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Results (1701 - 1800 of 2646)

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#5637 "<head> must be a child of <html>". Webkit warning Confirmed Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

That warning is shown while loading CKEditor, and a simple fix is proposed at

#5649 Image dialog too wide when many styles are set Oracle IE Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal

After setting various properties, like border, hspace, vspace etc. and switching to the advanced tab in IE7, the dialog expands too much (see screenshot).

Confirmed in IE6 and IE7.

#5651 Wrong button label apostrophe escaping Confirmed Review+ Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal
  • Descriptive summary : Apostrophes in button labels are replaced by "undefined" instead of empty string
  • Steps to reproduce : Found the bug by code-reading. I guess the effect of the bug should be as follows: Define a button with a label containing an apostrophe ("Bill's Button"). Open CKEditor with such a button in Firefox (version >= 10900). Hover over the button. The status bar reads: "void('Billundefineds Button')".
  • Browser name and OS : Firefox (version >= 10900).
  • Code Patch:

Replace '+' by ',' in button's plugin.js, line 137: svn\CKEditor\trunk\_source\plugins\button\plugin.js (revision 5259):

@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@

'<span class="cke_button">', '<a id="', id, '"' +

' class="', classes, '"',

env.gecko && env.version >= 10900 && !env.hc ? : '" href="javascript:void(\+ ( this.title + env.gecko && env.version >= 10900 && !env.hc ? : '" href="javascript:void(\+ ( this.title
).replace( "'"+ )+ '\')"',
).replace( "'", )+ '\')"',

' title="', this.title, '"' + ' tabindex="-1"' + ' hidefocus="true"' +

#5655 [IE] contentEditable:false doesn't work on tables IE Bug confirmed Normal

Putting contentEditable="false" on table doesn't prevent the table content from been editable, this works in all other browsers.

#5657 IE: The browser BACK button is not working properly Confirmed IE Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Regression. Confirmed with IE8:

  1. Load any page, like
  2. Load the replacebyclass sample in the same browser.
  3. Click the browser BACK button. Note that the editor contents disappear.
  4. Click the browser BACK button again. The previous page is loaded.

Expected results: the previous page should be loaded on step 3.

#5660 Error at blinkCursor after maximizing in Firefox Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Using the ajax sample in the 3.3 branch, after maximizing the editor it throws an error and the content can't be edited:

uncaught exception: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0xc1f30001 (NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED) [nsIDOMNSHTMLDocument.designMode]" nsresult: "0xc1f30001 (NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED)" location: "JS frame :: http://localhost/ckeditor/_source/plugins/wysiwygarea/plugin.js :: blinkCursor :: line 810" data: no]
#5663 General memory clean up after destroy of last editor Confirmed Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

This is a follow up of #4555

After talks with Fred and Garry, it seems that we can provide a generic memory clean up to free resources after the last instance of CKEditor is destroyed with just a few lines.

The idea of this patch is to clean up anything that might have been left around, but to avoid problems with pages that don't destroy all the editors we should keep the current protections.

#5667 Pasting in an RTL page causes the editor to scroll erratically Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Though reproducible in all browsers, the bug is most noticable in IE.

Steps to reproduce

  • Open a sample page in RTL mode.
  • Paste some content inside the editor.

Notice that the scrollbar behaves erratically. As long as you paste more data or faster, longer the time the scrollbar appears.
This bug does not occur in 3.2.1.

#5671 SCAYT core can be loaded on several times Confirmed Review+ Bug closed Normal

SCAYT core can be loaded on several times on one page, if other WISIWIG with SCAYT is present.

#5672 SCAYT core url and SCAYT logo url cane have different domains and protocols Confirmed Review+ Bug closed Normal
#5673 The TAB key must be hit twice to leave the editor Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

When trying to leave the editor with the TAB key, it must be hit twice. The first hit has no effect.

Confirmed with FF using the replacebycode sample. This is a regression.

#5674 SCAYT error on editor destroy Confirmed Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

Turn on scayt autostartup on sample page divreplace.html

Edit 1-st text block by double clicking, wait scayt run

Edit 2-nd text block:

error occurs:

plugin.getScayt() is null or not an object

#5675 [IE] Inconsistent undo when inserting HR and page break IE Bug closed Normal

The undo system is inconsistent when inserting HR and page break.

First scenario

  • Load the editor and place the caret at the beginning of the text.
  • Insert 2 HRs or page breaks.
  • Click undo once.

A new paragraph is created and the caret moves into it.

  • Click undo again.

The paragrpah is created and the caret goes to the expected location.

Second scenario

  • Load the editor and place the caret at the beginning of the text.
  • Insert 3 HRs.
  • Click undo once.

The caret is vanished.

  • Click undo again.

The caret is positioned near the HR.

  • Click undo again.

The caret is positioned correctly.

#5676 IE can't display <font color="RGB"> Confirmed Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

Found in #5024, if a color is defined as #F00, and the HTML sample is used, IE doesn't display the text as red, it must use #FF0000 to show the color.

