
Mar 1, 2013:

8:12 PM Ticket #10157 (Copy/Paste issues in Chrome with Div based editor) created by p3r3
Copy and paste does not work in Chrome. I had a more detailed ticket …
6:28 PM Ticket #10156 ([Webkit] Cut&pasting text adds inline wrappers) created by Matthew Leffler
This is basically the same as #9754 except that it requires …
3:37 PM Ticket #10155 (contentsCss with background-image break select rendering) created by FrankSL
Hi, I need to include a css file with contentsCss option and using …
1:54 PM Ticket #10154 (Chrome: link selection and type links first letter only) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: @fredck this is another TC for #8146 and it happens in Opera as well.
12:17 PM Ticket #10085 (Plugin divarea causes baseHref not working) reopened by Jakub Ś
11:10 AM Ticket #10154 (Chrome: link selection and type links first letter only) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
1. Load this HTML: […] 2. Select the whole link line. 3. Type …

Feb 28, 2013:

9:14 PM Ticket #10153 (Style combo update issue when inline editor programmatically created ...) created by Jacob
When programmatically creating an inline editor and giving it focus, …
5:16 PM CP/IBM_Priorities_v4 edited by Teresa Monahan
5:12 PM Ticket #10152 (Invalid ARIA property used on menu items) created by Teresa Monahan
Menu items in CKEditor 4.x have an invalid WAI-ARIA attribute applied: …
4:56 PM Ticket #10151 (Add changelog entries for 4.1) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:00 PM Ticket #10136 (Error when running Stylesheet Parser sample) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on major with git:8abbc10 on dev and f00bdbd on tests.
3:40 PM Ticket #10095 (CKBuilder: java.io.IOException: "File name too long") closed by Jakub Ś
worksforme: I have check this issue together with @ddcrobf. It seems that both of …
3:11 PM Ticket #10149 (SCAYT support for Adobe AIR in versions 3.x) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: SCAYT isn't CKSource's plugin - the WebSpellChecker company maintains …
3:05 PM Ticket #10150 (Copy styles available in styles and formats combos from contents.css ...) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
1. Open inlineall sample. 2. Focus one of editors. 3. Apply marker …
2:25 PM Ticket #10149 (SCAYT support for Adobe AIR in versions 3.x) created by Simion
Hi, the scayt plugin it checks for opera and air and disables itself …
12:23 PM Ticket #10139 (Ugly smiley's window in IE and Firefox) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: I have checked this in latest editor and problem doesn't occur …
12:18 PM Ticket #10148 (Allow to skip ACF in editor#insertHtml) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
New argument has to be introduced allowing to skip filtering e.g. for …
11:45 AM Ticket #10138 (Bottom spaces don't work for inline editors in sharedspace sample) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on major with git:065c024.
11:36 AM Ticket #10147 (Editable#setup called twice during wysiwygarea initialization) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
It is first time called in editable's constructor, second in …
11:27 AM Ticket #8834 (Use HTML paste bin for Paste as Plain Text) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: This feature has been introduced by CKEditor 4.0.
11:26 AM Ticket #6131 (Webkit Paste Bug) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: This issue is not reproducible any more. It was fixed by HTML pastebin …
11:24 AM Ticket #7146 (WebKit: pasting block elements results in an extra div) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: This issue definitely isn't reproducible any more.
10:13 AM Ticket #10145 (ENTER_BR mode removes trailing <br>) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: @mattleff I have just described this ticket :) If you don't mind I …
9:41 AM Ticket #10146 (Empty lines are removed in enter mode BR) created by Jakub Ś
To reproduce: 1. Open enterkey sample and set enter mode to BR 2. in …
9:28 AM Ticket #10137 (Empty Syles combo in filter sample) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on major with git:516399f.

Feb 27, 2013:

4:44 PM Ticket #10145 (ENTER_BR mode removes trailing <br>) created by Matthew Leffler
Steps: 1. View nightly …
4:32 PM Ticket #10144 (ckeditor-releases / lang / de.js magicline translation is wrong) created by SteveB
[https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor-releases/blob/4.0.x/full/lang/de. …
3:18 PM Ticket #10143 (editable has no method 'isInline') closed by giammin
3:17 PM Ticket #10123 ([Chrome] Insert image dialog layout broken in v25.0.1364.97) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Ugly fix git:6a3500067ca merged into master.
2:45 PM Ticket #10143 (editable has no method 'isInline') created by giammin
1:58 PM Ticket #10142 (CKBuilder: Closure Compiler thinks native is a reserved keyword) created by Wiktor Walc
It it impossible to build CKEditor after this change: a2136ce
1:19 PM Ticket #10115 ([Webkit] Invisible caret after newpage) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on master with git:81d6123 and tests with afa31d0.
1:11 PM Ticket #10085 (Plugin divarea causes baseHref not working) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Hi, Please note that set of plugins in 4.0.1 is very different to …
10:16 AM Ticket #10141 (Access Denied error - ckeditor.js : Line 20) created by ashish
I am frequently getting Access Denied error on ckeditor. I am using …
7:30 AM Ticket #10140 (Iframe issue in ckeditor) created by Anurag
i was trying to enter the videos using the iFrame plugin. But it was …
6:59 AM Ticket #10139 (Ugly smiley's window in IE and Firefox) created by Gundars
See attached files.

