358 List properties dialog box is missing Confirmed Review+ Minh Nguyen New Feature closed Normal

The properties for bulleted/numbered lists are missing (this feature is available in FCKeditor: when you click on a list, a "Bulleted List Properties" / "Numbered List Properties" item is available in the context menu).

The issue was reported here:

#4368 borderColor table cell attribute doesn't work for none-IE Confirmed Review+ Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal

borderColor table cell attribute doesn't work for none-IE. It's generated by table cell properties dialog.

Instead corresponding css style should be used.

#4369 Changes from #3633 needs to be located in correct place Confirmed Review+ Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal

Changes from #3633 needs to be located in correct place, which is CKEDITOR.dom.element object.

#4376 Contents already be removed in <noembed></noembed> section. IE8 IE7 Bug confirmed Normal

In FCKeditor 2.6.4, I insert a Flash object tag into editor with "Source" mode, and I switch to "WYSIWYG" editing mode, and switch to "Source" again, the content in <noembed></noembed> inside the EMBED tag will be removed automatically.

How to reproduce:

  1. In editor, switch to "Source" mode by click Source button on toolbar.
  2. Paste the following code:
<embed autostart="false" showstatusbar="1" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-mplayer2" height="310" width="365" src="FileDownLoad/VideoFile/Video/Test.wmv"><noembed>THIS CONTENT WILL BE REMOVED.</noembed></embed>
  1. Click "Source" button again to switch to normal mode.
  2. Click "Source" button to view source, you can notice <noembed></noembed>, the content already be removed automatically like this:
<embed autostart="false" showstatusbar="1" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-mplayer2" height="310" width="365" src="FileDownLoad/VideoFile/Video/Test.wmv"><noembed></noembed></embed>
#4386 [IE] Source button label mispositioned when in toolbar group IE Bug closed Normal

IE quirks only. Source button label mispositioned when in toolbar group with any other button.

Refer to attached screenshot. This probably concerns all buttons with labels.

#4387 Right clicking in Kama skin can lead to a javascript error Confirmed Review+ Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal

This in turn would then stop any toolbar buttons working that opened a dialog window.

Bug was chased down to iterating over an array in the Kama skin javascript file (patch attached)

#4397 Ambiguous page scroll Firefox Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Ticket migrated from forum thread.

I have several CKEditor windows on a single page; they are invoked by a simple "ckeditor" style selector. Unexpectedly, after all plugin instances get initialized, page spontaneously scrolls to the lowest editor window (not smooth scrolling but a single-jump).

Reported to be FF only issue.

#4399 return caption/alt text to Image plugin from file browser Confirmed Review+ Wiktor Walc New Feature closed Normal

at the moment, the filebrowser plugin only appears to set the image url in the image plugin.

however, some file browsers also allow captions to be set on their images (for example, sending back caption text stored within the image file itself).

it would be nice to select an image using a filebrowser plugin and have the image plugin fill in the Alt text from the retrieved caption.

#4401 Link removeContents of upload tab not working Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Whe using the function below, the LINK dialog isn't shown anymore (javascript error). Comment out the line "dialogDefinition.removeContents( 'upload' );" and everything works again.

CKEDITOR.on( 'dialogDefinition', function( ev ) {
	var dialogName =;
	var dialogDefinition =;
	if ( dialogName == 'link' )	{
		dialogDefinition.removeContents( 'advanced' );
		dialogDefinition.removeContents( 'upload' );
#4415 Bundled plugins should not be included in the distribution Confirmed Review+ Wiktor Walc Bug closed Normal

First of all #3855 must be fixed, then: why are the compressed plugins distributed?

If they are merged into ckeditor.js they are just a waste of space as they will never be loaded and being compressed makes them no interesting at all.

If any plugin that it's compressed it's deleted it will make the distribution a little smaller and people won't waste time trying to understand them instead of looking at _source.

If the reason is about people repackaging their build, it should work with _source because sometimes they might want to modify some little code in some of the plugins.

At the very least: as most of them aren't needed, people should be able to easily know what they can delete before deploying CKEditor to the production server.

#4445 Support callback param for CKEDITOR.editor::setData Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao New Feature closed Normal

In order to comply with the asynchronous nature of 'setData' in wysiwyg mode, the user need to listen for a internal "contentDom" event for the very early access to a fully loaded document, we should provide a simpler form API like editor.setData( data, callback ).