The patch changes the color that it's generated expanding it to 6 places, the other option would be to change the default palette to define all colors as 6 places, but that would require to adjust also all the language files.

#5681 'menubutton' force focus Confirmed Review? Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Currently the menu created by 'menubutton' plugin will always force focusing the editor on show and close, observed on SCAYT menu, the expected behavior is that focus should be set only when necessary.

#5685 Undo is broken if there is no instance named "editor1" Review+ Confirmed Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

Using trunk with Ajax sample and Firefox:

  • Create an instance, destroy it.
  • Create a new instance.
  • Type something
  • Try to create for example an anchor, an error happens.
CKEDITOR.instances.editor1 is undefined
Line 174

Due to [5486]

#5686 Selected option should be focused in drop-down lists IE Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  • Focus an editor and press ALT+F10 to focus the toolbar.
  • Go to the font size field and select a size, then type some text.
  • Focus the toolbar again with ALT+F10 and open the size list.

Notice that the first option isn't actually focused, so clicking enter doesn't do anything.

#5687 Colors navigation in the colorbutton panel is incompatible with RTL Review+ Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal

The arrows in RTL should be the opposite of LTR. Attaching a patch.

#5688 UI dialog for the second instance fails Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Loading the ui color samples, the dialog that it's launched in second place to change the ui color lacks the color picker.

#5698 [IE] Create empty paragraph in list item display problem IE Bug confirmed Normal



Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open any of the sample page and clear all content with 'New Page';
  2. Create a empty bulleted list in place.
  3. Open 'Format' combo and select the 'Normal' paragraph format.
    • Actual Result: There's an extra blank line above the paragraph created, but as soon as we start typing, the empty line vanishes.
#5700 SCAYT doesn't work with 'replace' command HasPatch, Review? Bug confirmed Normal
  1. Load the following content in editor;
    • Expected Result: The word is red-marked in wysiwyg mode.
  2. Open 'Replace' dialog and replace the word with "right spell", then close the dialog.
    • Expected Result: The red underline is removed.
    • Actual Result: The red underline is still in place.

#5701 [IE] SCAYT wrong status after enter key IE, HasPatch, Review? Bug closed Normal
  1. Load the following content and selection in editor;
    • Expected Result: The word is red-marked in wysiwyg mode.
  2. Press 'Enter' key at the cursor position;
    • Expected Result: The marker underline is removed immediately after key down (Firefox behavior).
    • Actual Result: The marker will remain for a while until next refresh happens.
#5702 [IE] SCAYT context menu with "Menu" key HasPatch, Review? Bug closed Normal
  1. Load the following content and selection in editor;
    • Expected Result: The word is red-marked in wysiwyg mode.
  2. Press 'Menu' key at the cursor position;
    • Expected Result: SCAYT menu options are shown in context menu.
    • Actual Result: Context menu opens without SCAYT options.
#5703 Double click open table dialog problematic Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
  1. Load the following table in editor;
  2. Click on the table border to open the 'Table Properties' dialog.
    • Actual Result: The 'New Table' dialog is opened instead.

Reproducible on 3.3.x branch.

#5704 [IE] Undo remove row/column/cell problem IE Bug confirmed Normal
  1. Load the following content with selection in editor;
  2. Open context menu on the selection, select 'Column' -> 'Delete Columns'.
    • Expect Result: The entire table is removed.
  3. Click on 'Undo' once to revert the deletion.
    • Actual Result: the table is brought back but the cursor is not blinking inside the paragraph instead in the cell.
    • Expected Result: both content and selectoin should match the original state.
#5706 [IE] Cursor position after word correction IE Garry Yao Bug closed Normal



Reproducing Procedures

  1. Load the following content with selection in editor;
  2. Open context menu on the selection, choose from one SCAYT suggest correction.
  3. Click on either 'Delete Cell'/'Delete Column'/'Delete Row';
    • Actual Result: Cursor is now moving to the start of word.
    • Expected Result: Cursor moves to the end of the word. ( Firefox behavior)
#5707 SCAYT changes selection after 'Backspace' key IE Confirmed Bug closed Normal



Reproducing Procedures

  1. Load the following content and selection in editor;
    [line one]
  2. Press 'Backspace' once to delete the line text;
  3. Wait for SCAYT to refresh.
    • Actual Result: The selection now becomes text type selection with one space character wide.
    • Expected Result: The cursor blinks in an empty pargraph.
#5708 [IE] Outdent list result incorrect IE Bug confirmed Normal


IE, enterMode=BR

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Load the following content and selection in editor;
  2. Press 'Enter' key twice to move out of the list.
    • Actual Result: The new paragraph is not created and cursor is blinking at wrong place.
    • Expected Result: A new paragraph is created after the list.
#5713 Chrome: Form elements are added on the beginning of the document Chrome Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

In Chrome, form elements are always added on the beginning of the document. it doesn't matter carret is positioned.