Feb 26, 2013:

10:59 PM Ticket #10128 (config.toolbarLocation = 'bottom' not working in inline editing mode) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: Inline editor has only one space - top. The bottom one is not …
3:01 PM Ticket #10138 (Bottom spaces don't work for inline editors in sharedspace sample) created by Olek Nowodziński
1. Go to …
2:55 PM Ticket #10067 (CKEditor does not support browser language on IE 8 - 9) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: IE is integrated with operating system thus changing language only in …
2:23 PM Ticket #10137 (Empty Syles combo in filter sample) created by Olek Nowodziński
1. http://ckeditor4.t/ckeditor/samples/filter.html 2. See Styles …
1:59 PM Ticket #9880 (Width of toolbar) closed by Jakub Ś
1:59 PM Ticket #9876 (CKEditor 4.0 on Wordpress 3.5 and Firefox) closed by Jakub Ś
1:59 PM Ticket #9863 (Arabic numbers not display in editor) closed by Jakub Ś
1:58 PM Ticket #9857 (Extra space added before closing tag) closed by Jakub Ś
1:57 PM Ticket #10136 (Error when running Stylesheet Parser sample) created by Olek Nowodziński
1. …
1:39 PM Ticket #10135 (Norwegian language confusion) created by Mathias-S
In CKEditor, there are two Norwegian languages: Norwegian bokmål (nb) …
12:10 PM Ticket #10133 (Deleting heading and hitting delete to pull paragraph into space ...) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: @dsmjoe - this is the same issue as #9998
11:49 AM Ticket #9062 (Czech localization - typos and suggestions for improvements) closed by Anna Tomanek
fixed: Excellent, thanks again for your feedback! It would be great if you …
11:43 AM Ticket #10129 (Unable to link an image in a Definition List using IE9.) closed by Jakub Ś
11:43 AM Ticket #10129 (Unable to link an image in a Definition List using IE9.) reopened by Jakub Ś
11:41 AM Ticket #10129 (Unable to link an image in a Definition List using IE9.) closed by Jakub Ś
wontfix: I have tried your scenario in CKEditor asp.net 3.6.4 with ckeditor …
11:26 AM Ticket #10134 (Window crashes when inserting HR into selected TR.) created by Olek Nowodziński
1. Open http://ckeditor4.t/ckeditor/samples/replacebycode.html 2. …
11:07 AM Ticket #10119 ([FF] Click on "body" in elements path selects only on first block element) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on master with git:a2136ce.
10:41 AM Ticket #10125 (Link to an Anchor doesn't work in Firefox - CKEditor 3.6.2) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: This has been fixed in CKE 3.6.4. Please note however that this isn’t …
9:29 AM Ticket #10133 (Deleting heading and hitting delete to pull paragraph into space ...) created by Joe
Steps to reproduce: 1. Use the demo editor: …
8:43 AM Ticket #10130 (Can't stop fckeditor modify my html code when switch from Source mode.) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: This is core functionality of editor and can't be turned off. In fact …
7:27 AM Ticket #10132 (Bug in Iframe Editing area on ck reload) created by f0ma
Iframe edit area plugin have bug on ckeditor reload. it writes …
3:39 AM Ticket #10131 (undoManager.update does not refresh command state) created by dggtydnk
Calls to the update() in undo Manager should also call …
2:21 AM Ticket #10130 (Can't stop fckeditor modify my html code when switch from Source mode.) created by sam
With latest code of ckeditor, when I copied a html template from …

Feb 25, 2013:

8:31 PM Ticket #10129 (Unable to link an image in a Definition List using IE9.) created by SP Dev
Hi, When adding a hyperlink to an image in a definition list, HTML is …
5:38 PM Ticket #10128 (config.toolbarLocation = 'bottom' not working in inline editing mode) created by cgoudey
Download ckeditor, add this line in config.js: […] => toolbar not …
4:51 PM Ticket #10127 ([Opera] Error thrown when applying list on incorrectly focused editor) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
1. Open inlinebycode sample. 2. Without focusing editor first, click …
3:57 PM Ticket #10126 ([Opera] Arrows in colorbuttons are displaced in RTL editor) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
2:57 PM Ticket #10125 (Link to an Anchor doesn't work in Firefox - CKEditor 3.6.2) created by Nagesh
Hi, i'm using CKEditor 3.6.2, where Link to an Anchor dis not …
2:44 PM Ticket #10124 (problem with new line in chrome browser) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: This issue doesn't occur in CKE 3.6.6. and CKE 4.x so the only …
2:32 PM Ticket #9751 (translation issue for locale bg_BG) closed by Anna Tomanek
2:27 PM Ticket #10124 (problem with new line in chrome browser) created by vlk67
Hello, I have created ticket #8756 and #8850, this ticket was marked …
2:25 PM Ticket #10123 ([Chrome] Insert image dialog layout broken in v25.0.1364.97) created by Olek Nowodziński
Latest version of Google Chrome has problem with correct rendering of …
2:19 PM Ticket #9358 (Mistake in the french translation of the em dash (special character)) closed by Anna Tomanek
fixed: Fixed in Transifex. …
2:09 PM Ticket #8981 (Error in Translation (LT)) closed by Anna Tomanek
fixed: Fixed in Transifex. …
1:43 PM Ticket #10100 (Translation of the table plugin to fr-ca) closed by Anna Tomanek
fixed: Fixed in Transifex. …
1:37 PM Ticket #9397 (Swedish Translation hiccup) closed by Anna Tomanek
duplicate: Thanks again for reporting this. It has already been fixed in #9725, …
1:30 PM Ticket #10122 ([IE7] Error when clicking TD in elementspath) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: DUP of #7975.
12:55 PM Ticket #10122 ([IE7] Error when clicking TD in elementspath) created by Olek Nowodziński
1. Open any sample. 2. New Page. 3. Insert table, caret in cell. 4. …
12:52 PM Ticket #10121 ([FF] Sourcearea is 1px lower than wysiwygarea) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
[[Image(...)]] [[Image(...)]]
12:42 PM Ticket #10120 ([IE7, BIDI] Changing paragraph direction breaks toolbar) created by Olek Nowodziński
1. Open http://ckeditor4.t/ckeditor/samples/replacebycode.html. 2. Put …
12:27 PM Ticket #10119 ([FF] Click on "body" in elements path selects only on first block element) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
TC1: 1. Open replacebyclass sample. 2. Without focusing editor, …
12:16 PM Ticket #10117 (Inline editing does not apply to elements created on the fly) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: AutoInline works only with elements that are on page when this loads. …
12:11 PM Ticket #10118 (Destroy(true) does not reverrt content in inline mode) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: This is how it works. This is not iframed editor build based on textarea.
11:18 AM Ticket #10118 (Destroy(true) does not reverrt content in inline mode) created by giammin
When calling destroy(true)in inline mode the content is not restore as …
11:18 AM Ticket #10117 (Inline editing does not apply to elements created on the fly) created by Dries Geris
Hi, The new inline editing feature is fantastic. It works great when …
10:10 AM Ticket #10115 ([Webkit] Invisible caret after newpage) created by Olek Nowodziński
1. Open [http://ckeditor4.t/ckeditor/samples/replacebycode.html

Feb 22, 2013:

2:18 PM Ticket #10114 (Invalid cursor position for non-editable element) created by adamfronczak
When non-editable element is the last one in the paragraph and cursor …
1:55 PM Ticket #10113 ([IE7] Failing tests) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
1:31 PM Ticket #10113 ([IE7] Failing tests) created by Olek Nowodziński
12:38 PM Ticket #10016 ([moono skin] Can't edit fields in jQuery UI modal dialog - Take 2) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: DUP of #10081. @Vicentor, please check my comments in #10081. Perhaps …
12:36 PM Ticket #10112 (Fix focusManager test) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on major with git:eaf5e73.
11:58 AM Ticket #10112 (Fix focusManager test) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
Failing: http://ckeditor4.t/dt/core/focusManager/focus.html > Test …
10:06 AM Ticket #10111 (Trap the 'tab' key) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: This isn't support site or forum but place for reporting bugs. Please …
9:57 AM Ticket #10109 (Image resizing is not disabled in inline editing in IE-8) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: This is browser feature. To disable it please use - …
7:33 AM Ticket #10110 (Extra Line is inserted when Right clicked outside table border) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: >>can tell me which files got modified to fix this issue in CkEditor …
7:33 AM Ticket #10111 (Trap the 'tab' key) created by Nandini Jayabalan
I have changed the behaviour of the 'tab key by using …
6:02 AM Ticket #10110 (Extra Line is inserted when Right clicked outside table border) created by KINJAL DAS
I am using CKEditor 3.4.2. I perform the following steps: 1) Add a …