Correspondingly, the 'afterSetData' event which already existed now should be fired right before we invoke this callback function, so user could make their choice between these two approaches.

#4450 Setting column paragraph alignment generates spurious <P>'s before table IBM Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Open nightly sample
  2. Add a table with default values
  3. Populate table with text values in each cell
  4. Select multiple columns
  5. Apply paragraph alignment (e.g. centered)
  6. Go to source

Expected result: the columns will have their content aligned as selected in step 5.

Actual result: the columns are aligned as expected, but spurious <p style="text-align: center;">&nbsp;</p> tags are added before the table

Tested on FF 3.0.14

#4455 Unable to start editing when image inside document not loaded Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

If there's large image inside the editing document, the wysiwyg mode will be totally freezed while the image is loading.
Not sure if we could try to initialize the editing document a little bit earlier than 'onload', namely the 'onDomReady' technique.

#4459 CKEditor maximized appears below select element in IE6 Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

To reproduce, add

<select name="foo"><option value="bar">bar</option></select>


<label for="editor1">

in replacebycode sample.

In IE6 when CKEditor is maximized, select box appears above CKEditor. It works correctly in FF or IE8 (select box is invisible and only there is only CKEditor on the whole screen).

#4461 Combo boxes make the toolbar be heigher with Office2003 skin & RTL mode on IE Oracle Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

when adding combobox to the toolbar, the line is getting heighr and the background is being duplicated. it happens with the Office 2003 skin with RTL mode and IE6 & 8, couldn't check on 7.
to reproduce:
generate an editor with a toolbar containes, for example, FontSize or TextColor. also make sure you are using Office2003 skin and RTL mode. then, look at the toolbar and notice that the row is bigger and there is a start of a new background just underneath.
*attached an image to explain.

#4463 V3 : Inline CSS support Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao New Feature closed Normal

With FCKeditor we're able to include the plain CSS for some configuration options directly in the configuration file, avoiding having CSS files being downloaded. This can be used by the skin and the content area CSS, for example. This feature is to be ported to V3.

#4467 Wrong code for using custom icon in context menu Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

Reported with solution here by gergoe

#4473 editor.dataProcessor.dataFilter.addRules() doesnt work for same multiple elements Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

I tried to create custom plugin, that deals with div fake object, so i added some code to parse blocks presented as fake object correctly:

afterInit : function( editor )
			var dataProcessor = editor.dataProcessor,
				dataFilter = dataProcessor && dataProcessor.dataFilter;
			if ( dataFilter )
					elements :
						div : function( element )
							return editor.createFakeParserElement( element, 'cke_myclass', 'div', false );

		requires : [ 'fakeobjects' ]

The problem about it, is that exception of undefined variable is thrown when editor loads. Apparently, it only happens if pagebreak plugin is active (so another rule for DIV element is registered). But if you disable pagebreak plugin: config.removePlugins = 'pagebreak', it works just fine.

#4476 inaccessible bullet created when adding bullet at higher level and pressing enter twice Confirmed IE Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

We noticed a problem in fckeditor , when creating bullets with multiple levels , and then trying to add a bullet in the middle :

If we have bullets on a higher level , and press enter twice on a bullet on that level , it creates a bullet on a lower level , which cannot be accessed.

Steps to reproduce :

  1. create 3 bullets with some text , on the same level
  2. go to the second bullet , press enter , to add a bullet in the middle
  3. on new bullet , press indent , to make it raise a level
  4. type some text and create 3 bullets at that level
  5. go to the second bullet at that level and press enter, which creates a bullet in the middle there
  6. press enter again, on that new bullet

If you do that , it will create a bullet at a higher level , but you can't type anything at this , and you can only remove it by removing everything around the bullet.

#4477 Missing th in objectElements of styles plugin Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

table, td and even tr is there, but th is missing.

Other related elements are caption, thead, tbody and tfoot.

If I figure what's the use of that object I'll provide a patch.

#4478 Select all not enabled in source mode Confirmed Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo New Feature closed Normal

In FCKeditor 2. it was possible in Source mode to select all the code by pressing the "Select all" button, but now it's disabled

#4479 Styles combo is not "active" until it's clicked Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

When the editor is loaded, the Styles combo doesn't react to changes in the content because it doesn't load the styles definition file until it's clicked, so it doesn't reflect the style of the current selection.

After the combo is clicked once and the definition file is loaded then it behaves normally.

#4480 Table dialog generates wrong scope attribute for headers Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

The logic for generating the scope attribute in the table dialog has some bugs. The patch fixes them.