#5714 Chrome: Toolbar button label has wrong vertical align Chrome Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Toolbar button label has wrong vertical align in Office2003 and V2 skins.

Attaching screenshoot for reference.

Reproduced in Chrome 4 win, 6 linux; using standards mode.

#5719 IE: Image Dialog - JS error when closing a dialog Confirmed IE Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Confirmed in IE8.

Steps to reproduce

  • Open image dialog
  • Type some random invalid url (foo)
  • Press the "Cancel" button

Result: JS error. Object does not support this property or method.

Image.js, line 506:

original.setCustomData( 'isReady', 'false' );
#5720 SCAYT set focus on mode switch Confirmed Review- Bug closed Normal

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Make sure SCAYT is enabled, then put focus into editor;
  2. Switch to 'Source' mode and switch back.
    • Actual Result: The cursor is blinking at the start of document.
    • Expected Result: Editor should gain no focus.
#5722 [IE7] Paste into content RTL editor appears scrollbar IE Bug closed Normal

#5667 is still seen on IE6/7.

#5723 SSL incompatible SCAYT AD Confirmed IE6 Bug closed Normal

SCAYT AD banner cause unauthenticated warnings under HTTPS.

#5724 [Firefox] Maximize one editor instance make other instances uneditable Firefox Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

when there are multiple editor instances in one page, maximize one instance and then minimize it.this behavior will make other case uneditable any more.

#5725 [IE] SCAYT breaks INPUT element selection Confirmed IE Firefox Bug closed Normal

With SCAYT enabled, it's not unable to open context menu on checkbox/radio/textfield/textarea, single click makes the cursor blinking inside those elements now.

#5728 Text field & Upload Button in Upload Tab of Image Properties dialog are not shown Properly in Arabic IBM Review+ Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the defect

  1. open
  1. Click on Image Toolbar icon dialog and Click on Upload Tab on Image Properties dialog
  1. Take a Screen shot of it.
  1. Change the Language to Arabic and Click on Image Toolbar icon again and Click on Upload Tab on Image Properties dialog

Expected Result:

The Fields on the upload Tab of Image Properties should be shown as Exact Mirror Image of the same Fields in English Language.

Actual Result:

The Upload Text Field and Upload buttons on the upload Tab of Image Properties dialog are not shown as Mirror Image of the same Fields in English Language.

I am attaching the Screen shots of the Upload Tab of Image dialog in both English and Arabic

#5729 Safari: h-resize issue in Kama skin Safari Confirmed Review- Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

In Safari, horizontal resize of Kama skin is broken, not whole editor chrome is resized, eg scrollbar remains still is same position.

Attaching screenshot for reference.


  1. Open resizable editor.
  2. Open link dialogl.
  3. Resize editor's width, reducing it.
#5734 Key navigation issue in IE8. IE8 Bug closed Normal
  1. Go to
  2. Out cursor at the start of the paragraph saying "The version most widely known today ..."
  3. Press the UP key on the keyboard.

Result: Cursor won't move. Observations: Tested in FF 3.6.3 and IE7. Works in both.

#5735 Incorrect cursor position when refocusing editor and cursor is in scrolled content IE Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

1.Click anywhere in editor

2.Scroll up/down, make the cursor disappear from the editor screen

3.Click elsewhere apart from editor area (but on same window)

4.Click anywhere in editor to get cursor focus back on editor

5.The cursor ends up at the clicked position but the content gets scrolled so position of the cursor in the content is wrong.

Observed on IE7 and IE8

#5736 Default "mailto" links look ugly Confirmed Review? Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

When creating link to an email address, FCKeditor showed only email address:

<a href=";body=text"></a>

CKEditor shows the complete link, which simply looks bad:

<a href=";body=text">;body=text</a>

Steps to reproduce

  1. In a CKEditor click the link tool (not highlighting any text)
  2. Select link type 'Email'
  3. Enter email address, message subject & message body
  4. click Ok - the code shows. FCKEditor only shows the email address when these setting are entered.
#5741 SCAYT error with multiply editor Confirmed Review+ Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce: Go to replacebycode samples page Turn off scayt autostartup 1.Enable scayt in first editor 2.Press "New document" in the same editor 3.Enable scayt in second editor

Expected result: scayt enabled Actual result: javascript error appear, and scayt is blocked in second editor

Another way is: Go to replacebycode samples page Turn off scayt autostartup 1.Enable scayt in first editor 2.Press "Source" button 3.While source-mode is actual for first editor, enable scayt in second editor 4.Try to exit from source mode in first editor to wisiwig mode

Expected result: editor should switch to wisiwig mode and scayt should be enabled Actual result: javascript error is appear and editor toolbar is blocket

#5742 IE: Erros is thrown on New Page without focus IE Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

With IE8, I'm able to reproduce the problem with "exactly" these steps:

  1. Load the replacebyclass sample.
  2. Put the focus in another application with a small window, so you can still see the editor behind it. I use Skype for it.
  3. Without clicking on anything else, click directly the New Page button in the editor toolbar.

