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Results (3201 - 3300 of 5597)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#6247 Focus not returning to editor on drop down close Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.1 UI : Floating Panel
#6248 [[IE]] Extra space added at start in each Empty cell after saving & reopening the page Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.3 General
#6249 BIDI: bullets in a Numbered/Bulleted List getting clipped when going from LTR to RTL Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 Core : BiDi
#6253 BIDI: creating a Numbered/Bulleted list causing improper behavior on bidi Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 Core : Lists
#6255 Error when inserting page break if there is no element before it Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.1 General
#6256 Dutch language updates Paweł Horzela Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.1 UI : Language
#6261 Focus and infinite loop between multiple editors Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6263 Safari : Cell Properties option is disabled in Pasted Table Cells when we invoke context menu by keeping cursor inside text Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.1 General
#6265 Link target tab - popup window properties are visible Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.1 General
#6269 Deleted line above the table reappears in source mode Bug Normal General
#6270 Chrome: Difficulties pasting tables from Excel Bug Normal Core : Pasting
#6271 Incorrect translation in English language file Paweł Horzela Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.1 UI : Language
#6275 insert <embed> and custom attributes in other tags failed in Firefox 3.6.9 Bug Normal General
#6278 comment tags get moved to top Paweł Horzela Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 Core : Output Data
#6286 Paste from Word - Numeric bulleted list format issue Bug Normal Plugin : Paste from Word
#6287 IE 8 v2 skin sides too long on link dialog Bug Normal UI : Skins
#6289 Deleting nested table removes the parent cell Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6297 Unexpected behavior when toggling bulleted/numbered list with a floating element Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.3 Core : Lists
#6306 When all cells are deleted, all table is deleted Bug Normal General
#6308 "vertical" resize_dir still sets width CSS Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.3 UI : Toolbar
#6311 Table properties dialog throws an error when opened by clicking on a caption Bug Normal General
#6312 Image button properties not available in the context menu Bug Normal General
#6315 DIV plugin TT #2885 regression Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.1 General
#6319 FF - Right click causes involuntary paragraph selection Bug Normal General
#6327 [FF4] Unable to use the scrollbar Garry Yao Bug Normal General
#6329 indent on list is not appropriate Bug Normal Core : Lists
#6330 Roman list style are not pasted properly from Word Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.3 Plugin : Paste from Word
#6332 IE: V2 skin bottom dialog's border broken Paweł Horzela Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 UI : Dialogs
#6333 [3.4.x] Font and font size combos has the arrow on the wrong side on RTL Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.1 UI : Skins
#6334 Use data-* attributes for custom attributes Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5 General
#6336 IE: Input type="submit" submits the form when clicking the button Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 General
#6339 Plugin autogrow and Maximize Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6340 Google Chrome hangs when CKEditor parses malformed HTML Bug Normal General
#6341 Mouse cursor on the editor area does not change to "insert icon". Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6342 Paste from Word fails to transform into a custom style with an attribute Bug Normal CKEditor 4.6.0 Plugin : Paste from Word
#6346 Wrong documentation about colorButton_enableMore Bug Normal General
#6347 Double request to sprite image files when timestamp enabled Bug Normal Project : CKReleaser
#6349 Some SCAYT's contextmenu options are not displayed if MooTools framework is used Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 UI : Spell Checker
#6350 button functionality not working Bug Normal UI : Toolbar
#6352 Editor leaves new-line char when the document is empty Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6353 [IE] Resize is broken with office2003 and v2 skins Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6357 French translation Wiktor Walc Task Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 UI : Language
#6362 [FF] Pasting lists from Word document doesn't work Bug Normal Plugin : Paste from Word
#6369 Issues with Pre Paragraph formatting option Bug Normal General
#6370 FireFox deleting last character from a line deletes the EOL rather than the character Bug Normal General
#6375 [IE] Exception thrown when hiding editor in some cases Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6376 BIDI: BIDI buttons should not toggle the base language direction Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6377 FF width and height are not shown for smiley in Image properties dialog Martin Bug Normal General
#6380 FireFox: Holding ctrl+v produces odd cursor behavior and line breaks Bug Normal Core : Pasting
#6382 Holding ctrl+v produces odd cursor behavior and line break Bug Normal Core : Pasting
#6387 autogrow setTimeout causes problems Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 General
#6390 Multiple clicks on toolbar buttons cause dialogs to fail Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 UI : Dialogs