#4481 stylesCombo_stylesSet doesn't work for full url Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

The code tries to split the configuration entry based on ':' and get a maximum of 2 splitted blocks, but the way that split() works is just ignoring the rest, not putting everything in the second value.

So using

	config.stylesCombo_stylesSet = 'default:'

means that it will try to load a file from the "http" url

This could have been avoided easily choosing any other separator as long as it isn't a valid part of a url.

The patch provides a solution without changing the separator, because although no one is able to use the full url setting, some people might have used the name:relative url syntax.

#4487 FCKEditor 2.6.5 Does Not work with Safari 3.2.1 Confirmed Safari Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

I just updated to FCKEditor 2.6.5 to fix a height issue with Safari 4, but now Safari 3.2.1 doesn't display anything in the editor -- I also can't type anything in there.

This was working without any problems on both versions of Safari before the update. I'm using the replace text field method in case it helps. Don't hesitate to email me for more information.

#4488 CKPackager: post increment does not check whether space is needed Confirmed Review+ Wiktor Walc Bug closed Normal

The following snipped get broken by the packager:

if(a==b)c++;else d++;

Space between else and d is lost.

#4498 Tooltip is required for the collapse/expand control Oracle Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

No tooltip is available for the collapse/expand toolbar control.Please provide it.

#4511 'cssFloat'/'styleFloat' problem break dt/core/dom/element.html IE Confirmed Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

IE8 has fixed 'cssFloat' style property which preserving the 'styleFloat' for backward compatibility, which induce our feature detection logic:

var cssFloat = ( typeof test.cssFloat != 'undefined' ) ? 'cssFloat'
	: ( typeof test.styleFloat != 'undefined' ) ? 'styleFloat'
	: 'float';

#4512 TC from dt/plugins/styles is broken because of semicolon fixing Safari Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Extra semicolons get introduced due to the following codes:

for ( var style in stylesDef )
 stylesText += style + ':' + stylesDef[ style ] + ';';
#4513 Link selection - not always correct Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal


When I create a link in CKEditor 3.0 and want to edit it, there are several methods of selecting the link - i.e. double-click it or a simple click. They all work fine.

But if I click on the left side of a link, holding down the mouse-button, mark it to the right side of the link, release the button and then click "edit" - the URL field is always empty.

in almost all browsers - Firefox, 3.5 or IE 8 for example, I can see this behaviour.


#4514 Editor edit area disables on back button Firefox Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Environment - Firefox 3.5.3 on Mac OSX Leopard

This is reproducible in the samples, specifically replacebyclass.html

  • open up the sample html in FireFox
  • now go to another site like google
  • then, click back button so your back on the sample
  • you are now unable to click in the edit area until you toggle view source
#4517 [IE6] config 'dialog_backgroundCoverColor' doesn't apply IE6 Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Even the style has been correctly applied to the cover div, it doesn't work in IE6.

#4518 [IE]Unable to open dialog without editor focus Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Focus should be given to editor for any dialogCommand.

#4519 [IE]Unable to maximize without editor focus IE Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

JavaScript error thrown when execute 'maximize' command without editor focus in IE.

#4521 [IE] Tab key to dialog buttons shift their position IE Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal


IE7 Standards mode


  1. Open 'link' dialog;
  2. Tab through the dialog fields until reach 'Ok' button;
  3. Actual result:
    • All buttons position at the bottom of dialog now shift left.
#4522 [IE] Unable to redo on inserted element + typing IE Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal


IE6/IE7 (IE8 works well)


  1. Focus the editor;
  2. Open the 'Smiley' dialog and insert an icon;
  3. Start typing a few words;
  4. Press 'Undo' button or 'Ctrl-Z' key;
  • Actual Result: Typed words are removed;
  1. Press 'Undo' button or 'Ctrl-Z' key again;
  • Expected Result: Icon is removed.
  • Actual Result: Unable to remove the icon, even 'Undo' button is enable there.
#4527 Checkbox command generates invalid HTML Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

According to W3 spec: (value of attribute "checked" cannot be "true"; must be one of "checked"), the following code is wrong:

<input checked="true" name="sdfs" type="checkbox" value="sdf" />

Instead of checked="true" we should generate checked="checked".

#4530 Opera: context menu doesn't work Confirmed Opera Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Confirmed on Opera 10.0/Vista and Opera 9.64/XP.