A js error is thrown.

#5744 Remove editor in source mode throws error Confirmed Review+ Bug closed Normal

Waiting for SCAYT to be enabled, switch to 'Source' mode before removing editor, you get a JavaScript error in all browsers, not able to reproduce when SCAYT is off.

#5746 [Firefox] Selection on form elements Confirmed Firefox Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

When left clicking checkbox/radio/textfield/textarea, the cursor blinking inside those elements now instead of selecting the entire element.

Form elements are by default editable in Firefox after [5391], it brings issues to us as we intercepts enter key, selection inside such elements is buggy itself, we should restore the previous (when using 'designMode').

#5747 IE: Text field editing activation throws error IE Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

In IE, it's possible to active editing inside text fields by doing the following:

  1. Click the input field to select it.
  2. Wait a bit and click on it again.

Right now, this action throws a js error on trunk.

#5756 Pasting block element in inline element breaks html and causes cursor panic IE Bug closed Normal

First bug:

  1. copy some html content which contains a paragraph(or any block


  1. Clear content in editor
  2. Add a single word
  3. make word italic/bold
  4. place cursor inside the word.
  5. paste
  6. place cursor at the last character of the content
  7. press enter

The cursor jumps to the top of the editor and content is shifted down.

Second bug:

Repeat steps 1-6 above.

  1. place cursor at the beginning of the last paragraph
  2. press enter

The cursor remains on same paragraph but content is shifted up.

Tested and confirmed in

  • FCKeditor 2.6.1
  • FCKeditor 2.6.6
  • CKEDITOR 3.2.1

HTML content before pasting :


HTML after pasting :


I assume this behaviour is caused by the broken HTML

#5757 Layout bug in a11yhelp dialog in IE Quirks IE IBM Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal

In IE Quirks the layout of the a11yhelp dialog is corrupted:

  • Content does not wrap.
  • Some of the content is getting out of the box.
#5759 [IE] Clicking on the scrollbar and then on the host page causes a JS error Confirmed IE Review+ Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  • Open a sample [I'm using the replacebycode sample]
  • Type some text long enough to create an horizontal scrollbar.
  • Click on the scrollbar.
  • Click on the host page's body.

A JS error appers: 'type' is null or not an object.

#5760 [IE] Selection is not visible when floating menus are opened IE Bug closed Normal

#4666 also applies for floating menus. Perhaps the two should be joined into one patch?

#5761 The color dialog buttons are barely clickable in IE Quirks IE Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  • Open a sample in IE Quirks.
  • Open a color panel and click 'More Colors' to open the color dialog.
  • Move the mouse over the colors and try to click. Only the edges of the colors are clickable.

This is a regression of 3.2.2.

#5762 Finishing a list causes the caret to go back to the last item with enterMode br IE Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  • Load a sample with enterMode br
  • Click on one of the list icons.
  • Create two list items and press ENTER twice to finish the list.

Notice that the caret is getting back to the last item, thus it is impossible to create sequential lists.

#5772 [IE] Not all list-style-type values are supported by IE IBM Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

The list style dialog provides options for armenian, georgian, lower-greek and decimal-leading-zero. These list-style-type values are not supported by any version of IE.

IE does not support the values armenian, decimal-leading-zero, georgian, inherit, lower-greek, lower-latin or upper-latin.

#5773 SCAYT: Memory leak in IE IE, Review?, HasPatch Bug confirmed Normal

In IE6 there is a 8MB memory leak every time an instance of CKEditor is created.

Confirmed using Process Explorer, after creating & destroying CKEditor 10 times (using AJAX sample), memory usage (private bytes) jumped from 9MB to 90MB (tested on IE6.0.3790.1830 @ Win2003/SP1, also reported by user using IE6 6.0.2900.2180).

I have attached a dump from IE Sieve.

#5774 [IE6] Memory Leak revisited IE Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Sieve is still showing multiple DOM leaks on page left, it's pretty easy to reproduce with the default sample page, and this only affects IE6.

#5778 [IE] Unwanted scroll on first mouse right-click IE Garry Yao Bug closed Normal


All IE versions

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open our online demo page;
  2. Scroll down the document to bottom without puting focus into the editing document;
  3. Mouse right-click (contextmenu) at the last paragraph;
    • Actual Result: The document is scrolling to top and the context menu is opened at the new position.
    • Expected Result: Context menu opens at the clicked location with no document scrolling occurs.
#5782 FF: 0xc1f30001 (NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED) [nsIDOMNSHTMLDocument.designMode] Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

This is a regression bug introduced in CKEditor 3.3. It occurs when doing some specific DOM operations on the node that contains the editor. We had a similar problem in #5660.

Please check the attached files (unpack them in the _samples directory) to reproduce this issue. Works fine in CKEditor 3.2.1, 3.0 and all previous releases.