#6394 Redundant space added when format set before text entered Bug Normal General
#6401 Paste: Outline Numbered lists do not copy correctly Bug Normal Core : Pasting
#6402 Opera: Focus goes out of Editor after selecting an option in one of combo boxes Martin Bug Normal General
#6403 Opera: selected Font name option not shown in Font Name combo when we typed the text Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 Core : Styles
#6404 Contextual menu doesn't disappear when switch in HTML source view Martin Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.3 UI : Context Menu
#6405 Font changing, for typed text does not work as expected Bug Normal General
#6406 [Webkit] Cursor jumps to the new line after pasting Bug Normal General
#6408 AutoGrow 24px too high on IE Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6409 ForcePasteAsPlainText doesn't work properly when SCAYT is Set to Auto-Start in Firefox Bug Normal Core : Pasting
#6410 SCAYT contextmenu isn't displayed if word has no suggestions Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.6 UI : Spell Checker
#6411 Cell Properties dialogbox Choose button not properly displaye Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.3 UI : Dialogs
#6413 Extra indent in the <pre> tag Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 Core : Output Data
#6416 Disabled selection of text by mouse in Source editing under IE9 Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 UI : Source View
#6417 Context menu jumps into upper-left corner of edit area under IE9 Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 UI : Context Menu
#6419 IE: List creation by merging problem Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5 General
#6420 IE Table caption not updated Properly in Table dialog when we change caption in Editor body Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6422 Second click on combo should close it also with shared spaces Bug Normal UI : Floating Panel
#6427 Ukrainian translation Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 UI : Language
#6431 Multiple images inserted when pressing enter Bug Normal General
#6432 Error occurring when trying to insert a table over a highlighted list Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 UI : Dialogs
#6438 IE: Performance issue when typing inside an element with many children Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 General
#6445 Find/Replace highlight styles were incorrectly left in DOM Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 Core : Styles
#6447 Outdent with indentClasses doesn't work on list Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.3 Core : Lists
#6451 [FF3.6.10] - Multiple CKEditors on Page focus glitch Bug Normal General
#6452 [FF] Paste: Outline Numbered list do not copy correctly in FireFox Bug Normal Plugin : Paste from Word
#6454 Wrong placement of part of toolbar Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 UI : Toolbar
#6455 Cursor goes to a previous line when in entermode BR Bug Normal UI : Enter Key
#6457 Word pasting is extremely slow in IE7 and IE8 Bug Normal CKEditor 4.6.0 Plugin : Paste from Word
#6461 BIDI: Paragraph alignment lost when switching list to paragraph Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6462 Table dialog does not allow percentage values for cellpadding Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.1 UI : Dialogs
#6464 Updated fi.js Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 UI : Language
#6467 setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED) on 'mode' impossible for maximize plugin Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 UI : Toolbar
#6470 IE7: Start textfield in Numbered List dialog should be a required field Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.1 Core : Lists
#6471 BIDI: Pressing decrease indent in an RTL bulleted list causes incorrect behaviour Paweł Horzela Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.3 General
#6475 Optimize compression New Feature Normal Project : CKPackager
#6478 Silently insert an empty paragraph in Chrome Bug Normal General
#6479 BIDI: Language direction is not being preserved when pressing Enter after a paragraph format has been applied. Paweł Horzela Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.3 UI : Enter Key
#6481 [IE] 'document' is null or not an object error Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 UI : Spell Checker
#6482 BIDI: Copying & Pasting RTL lists from Word not working properly in IE7 Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 Plugin : Paste from Word
#6485 BIDI: Language direction should be applied to individual list items and not the entire block Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 Core : Lists
#6491 The image lock ratio is set when the image URL field is populated. Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 UI : Dialogs
#6492 Populate the Find dialog with the selected text. Garry Yao New Feature Normal CKEditor 3.6.1 UI : Dialogs
#6502 Remove IE6 image preloading Tobiasz Cudnik Task Normal CKEditor 3.5 General
#6504 Race condition while loading several customConfig files Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug Normal CKEditor 4.1.2 General
#6505 Optimization in scriptLoader Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 General
#6506 [FF] Style is added to the html element on full page Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6508 BiDi: Margin mirroring logic doesn't honor CSS direction Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6510 Margin mirroring doesn't respect style configuration Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.3 Core : Styles
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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