Context menu works fine in FCKeditor/CKFinder in the same browser.

#4536 [IE] Keyboard navigation doesn't work on float panel with Quirks IBM IE Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

In quirks, the focus is not gained on float panel, so all keyboard navigations are lost.

#4542 Cannot access Ok/Cancel buttons using tab key Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Confirmed on:

Safari 4.0/Vista, Opera 10.0/Vista, Opera 9.64/XP


  1. Open 'Image' dialog
  2. Tab through the dialog fields until reach 'Ok' button (actually it's impossible, read below)
  3. Actual result:
  • cannot access "Ok" and "Cancel" buttons, instead the whole editor is highlighted and cursor is positioned in the editing area
#4543 Unable to move cursor between hr and table Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
  1. Load an editor with the following content and selection:
    <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width: 200px;">
    <hr />
  2. Try to move cursor after table by press 'Right Arrow' key;
  • Actual Result: It's impossible to move cursor exactly after the table and before the HR. (For IE, even worse, lots of dummp paragraph generated at the end of this document)

#4544 [IE] Backspace handler on table/floated element doesn't work IE Bug closed Normal
  1. Load an editor with the following content and selection:
    <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width: 200px;">
  2. Try to select the whole table by clicking at the border of it;
  3. Press 'Backspace';
  • Actual Result: The default behavior of browser backward button is triggered.
#4546 uiColor creates wrong css-code when editor-id contains colons Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

if you replace your textarea with an editor using uiColor and the textarea id contains an colon (famous in jsf-applications), the generated css-code doesn't work.

Patch for setUiColor: replace s='#cke_'+m.replace('.','
.') with s='#cke_', '

#4548 Fake comment plugin Confirmed Review- Garry Yao New Feature closed Normal

A fake comment plugin that displays HTML comments with specified pattern as placeholders.

#4549 Make the querystring "anti-cache" feature configurable Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao New Feature closed Normal

The anti-cache feature we have in the editor is generally useful, but may also be an issue on certain cases (as commented in our blog).

To give the proper level of flexibility, we could make this feature configurable, so one could decide to not use it. We'll probably need a global variable for that, like "CKEDITOR_NO_ANTI_CACHE".

#4552 Float panel menu will not respond after the editor instance is re-created. IBM Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

check '_samples/ajax.html' (this is from your current distribution)

  1. Create an editor instance.
  2. Click the toolbar buttons such as 'text color' or 'font size' and select something in the float panel menu.
  3. Destroy the editor instance.
  4. Create a new editor instance.
  5. Then the toolbar buttons do not respond when clicked.

Firefox 3.5.3
Windows XP

#4553 checkDirty() returns 'true' when there is no change in context Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

please find the enclosed.

Once an editor is created, just click the editing area, then the checkDirty() returns 'true' even though no change was made.

In other words, the context is empty with code <textarea></textarea>, but checkDirty() returns 'true' nonetheless.

FireFox 3.5.3 Windows XP

#4555 Memory Leak Confirmed Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

Check '_samples/ajax.html' from your current distribution

Repeat creating and destroying editor instances, then the browser takes more and more memory. Even after some time, the browsers still does not free the memory.

IE 8 takes roughly 5MB of memory for each editor instance even after the instance has been destroyed.

FireFox 3.5 takes about 1.2MB of memory for each instance.

Windows XP

#4561 [IE] Unable to edit link when select the entire <a> IE Bug closed Normal
  1. Open the 'replace by class' sample page, click inside the link with text 'CKEditor';
  2. Click the 'a' tag on the elementpath bar.
  3. Open 'Link' dialog;
  • Actual Result: The link info is not appearing in the dialog fields.
#4567 IE8 In source view pres backspace throw error on page Confirmed IE Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

After update to ckeditor 3.0.1 when i delete text in source view in IE error on page is throw but editor work. It is see on demo page

#4573 Ignore empty paragraph doesn't work with config.enties = false; Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal


config.entities = false;
config.ignoreEmptyParagraph = true;

Click editor area. > Empty paragraph gets created. > Change to source view. > Paragraph exists > change back to wysiwyg.

Submit form in wysiwyg mode and the empty paragraph exists in submitted data (since paragraph ends with &nbsp; character not html entity).

#4574 V3: Table merging tools Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao New Feature closed Normal

CKEditor misses the merging tools for table cells that are present on V2.