#5790 [Safari] fullpage output internal attribute Safari Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal



Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the 'fullpage' sample page, switch to source mode;
    • Actual Result: The 'contenteditable' attribute are displayed on <html>.
#5794 Second search with no result leads to a JS error Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  • Load a sample or the demo.
  • Search for something that does not exist, twice.

Notice that there is an error: startNode is null; _source/core/dom/range.js L1386.
Regression of 3.2.2.

#5801 contentEditable=false on inline-elements Confirmed IE Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

#5562 is still reproducible on inline-elements.

#5808 Pasting from Word does not work (sometimes) in IE IE Bug closed Normal

Confirmed in IE8@XP3.

It looks like the Paste from Word feature since 3.1 does not always perform code cleanup. I'm able to constantly reproduce it by following these steps:

  1. Open CKEditor replacebyclass sample
  2. Press the "New Page" button
  3. Select some text in Word document
  4. Press the "Paste from Word" button
  5. When IE8 asks whether to allow access to the clipboard choose "do not allow"
  6. Press "Ctrl + V" in the paste dialog
  7. Press "Ok"
  8. Result:
    <p class="NoSpacing" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt">
    	<span lang="EN-GB"><o:p><font face="Calibri">&nbsp;</font></o:p></span></p>
    <p class="NoSpacing" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt">
    	<span lang="EN-GB"><font face="Calibri">CKEditor</font></span></p>

If you now press the "New Page" button again, then type some text in the editing area and follow the steps above (3-7), the text will be cleaned up correctly:

#5812 Image properties can't be loaded when image's container has certain styles in IE (at least IE8) IE Bug confirmed Normal

I got this code from #4647:

  1. Go to in IE8 and paste the following into the source:
<p style="width:200px"><img src="" /></p>
  1. Right click the image to open the context menu or select the image and click the image button.
  2. Image Properties option is not there or it loads the dialog with empty fields.

Note that the first time I right click the image I don't get the "Image Properties" option. However, if I then right-click on the image again OR if I left click the image and then click the Image button, I get the "Image Properties" option and the dialog loads correctly.

#5816 don't show images in IE wrong baseHref IE Bug closed Normal

Hello, we have installed your really beautifull (f)ckeditor. We realy enjoy it. Now we updated from fckeditor 2.x to ckeditor 3.3 and i found a Bug when using IE. Uploaded Images will not be displayed in the Editor. I can upload an image an can See the preview. I also see the image in the WYSIWYG, but whenn i change into the "source-mode" or open an existing dataset with the editor i can`t see the image.

I didn't have these problem with firefox.

The problem only occure when the image-directory (where the uploaded images will be saved) is not in the same file-hierarchy than the file which include the ckeditor. You can see my hierachy in the attached image.

I hope you can understand my englisch.

#5822 [IE] It's not able to block certain keystrokes IE HasPatch Bug confirmed Normal

It's not able to block certain keystrokes in IE with 'CKEDITOR.config.blockedKeystrokes', e.g. F5.

#5823 IE 8 reports a javascript error in editor.js IE Bug closed Normal

IE8 complains at ckeditor startup, as follows:

-- Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; MDDC; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; MS-RTC LM 8) Timestamp: Thu, 10 Jun 2010 13:28:54 UTC

Message: Object doesn't support this property or method Line: 303 Char: 6 Code: 0 URI:

This is unmodified version 3.3.1 The relevant line (re-indented) is:

if ( !form.$.submit.nodeName ) {

form.$.submit = form.$.submit, function( originalSubmit )

and the error is pointing to the beginning of the line form.$.submit = ...

This doesn't happen in Firefox, and nothing is reported on the firefox error console

I don't know whether this causes any harm other than frightening some IE users...

#5825 [ContentEditable] Read only blocks should not be "undeletable" Confirmed Review? Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

In some situations, the protection for read only blocks is being over exaggerated. For example

  1. Load the following HTML:
<p>Para 1</p>
<p contenteditable="false">Non Editable</p>
<p>Para 2</p>
  1. Hit CTRL+A to select all.
  1. Click the "Insert Horizontal Line" button.

Current Results:

<hr />
<p contenteditable="false">
	Non Editable</p>
<hr />

Expected Results:

<hr />

This one is related to the contenteditable feature branch.

#5827 [ContentEditable] List creation across read only blocks is broken Confirmed Review? Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
  1. Load the following HTML:
<p>Para 1</p>
<p contenteditable="false">Non Editable</p>
<p>Para 2</p>
  1. Hit CTRL+A to select all.
  1. Hi the list button.

Current results:

		Para 2</li>
		Para 1</li>
<p contenteditable="false">
	Non Editable</p>

Expected results:

		Para 1</li>
<p contenteditable="false">
	Non Editable</p>
		Para 2</li>

This one is related to the contenteditable feature branch.

#5828 [ContentEditable] Infinite script loop can be easily fired Confirmed Review? Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
  1. Load the following HTML:
<p>Para 1</p>
<p><span contenteditable="false">Non Editable</span></p>
<p>Para 2</p>
  1. Hit CTRL+A to select all.
  1. Click the indentation button.

