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Results (1 - 100 of 749)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#34 Unify the code to preprocess and posprocess the html Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo New Feature Normal General
#2037 Additional debug function Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo New Feature Normal General
#3502 Update testcase for styles plugin Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Task Normal QA
#3629 typos and lint fixes Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug Normal General
#5365 Undocumented options for the link dialog Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Task Normal QA
#7216 Create separate plugin for contentEditable=false Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Task Normal Core : Read-only
#10713 Capitalization of "true" in contenteditable makes CKEditor to not load. Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal General
#3936 SCAYT customer ID Artur Formella Task Normal CKEditor 3.0 UI : Spell Checker
#14629 IE11/EDGE: extra SPAN gets added everytime Find dialog identifies the word in the editor beata_delura Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it) General
#2606 Deleting a button (Safari) adds text-align: center to remaining contents Dmiry Polyakov Bug Normal General
#170 An easy way to add our own links to the toolbar, insert text where the caret is positioned Frederico Caldeira Knabben New Feature Normal General
#7777 [FF4] Place cursor between text, apply any style: cursor drops Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug Normal Core : Styles
#9746 Scrolling up causes graphic bug with editor borders. Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug Normal UI : Skins
#3012 plugin:format 'h1' font too big to display Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.0 General
#3016 V3: New Unit Tests Garry Yao Task Normal QA
#3709 Selected text stays selected when switch to source view and back Garry Yao New Feature Normal General
#3863 DevTool - autoChangelog Garry Yao New Feature Normal General
#4036 [IE] Insert select control is causing error Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.0 Core : Styles
#5004 Create accessibility plugin Garry Yao New Feature Normal Accessibility
#5011 CKEditor should provide a common way to registry/config the lang file Garry Yao Bug Normal General
#5681 'menubutton' force focus Garry Yao Bug Normal UI : Context Menu
#5774 [IE6] Memory Leak revisited Garry Yao Bug Normal General
#7160 Cannot "paste" the form element on top of the page Garry Yao Bug Normal Core : Selection
#7260 node.js -> getParents performance poor Garry Yao Bug Normal Performance
#8988 with JAWS: Focus not shown when you navigate menu options Garry Yao Bug Normal Accessibility
#4627 dropdown menu as you type in the editor Garry Yao New Feature Normal General
#10366 IE: Resize handles appear on top of context menu IE Oracle Bug Low General
#16588 [Safari] Failing test in core/dom/element and plugins/font due to vendor issue kkrzton Bug Normal General
#16962 Paste notifications not read by screen reader kkrzton Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it) General
#6378 Label for smiley can not be changed using Image properties dialog Martin Bug Normal General
#193 Hyperlink incorrect when pasting in Firefox Martin Kou Bug Normal FCKeditor 2.6 General
#236 Support for shared toolbar in a different frame Martin Kou Bug Normal FCKeditor 2.5 Beta General
#269 Javascript error: FCKTools.GetElementWindow(A) has no properties Martin Kou Bug Normal FCKeditor 2.6 General
#460 when putting style="border:1px solid black; border-top:0px" in an elemint, it puts a mozilla specific CSS attribute for one of the values Martin Kou Bug Normal General
#503 Unordered list paste: doesn't work correctly in IE Martin Kou Bug Normal General
#617 Table: TD should use style to set borderColor Martin Kou Bug Normal General
#703 FF: No context menu when right clicking a select component Martin Kou Bug Normal FCKeditor 2.6 UI : Context Menu
#1051 The Fckeditor paste command is not executed on using Command +V on Mac firefox Martin Kou Bug Normal FCKeditor 2.6 General
#1237 Shift+Enter doens't work at first time in an empty paragraph (IE) Martin Kou Bug Normal UI : Enter Key
#2307 RTL: Click on Link dialog tabs enlarge the dialog width Martin Kou Bug Normal UI : Dialogs
#2911 Make it possible for CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal() to load plugins not named "plugin.js" Martin Kou New Feature Must have (possibly next milestone) CKEditor 3.0 General
#2969 plugin:dialog Clicking on checkbox or radio button labels don't activate their associated button in IE. Martin Kou Bug Normal Accessibility
#3293 Table properties 2nd level menus do not show up in IE8 on Vista Martin Kou Bug Normal General
#12755 Provide an API to set editor as busy Marek Lewandowski New Feature Normal General