#4577 link dialog breaks relative urls like href="foo" Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

when you use the link dialog on a link like href="foo" then click OK (without changing anything) the link changes to: href="http://foo"

This corrupts the page.

I solved this by changing the default protocol to "other". If you want to keep http:// as the default, you'll need to update the code that populates the link dialog, so if there's a href with a value, but no protocol, it sets the "protocol" dropdown to "other".

You can reproduce this bug by:

1) go to

2) select a word, click the link icon

3) set the protocol to "other" and the url to "foo"

4) click OK.

5) hit "source" and see that the href="foo"

6) click source again to go back to the normal view

7) click your link, and hit the "link" button again.

8) See that the "protocol" dropdown is now set to "http://" (which is incorrect)

9) without changing anything, click "OK"

10) click the "source" button, and see that your link now has: href="http://foo" (which is incorrect)

#4583 Popup Window Name field is populated with Target Frame Name value. IBM Confirmed Review+ Minh Nguyen Bug closed Normal
  1. Open Link dialog.
  2. Go to the Target tab.
  3. Set the Target field to the "Same Window" option. The Target Frame Name is populated with "_self"
  4. Change the Target field to the "<popup window>" option. The Popup Window Name field is automatically populated with "_self".

Expected result: The Popup Window Name field should be empty. As _self specifies that the current window be replaced with the URL it does not cause a popup window.

#4584 Updated link Target field is not updating when updating to certian values. IBM Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
  1. Open the Link dialog.
  2. Enter a URL.
  3. Go to the Target tab and set the Target field to "New Window".
  4. Click OK to save and close the dialog.
  5. Select the link in the editor and open the Link dialog to edit the link.
  6. Go to the Target tab and update the Target field to "<not set>".
  7. Click OK to save and close the dialog.

Expected result:
The Target field has been updated to "<not set>".

Actual result:
Open the link dialog and goto the Target tab. Observe that the Target field remains set to "New Window".

This only occurs for specific combinations of original and updated values. See the attached file for test cases.

#4587 Implement fullpage support in preview plugin Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao New Feature closed Normal

As we've introduced full page support at #4067, preview plugin should be affected.

#4594 Context menu goes off-screen when mouse is at right had side of screen. IBM Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Create an editor instance that spans the with of the screen. Move the mouse to the right hand side of the editor and right click. Observe the context menu is partially rendered off screen. See attached screen shot. The context menu should be rendered to the left of the mouse.

Scroll bars are rendered so it can be accessed if the user moves to the right.

#4596 Image Reset Size and Lock Ratio icons not visible in high contrast mode. IBM Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Turn on High Contrast: [XP] Open Control Panel and click on Accessibility Options. Click on the Display tab and select the "Use High Contrast".

In an editor instance open the Image dialog. The Lock Ratio and Reset Size icons are not visible.

#4597 [IE] DispHTMLAttributeCollection doesn't have getAttribute() method Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

At line.726 of dom/element.js, it calls getAttribute method of thisAttribs(instance of DispHTMLAttributeCollection), but it fails. Instead, item() method should be used.

if ( ( ! || ( attribute.specified && attribute.nodeName != '_cke_expando' ) )
 && attribute.nodeValue != thisAttribs.getAttribute( attribute.nodeName ) )

To reproduce this error,

  • Add following settings to config.js
    CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config )
        config.coreStyles_bold = 
    		element : 'span',
    		attributes	: { 'class' : 'foo' },
    		overrides : 'b'
        config.coreStyles_italic =
    		element : 'span',
    		attributes	: { 'class' : 'bar' },
    		overrides : 'i'
  • Open any sample page of CKEditor
  • Type some text in editor
  • Select these text
  • Click 'B'(bold) button from the toolbar
  • Click 'I'(italic) button from the toolbar twice
#4603 Unable to disable sub menu items Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

The following form of menu item status definition doesn't work at all in submenu of contextmenu:

getItems : function()
	return {
		tablecell_insertBefore : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
		tablecell_insertAfter : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
		tablecell_delete : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
#4606 AutoGrow plugin Confirmed Review+ Sa'ar Zac Elias New Feature closed Normal

Port AutoGrow plugin to v3.

#4609 [FF2 FF3] Flash object is missing IBM Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Using the ajax sample in either Firefox 2 or 3.

  1. Click the Create Editor button.
  2. Click the Flash button to open the Flash dialog.
  3. Enter the URL for the flash object and click OK
  4. Enter some text after the flash object.
  5. Click the Remove Editor button.
  6. Click the Create Editor button.
  7. Right click on the flash object and select Flash Properties from the context menu.
  8. Update a property in the General or Properties tab and click OK.
  9. Click the Remove Editor button.