Current results:

The script will loop, blocking the browser. This happens when creating lists also.

Expected results:

All paragraphs (including the one with the read only content) should get indented.

This one is related to the contenteditable feature branch.

#5829 Start Values for Roman & Alpha Numbered Types are not working IBM Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open Ajax Sample and create a Numbered list.
  1. select the Numbered list and select the Numbered List Properties in the Context menu.
  1. In the Numbered list type select Upper Alpha(A,B,C,D,E,etc) and in the Start filed Enter D
  1. Click OK button.

Expected Result: Numbered list Type changes to Upper Alpha Type and the list Starts with D

Actual Result: Numbered list Type changes to Upper Alpha Type but the list Starts with A and when you open the Numbered List Properties dialog again you will see the Start Value as D

Same behaviour happens with Lower Alpha,Upper & Lower Roman Numbered list types.

#5830 Scayt: the browser hangs when large(?) documents (50KB+) are loaded Review? Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Imho this might be a serious issue as the editor should be working fine out of the box without having to dig into the documentation for specific settings that might speed up the editor performance or to simply make it working.

The problem: when having a larger document, scayt is causing the "script to run slow". This looks pretty nasty, especially if the document is not really that large (for example: 50KB), also many users will have no idea whether to stop the script execution and will simply consider the editor as broken.

I have attached two sample documents that can be used to reproduce this issue:

  • English document (380KB+)
  • Polish document (50KB)

I guess that Scayt does not recognize that the text is in different language than English and is finding too many errors in Polish document, that's why it hangs even when editing small documents.

We should either:

  • disable Scayt on startup
  • fix it to perhaps find just first 20/50(?) errors and then give up and display a gentle error message or a warning icon somewhere that there are more than 50 errors found, at least when it starts automatically. When user clicks on the button and enables Scayt manually, we might display an information to be patient and that it may take a while if the document is large.
#5832 Jquery adapter sample and SSL Confirmed Review+ Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal

In Jquery adapter sample we have:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

so as a result in IE a warning is shown ("unsafe content").

Proposed fix: http -> https

Simple bug, so targeting to 3.4.

#5837 [ContentEditable][IE] Wrong cursor position at the end of readonly element IE Bug closed Normal
  1. Load the following HTML:
<p>Para 1</p>
<p contenteditable="false">Non Editable</p>
<p>Para 2</p>
  1. Put cursor at the start of the last paragraph;
  2. Press Left Arrow;

Current results: Cursor is now anchored at the end of second paragraph and it's even able to type more characters.

Expected results: Cursor should skip the second paragraph and be placed at the end of the first line.

Reproduced on the contenteditable feature branch.

#5840 Clicking CTRL+A inside the URL input in the Image dialog moves to the next input Confirmed Review+ Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  • Open a sample and then the Image dialog.
  • Type or paste something inside the URL field.
  • Click CTRL + A.

Expected result: the whole text inside the field is selected.
Actual result: the caret goes to the next field.
I think some priority should be given as this happens in all versions of CKEditor.

#5845 Changing Number/Bullet List Style looses Cursor Positioning IBM Confirmed Firefox Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open Ajax sample.
  1. Click on Insert/Remove Numbered List icon to start a Numbered list
  1. Right click next to the Number and select Numbered List Properties in the Context menu.
  1. Select Numbered List Type as Upper Roman in the Numbered List properties dialog and Click OK button.

Expected Result:

Cursor stays next to the new Roman Number inserted and when we start typing the text the new text appears as first list item.

Actual Result:

we could not see where the cursor is and when we start typing the text the new text replaces the new Roam Number that was inserted. If you are in the Starting line of a Nested numbered list,and when we start typing the text, the new text replaces the new roman number inserted and the new text concatenates with the text in the last list item at the previous level

Same behaviour happens with Bullets

#5846 Undo not working properly with Numbered/Bullet list Styles IBM Confirmed Review- Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open Ajax sample.
  1. Type 2 lines of text and select them and Click on Insert/Remove Numbered List icon to make them a Numbered list
  1. Right click next to one of the Numbered list item and select Numbered List Properties in the Context menu.
  1. Select Numbered List Type as Upper Roman in the Numbered List properties dialog and Click OK button.
  1. See that the Numbered list type changes to Upper Roman
  1. Right click next to one of the Numbered list item and select Numbered List Properties in the Context menu.
  1. Select Numbered List Type as Upper Alpha in the Numbered List properties dialog and Click OK button.
  1. See that the Numbered list type changes to Upper Alpha
  1. Now press Undo Once

Expected Result:

Numbered list Type should change back to Upper Roman.

Actual Result:

Numbered List Type is changing back to default Type(Decimal).