#1760 [Tag] use prependContextPath attribute where ever necessary Michael Osipov New Feature Normal FCKeditor.Java 2.4 Server : Java
#6241 [[IE]] some format is lost during paste Paweł Horzela Bug Normal Plugin : Paste from Word
#8261 jQuery adapter: allow to work with existing instances Piotr Jasiun New Feature Normal General
#12192 Caret disappears in Firefox Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal General
#9525 [Opera] Tab key based navigation - first tab always jumps to editor with tabIndex=1 Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal General
#9799 [IE9] unstable tests Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Low Core : Pasting
#6116 The contentEditable attribute is lost from textareas and inputs Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal General
#12508 divearea form Tomasz Jakut Bug Normal General
#13924 IE11 - Typing is slow after pasting for the second time into editor. Tomasz Jakut Bug Normal General
#3524 CKEditor Toolbar is missing the left and upper border Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.0 General
#3693 dom.element.getAttribute returns unnormalized style properties Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.0 General
#3762 Table alignment use of align attribute Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.0 General
#3850 [chrome] Combo inline labels are invisible in RTL Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal General
#3892 Resizing tables in Safari doesn't work with mouse Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.0 General
#4266 "New Page" button is not working when cursor is inside "Show Blocks" area Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal General
#4354 Using TAB key on toolbar focus disabled buttons Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.1 Accessibility
#4367 TAB / arrow keys focus disabled items in context menu Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.1 Accessibility
#6154 Unify wysiwygarea focus logic Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#1929 Transparent and image background problems, mostly MSIE7. sherry Bug Normal Core : Styles
#8438 Webkit changes strong tags to b when deleting formatted text. Webkit Bug Normal General
#2873 Server side integration - File Browser Wiktor Walc New Feature Normal File Browser
#3597 Usability improvements in CKReleaser Wiktor Walc New Feature Normal Project : CKPackager
#4693 Cannot run CKPackager jar on JDK 6 on Linux Wiktor Walc Bug Must have (possibly next milestone) Project : CKPackager
#24 Check if the proposed fix is valid Task Normal General
#44 Move the main script load code to FCKScriptLoader Task Normal General
#176 Unterminated A tags sometimes break paragraphs on save Bug Normal General
#185 .Value property vs .Text property New Feature Normal Server : ASP.Net
#232 New code for PHP classe of FCKeditor New Feature Normal Server : PHP
#368 No drag 'n drop into or out the editor area Bug Normal General
#572 Opera & Safari: The xml output of the connectors isn't show in the tests Bug Low General
#586 Custom tags New Feature Normal General
#600 Enhanced file/image explorer New Feature Normal General
#604 <P> and <BR> auto distinction New Feature Normal General
#619 Append to comment Task Normal General
#623 Contextual image upload New Feature Normal General
#641 Relative URL become absolute on copy & paste Bug Normal General
#684 [EK] Internet Explorer & Line Break Formatting Bug Normal General
#698 Anchors do not work in Firefox preview window Bug Normal General
#706 IE - Display issue with table select Bug Normal General
#711 Paste from Word broken in Firefox for Mac Bug Normal General
#733 P Tags added when all content is removed Bug Normal General
#746 Comments inside SELECT and OPTION tags. Bug Normal General
#748 [IE] Contents of div with styled width wrap incorrectly Bug Normal General
#749 Extra paragraph break after Tables within fixed-height cells Bug Normal General
#750 Comment tags around inline styles disable styles Bug Normal General
#760 Computer Locks up on paste Bug Normal General
#762 Outside Flash goes over the maximized editor Bug Normal General
#799 FF: Drag and drop (move) table does not work Bug Normal General
#819 XML Doctype New Feature Normal General
#824 Automatically resize images over a configurable dimensions New Feature Normal General
#830 KHTML Compatibility? New Feature Normal General
#838 rename "smiley" to "icon" New Feature Normal General
#843 Quick link creation New Feature Normal General
#846 Want width units preserved after dragging table/div borders New Feature Normal General
#848 Implement Marquee For Scrolling Text New Feature Normal General
#858 TrackChanges and show invisible elements New Feature Normal General
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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