The flash object is missing. Click the Create Editor button and observe the flash object within the editor.

#4611 Bug when insert SELECT in a form Confirmed IE Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

When i insert a HTML/Form/Select in page i have an javascript error Message "nodeValue.length is null or isn't an object."

This message appear after insert the select (Click ok on the dialog Select Popup) and the popup dialog not close

I have the same bug in your site with the demo page "Editor with all features"

IE 6 & 7

#4612 Link text is not updated when link protocol is changed IBM Review+ Minh Nguyen New Feature closed Normal
  1. Click on the Link button to open the Link dialog.
  2. Enter a URL, for example
  3. Choose https:// for the protocol and click OK.
  4. Observe that the link is displayed as
  5. Right click on the link and open the Link dialog.
  6. Update the protocol to ftp:// and click OK
  7. Observe that the link text remains as

If you view the HTML source you can see that the link text has not updated:

<a href=""></a>
#4614 Attribute protection fails because of line-break Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

It's quite a serious bug that our "href" protection logic leaks when we have the following form of input:

<!-- line break after tag name -->
href="" ></a>
#4615 Dialog fields are disrupted in RTL mode and IE IE Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal

To reproduce:
go to the "multi-language interface" demo and choose Hebrew or Arabic (both languages are in RTL mode).
open the link dialog.
focus on the URL field, and notice that the marker is getting out of the box a bit to the right. write something and notice that the first character is also getting out of the box.

#4617 some of the Align field's options' captions are being amputated in IE IE Bug confirmed Normal

to reproduce:
open the "multi-language interface" demo and choose a language that has long caption in the align field (Hebrew or Hungarain for example).
open the image dialog.
open the "align" text box to see all the options. notice that some of them are being amputated.

#4618 [IE] the onbeforeunload event of the parent document is being triggered when inserting icon Confirmed IE Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

attaching an example for it. just insert an icon and watch.
notice that when pressing either OK or Cancel the page itself doesn't change.

#4621 Clicking table sometimes generates anothor empty table Confirmed Webkit IE Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
  • Open CKEditor demo page
  • Ctrl+A and remove all the contents
  • Click 'table' icon from the toolbar
  • Just click OK, and then table with 2x3 cells will added to editor area
  • Click table border to select the table
  • Click just below the table
  • Then, <table> element with no row or column is added there
    • It looks like a horizontal line in WYSIWYG mode
#4622 Pasting table twice will corrupt undo buffer Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
  • Open CKEditor demo
  • Select the table at the right side
  • Copy the table by Ctrl+C or by the toolbar icon
  • Paste the table anywhere in the editor
  • Paste it on another place again
  • Undo by Ctrl+Z or by the toolbar icon
  • Undo again, then the 1st table pasted will remain still.
#4625 CK Editor stays visible when parent DIV is hidden Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Place a CK Editor inside of a DIV. Change the visibility style of the enclosing DIV to "hidden". Enclosing DIV hides itself, but the CK Editor stays visible. Tested in FireFox 3.5.

If you change the "display" CSS property of the enclosing DIV to "none", the CK Editor does properly go away.

Hiding the editor in some way is very useful, for example, when dragging and dropping an area of the screen that may contain an editor instance. You may want to hide the editor during the drag or hide the entire source area.

#4632 Page break does not work in IE8 Confirmed Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

On the demo web page,, insert a page break anywhere and print the page. The page break does not cause a page break when printed. The same issue occurs in FCK 2.6.5. Did not try in other browsers.

#4637 Table cells' 'nowrap' attribute is not loaded to cell property dialog IBM Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

I tried with Japanese and also with French and Spanish.

to reproduce

  • Open CKEditor demo
  • Click 'Multi-language interface'
  • Select language other than English
  • Right-click on a table cell, select 'Cell Properties' from context menu.
  • Set 'Word Wrap' to 'No'
  • Click 'OK' to close the dialog
  • Open 'Cell Properties' dialog again, 'Word Wrap' is showing 'Yes'.
#4640 Small optimizations in the fileBrowser plugin Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

At the bottom, the elements that are reused can be declared as local variables so it's a little clearer and it will compress a little further (sorry, I still don't have installed here any SVN to provide a diff)