Same behaviour happens with Bullets

#5850 IE - Issues with Formatting options in Numbered/Bulleted list IE IBM Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the defect

  1. Open Ajax Sample
  1. click on Insert/Remove Numbered list icon to start a Numbered list
  1. see that Numbered list starts.
  1. Click on Bold Icon to make the text bold.
  1. Type the text and see that Bold formatting is applied to the text.
  1. Press Enter to start the next list item and Click on Bold icon to remove the Bold Formatting.

Expected Result:

Bold formatting is removed.

Actual Result:

Bold formatting will remove and applies again we have to click on Bold Icon second time to remove the Bold formatting.

  1. Now Click on Italic Icon to apply Italic formatting to the text.

Expected Result:

Italic formatting is applied to the start of the text in second list item

Actual Result:

Cursor moves to the end of previous list item and when type the text the second list item number is removed and Italic Formating is applied to the text we typed at the end of previous list item.

#5854 SCAYT's class apears in the body tag during save operation HasPatch, Review? Bug confirmed Normal
  1. Set option CKEDITOR.config.fullpage="true" for the sample page.
  1. Load the sample page.
  1. Click on the "Source" button to view source HTML code

--> Body doesn't contain any SCAYT classes.

  1. Click on the "Source" button again to return to normal mode
  1. Click on the "Save" icon to view the result

Actual result:

<body class="scayt-enabled">

Expected result:

#5860 [IE] &gt; in attribute values are incorrectly escaped Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#5863 Alignment or formatting is not applied to selected cell text. IBM IE Confirmed Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
  1. Create an instance of CKEditor and insert a table.
  1. In the first table cell enter the word 'one'.
  1. Select the word by pressing Shift + Left Arrow three times. If you use the mouse be sure to select just the word.
  1. Click the Right Justify button. Observe no change is applied.
  1. Keeping the selection, choose 'Heading 1' from the Format menu. Observe no change is applied.
#5869 Content in editing area overflow to edges of editor IE Bug closed Normal

Hi Using IE 8 / Win 7 CKEditor 3.3.1 , after opening editor via JS API and having text which fills the height of editing area the text is overflowing the edges / frame of the editor (attached is a snapshot)

Also the editor behaves very slow and stuck the browser . These issues are not in the previous version(3.2.1)

#5882 Fire event when a page is switched in a dialog (OnDialogTabChange in v2) Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo New Feature closed Normal

Most of the people won't need this, but firing an event before the page/tab is switched allows to validate data, update the interface, even avoid switching tab at the wrong time and the code is quite simple.

#5886 Table cell dialog: change spacer() to a constant Review? Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

As it's always returning the same value, the spacer() function should be a constant string

#5887 Make the smilies table's columns number configurable Confirmed Review+ Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal

The number of columns displayed in the smilies matrix should be configurable.

#5890 Table column resize not working for IE7 IBM IE Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

Table resize handles do not appear in IE7. Tried in IE7 mode using IE8. Version - Beta 3.4.

#5902 paste and pastetext dialogs can not be skinned easily. IBM Confirmed Review+ Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal

The paste and pastetext dialogs are built using HTML UI elements. The HTML contains hard-coded style attribute values, as the following code from the pastetext dialog shows:

type : 'html',
id : 'content',
style : 'width:340px;height:170px',
html :
	'<textarea style="' +
		'width:346px;' +
		'height:170px;' +
		'resize: none;' +
		'direction:' + editor.config.contentsLangDirection + ';' +
		'border:1px solid black;' +
		'background-color:white">' +

As with the image and flash dialogs, can the tags in the HTML content be given an id attribute, and the style moved out to the skin's dialog.css. Only dynamic styles should remain.

#5909 BIDI: Support for switching base language is required IBM Review+ Tobiasz Cudnik New Feature closed Normal

The editor should provide an easy method for a user to switch the base language direction of a paragraph or other block level element.

Switching a paragraph should behave like the block level styles and set the dir attribute on the enclosing <p>.

Two new buttons in the toolbar could be used to switch or set base language direction.

#5911 BIDI: List items should support and retain correct base language direction IBM Review+ Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal

It should be possible to set correct base language direction for graphical items such as numbered and bullet lists.

When creating a list from some existing content, the new list should retain the original language direction.

e.g. the following selection

<p dir="rtl">
   Line 1 <br/>
   Line 2 <br/>
   Line 3 <br/>

should become

<ul dir="rtl">

the operation should also be reversible.

#5914 Correction for cursor in smiley dialog Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

Currently the smiley dialog only shows the pointer icon while hovering the table and cell elements, but not the link or image itself.

Also, clicking on the space between smileys selects one of them, but I think that it might be better to restrict the clicks to the images themselves.

#5923 [PATCH] switch SCAYT plug-in to use SCAYT core 2.5 Review+ Task closed Normal
#5930 htmldataprocessor: fix for convert style attributes to lowercase in IE IE Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal

File: _source/plugins/htmldataprocessor/plugin.js (Starting line 240)

The function to convert ALL styles to lowercase causing a problem with capital urls:

background-image: url(http://somedomain/SomeBackground.jpg);

is converted to:

background-image: url(http://somedomain/somebackground.jpg);

On a windows server, this is not the biggest problem, but a linux server won't find that file.