	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'filebrowser',
		init : function( editor, pluginPath )
			editor._.filebrowserFn = setUrl, editor );

			CKEDITOR.on( 'dialogDefinition', function( evt )
				var definition =, 
				// Associate filebrowser to elements with 'filebrowser' attribute.
				for ( var i in definition.contents )
					element = definition.contents[ i ] ;
					attachFileBrowser( evt.editor,, definition, element.elements );
					if ( element.hidden && element.filebrowser )
						element.hidden =
							!isConfigured( definition, element[ 'id' ], element.filebrowser );
			} );
	} );

In the isConfigured I think that the last line can be also optimized to avoid repeated function calls: Turn

		return ( definition.getContents( tabId ).get( elementId ).filebrowser && 
				 definition.getContents( tabId ).get( elementId ).filebrowser.url );


		var elementFileBrowser = definition.getContents( tabId ).get( elementId ).filebrowser;
		return ( elementFileBrowser && elementFileBrowser.url );
#4642 Invalid HTML causes infinite loop in IE Confirmed Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

This bug was introduced here:

In IE, paste the following content in the source mode:

<p id="1"><strong></span></p>
<p id="2"><strong></span></p>
<p id="3"><strong></span></p>
<p id="4"><strong></span></p>
<p id="5"><strong></span></p>
<p id="6"><strong></span></p>
<p id="7"><strong></span></p>
<p id="8"><strong></span></p>
<p id="9"><strong></span></p>
<p id="10"><strong></span></p>
<p id="11"><strong></span></p>
<p id="12"><strong></span></p>
<p id="13"><strong></span></p>
<p id="14"><strong></span></p>
<p id="15"><strong></span></p>
<p id="16"><strong></span></p>
<p id="17"><strong></span></p>
<p id="18"><strong></span></p>
<p id="19"><strong></span></p>
<p id="20"><strong></span></p>
<p id="21"><strong></span></p>
<p id="22"><strong></span></p>

then switch back to wysiwyg, press source button again - IE hangs and enters an infinite loop, after a while it asks whether script execution should be stopped.

The problem is caused by FCKXHtml._RemoveXHtmlJobProperties() function in fckxhtml_ie.js.

#4647 Image info doesn't fill up dialog when open from context menu IE Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
  1. Open the 'replace by class' sample page in IE6, load the editor with following content and selection:
    	<p style="width:200px">[<img src="" />]</p>
  2. Right click to open context menu and select 'Image';
  • Actual Result: The 'Url' field is empty in opened dialog.
#4649 The new color picker is not keyboard accessible Confirmed IBM Review+ Garry Yao New Feature closed Normal

The color picker dialog that allows the user to set the table cell background and border color is not keyboard accessible.

#4650 Can not select image when navigating text with arrow keys. IBM Confirmed Review? Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
  1. Add some text, insert an image, and add some more text after the image.
  2. Using the left arrow key move the cursor back to select the image.

Observe that the cursor by-passes the image an moves to the text before the image. This prevents the user from opening the image context menu using the keyboard.

#4651 [FF] Deleted and Inserted text styles being rendered IBM Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Using the Ajax sample.

  1. Create an editor instance.
  2. Insert some text.
  3. Select the text and apply the "Deleted Text" style.

Observe that the text does not change.

When you remove the editor from the page the text remains the same. The text does get surrounded by del elements. It may be due to the fact that del and ins elements are not allowed to contain block elements when they are used like inline elements.

#4654 Default label for rich combo doesn't work Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Specifically, CKEDITOR.config.font_defaultLabel and fontSize_defaultLabel is not working at all.

#4661 Translation missing in link dialog Confirmed Review+ Minh Nguyen Bug closed Normal

On line 302 in _source/plugins/link/dialogs/link.js there is missing av translation key.

(The text "other" should be possible to translate)

		id : 'protocol',
		type : 'select',
		label : editor.lang.common.protocol,
		'default' : 'http://',
		style : 'width : 100%;',
		items :		
			[ 'http://' ],
			[ 'https://' ],
			[ 'ftp://' ],
			[ 'news://' ],
			[ '<other>', '' ]

#4665 [IE] Behavior for pasting from Excel is changed in 'pasting' branch Confirmed Review? Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

I tried the new pasting feature listed in #4379, and I found that the behavior is changed when I copy & paste from Excel.

Before, the borders of Excel cell was reflected in the CKEditor, but in the pasting branch, borders are no more copied.

#4666 IE - selection is not visible when context menu is opened IBM WorksForMe IE Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

To reproduce:

  • select some text
  • right-click your mouse to open the context menu

Result: selection is not visible (but if you choose "copy", the content is copied properly).

This bug does not occur in FCKeditor. Confirmed in IE6, IE7 and IE8.

#4667 SCAYT autoloading with multiple editors fails HasPatch, Review? Bug closed Normal

If you are using SCAYT and have two or more editors on a page, the setting FCKConfig.ScaytAutoStartup = true will error on all but one of the editors. All other editors will not allow you to enable SCAYT and you will receive the error, "SCAYT is not ready." If FCKConfig.ScaytAutoStartup is set to false, then each editor can be manually set to enabled with no issue. This error ONLY occurs when the autostartup is set to true.

#4672 Undo not removing added horizontal line IBM Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
  1. Enter some text.
  2. Click the Insert Horizontal Line button.
  3. Click the Undo button.

Observe that the horizontal line is not removed. Continuously clicking the Undo button will eventually remove the horizontal line.

#4673 Undo not available straight away if shift key is used to enter first character. IBM Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

When entering some text into the editor use the shift key to capitalize the first character. Observe that the Undo button is not active until about 15 characters have been entered.

#4676 Editing tables using table properties dialog overwrites table's style values IBM Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

When a table is edited using the table properties dialog, its style attribute is overwritten with values from the dialog, including those style values that the table dialog does not manage, e.g. float, background-color etc.


  1. Create a default table
  2. Edit the table in source mode and add background-color
    <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="background-color: red; width: 200px;">
  3. Go back to WYSIWYG mode and edit the table properties, leave default values and press OK.

Notice that the table's styles have been reset.

#4677 Keyboard navigation problem with tabs in image dialog Confirmed IBM Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

To Reproduce the Issue on the Link Tab.

Open the CK Editor.
Access the Tool bar by Pressing(ALT+F10)
Navigate to Insert Image Icon.
Press Enter.
on the Insert Image Light Box Navigate to Link Tab by Pressing Alt+F10 and then Press Tab
Press Enter.

Actual result: Focus is going no where..The User has to Press Tab twice in order for the Focus to go back in to the First Field.which is URL Text JAWS is not Reading any thing until the User Press the Tab Key Twice..This will confuse the User whether he is on the Light Box..or the Focus has gone out of the Window.

This will also happen when you Reach the Cancel Link and then we have to Press Tab Twice in order for the Focus to go back to URL Text Field..

Expected result: Focus should go to the URL Text Field and JAWS should Read URL Edit Type and the User can Understand that there is an Input Text box.

#4678 Table dialog should provide empty value for width IBM Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

The table dialog sets a default width always. There is no way to allow the user to modify the other parameters of the table without setting an explicit width.

The table dialog should have a 'not set' value for the table width and this should be selected by default if the user is editing a table that has no width set.

#4682 Content of any tag with width or height property is not editable in IE7 and IE8 Confirmed Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

When creating a div with width (in source mode), the content of the div is not editable in the WYSIWYG mode. Code for example:

<div style="width: 300px">
		1234<br />

Also checked on the Nightly build (current ver: 4483) Firefox doesn't seem to have this bug.

#4683 CKEDITOR.dom.element attribute containing " (double quotation mark) breaks basicWriter HTML output Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal


element.setAttribute( 'onclick', 'document.location="/products/fa-3819";' );

Expected HTML output:


Generated HTML output:


(I use textarea replacement mode in my setup.)

DOM handling functions like setAttribute/getAttribute are expected to handle values as literals. All the required string processing should be made by the underlying framework.

I think the problem affects only CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter. CKEDITOR.dom.element and its setAttribute implementation has nothing to do with the problem.

See: /core/htmlparser/basicwriter.js Line 61-64:

		 * Writes an attribute. This function should be called after opening the
		 * tag with {@link #openTagClose}.
		 * @param {String} attName The attribute name.
		 * @param {String} attValue The attribute value.
		 * @example
		 * // Writes ' class="MyClass"'.
		 * writer.attribute( 'class', 'MyClass' );
		attribute : function( attName, attValue )
			this._.output.push( ' ', attName, '="', attValue, '"' );

Please add proper escaping for attributes. ( is not applicable since it leaves double quotes untouched in Firefox)
"Some authors use the character entity reference "&quot;" to encode instances of the double quote mark (") since that character may be used to delimit attribute values."

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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