Heres the possible fix:

	if ( )
		// IE outputs style attribute in capital letters. We should convert
		// them back to lower case. = function( value, element )
			var res = value.match(/([a-z-]+):/gi);
			if (res) {
				for (var i = 0; i < res.length; ++i) {
					value = value.replace(res[i], res[i].toLowerCase());
				return value;
			else {
				return value.toLowerCase();

Greetings, Juergen

#5933 Text/Background Color panels have scrollbars Confirmed Review+ Bug closed Normal

Open Skins example. Note that Text/Background Color panels have scrollbars in Office2003 and v2 skins.

#5943 Incorrect handling of height and width value in image dialog Review+ Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  • Open a sample in IE and open the image dialog.
  • Go to the height or width fields, and type a value that ends with percent sign or the 'px' suffix.

An error occurs.

#5948 IE8 delete list element bug IE Bug confirmed Normal

When I create a list <ol> elment under a <p> element

  • The example is shown as follow:
  • when I press delete after the last character of 'test', the ckeditor will prduce a bug, the example is shown as follow:

And my IE version is IE8.0.6001.18702, Os is Windows XP + SP3, ckediotr version is 3.3.1

However when I use win7 + IE8.0.7600.16385 to test this example, the bug doesn't appear!

I am looking forward your reply!

Best regards,


#5949 IE8 Cursor jumps out of Table cell when we click on a Table Cell IBM IE Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the defect

  1. Open Ajax sample & Create a Table with 30 Rows & 30 Columns.
  1. Position the cursor in one of the Table Cells in the last row.
  1. Drag the slide bar to the top of the page.
  1. Now Click in one of the Table Cells in the First row.

Expected Result:

Cursor stays in the Cell that we have clicked and the user can enter the content.

Actual Result:

Cursor jumps out of the cell to a cell in a different row.

#5951 Security problems due to the use of UniversalXPConnect Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

Two people have reported problems with their security suites due to the use of UniversalXPConnect introduced in #4469

As very few people might know about that option and even fewer of them would bother to change their configuration, I think that it will be better to remove that code because there might be more people that just see that CKEditor fails but don't know the reason and just give up before searching for help or reporting the problem.

#5959 Dialog auto focus does not check for hidden tabs. IBM Confirmed Review+ Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal

When determining whether initial dialog focus should be on the first tab, dialog._.tabIdList.length is checked to see if the dialog has more then one tab. This will not take into consideration any tabs that are hidden. When a dialog has all but one tab hidden, and keyboard navigation is used, the dialog will not receive focus if CKEDITOR.config.dialog_startupFocusTab is set to true. Focus will remain on the toolbar.

The if statement is located in the CKEDITOR.dialog constructor in a dialog 'show' event listener, which is used to setup focus:

if ( editor.config.dialog_startupFocusTab
	&& me._.tabIdList.length > 1 )

could be changed to:

if ( editor.config.dialog_startupFocusTab
	&& me._.pageCount > 1 )

pageCount only gets incremented if the tab is not hidden.

#5964 Resizing images is buggy with IE8 and RTL direction IE CantFix Bug closed Normal

When setting the editor to RTL direction, when resizing an image, the small boxes appear, but when I drag them, its all opposite! the cursors are flipped and it all gets messy.

Happens only with IE8! But IE8 + Compatibility mode works fine. (IE7,Firefox etc. works fine also)

#5970 IE8: Paragraph after floated div appears to have extra top padding CantFix IE8 Bug closed Normal

this error occurs when the first element is a div, floated left. The second element is a paragraph with no added styles.

In IE8, the paragraph appears to have extra top padding. This does not happen with IE7 or IE6, or Firefox 3.6

Here is an example of code that can produce the error:

<div style="position: relative; width: 150px; float: left">
	Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vel mi sed mauris iaculis vestibulum id quis nullaLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vel mi sed mauris iaculis vestibulum id quis nullaLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,</div>
	Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vel mi sed mauris iaculis vestibulum id quis nulla. Quisque c ondimentum dui nec nunc laoreet hendrerit. Donec ipsum enim, hendrerit eget porta at, interdum vel velit. Suspendisse non libero egestas elit commodo semper a convallis turpis. Aenean pulvinar tortor non erat facilisis sodales sit amet a turpis.&nbsp;</p>
#5972 Enter !@#$ and click on enter will be show underline even does not select underline format IE Bug confirmed Normal

Enter !@#$ and click on enter , notice it shown underline.

Happens on IE only

#6005 [3.4.x] Error when pasting over read-only blocks IE Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
  1. Load the following HTML:
	Para 1</p>
<p contenteditable="false">
	Para 2</p>
	Para 3</p>
  1. Right-click "Para 2".
  2. Paste and allow clipboard access.

A js error is thrown.

Confirmed with IE8.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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