Feb 21, 2013:

5:04 PM Ticket #10109 (Image resizing is not disabled in inline editing in IE-8) created by abua
Following is the html to enable inline editing in a div and disable …
3:27 PM Ticket #10106 (Sourcedialog view is broken when RTL language used) closed by Olek Nowodziński
3:22 PM Ticket #10098 ([Opera] Fix red tests) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Fixed in git:c335a3f90c1f0.
3:16 PM Ticket #10105 (Sourcearea view is broken when RTL language used) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Fixed in git:d360d7b036d.
3:08 PM Ticket #10103 (Automatically refresh commands added after editor is ready) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on major with git:ca6b17d on dev and d7792da on tests.
3:06 PM Ticket #9947 (Editor Width Overflows in Webkit Browsers) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Issue fixed in git:556cb20f852a5.
2:56 PM Ticket #10108 ([Android] Select All does not work) created by Anna Tomanek
Tested on Samsung Galaxy S, Android 4.2.1 (Jelly Bean), CKEditor …
2:32 PM Ticket #10107 ([Android] Problems with copy and paste) created by Anna Tomanek
Tested on Samsung Galaxy S, Android 4.2.1 (Jelly Bean), CKEditor …
1:50 PM Ticket #10045 (icons missing) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: @vd63 and @jarome you both had folder permission/owner issue which has …
11:23 AM Ticket #10106 (Sourcedialog view is broken when RTL language used) created by Olek Nowodziński
1. Open uilanguages sample. 2. Set language to Arabic. 3. Open …
10:47 AM Ticket #10105 (Sourcearea view is broken when RTL language used) created by Olek Nowodziński
1. Open uilanguages sample. 2. Set language to Arabic. 3. Enter source …
10:01 AM Ticket #10102 (WYSIWYG) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: I'm sorry but we don't do custom development.
9:42 AM Ticket #10104 (Add CKBuilder to Maven) created by Anna Tomanek
A request added at the community forum: …
9:37 AM Ticket #10103 (Automatically refresh commands added after editor is ready) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
This is follow-up of #10072. …

Feb 20, 2013:

11:17 PM Ticket #10102 (WYSIWYG) created by pixels
hi how are you i want buy your WYSIWYG html editor and i want you …
8:56 PM Ticket #10101 (afterUndo and afterRedo are fired on the commands) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
There are two events "afterUndo" and "afterRedo" that seem like good …
5:15 PM Ticket #10100 (Translation of the table plugin to fr-ca) created by slamadeleine
Here is a more complete file for the translation of the table plugin …
4:28 PM Changeset [7697] by Wiktor Walc
CKEditor tagging.
4:27 PM Changeset [7696] by Wiktor Walc
Merge trunk [7695], closed the release.
4:23 PM Changeset [7695] by Wiktor Walc
Updated PHP sample
4:21 PM Changeset [7694] by Wiktor Walc
Reverted [7693]
4:15 PM Changeset [7693] by Wiktor Walc
Updated PHP sample
3:30 PM Ticket #10097 (JSLint issues to be fixed) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Changes merged into major in git:69dcd98f4b.
3:24 PM Ticket #10099 (element.createFromHtml gives error on IE7/8 when adding HTML5 Section tag) created by Stephan
The execution of the code […] gives errors in Internet Explorer …
3:19 PM Ticket #10098 ([Opera] Fix red tests) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
2:07 PM Ticket #10072 (Disallowed command should be disabled by changing its state) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on major with git:013be3c on dev and c5dfe82 on tests.
2:06 PM Ticket #10076 (ACF should not filter data on output) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on major with git:493f477 on dev and f844994 on tests.
2:00 PM Ticket #10097 (JSLint issues to be fixed) created by Olek Nowodziński
[…] Seek and destroy.
1:56 PM Ticket #9796 (Editor outputs non-standart `strike` element instead of `s`) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Changed <strike> to <s> in git:db6ffc3a857. Updated samples.
12:16 PM Ticket #10096 ([IE10] Error javascript (Browser mode IE 10)) created by Ricardo Ruas
To reproduce: Press New Table Toolbar button Result: Unable to get …
10:21 AM Ticket #9907 (Add ability to process data that goes to preview) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Fixed popup issue in git:3e347c8687 (major) (tests: 4eb7762).

Feb 19, 2013:

10:16 PM Ticket #10095 (CKBuilder: java.io.IOException: "File name too long") created by Rob F.
I'm trying to build CKEditor (from the "stable" branch) with some …
5:42 PM Ticket #10089 (<script> tag is not filtered out) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Merged to major with git:f35bd1f on dev and b9e9dd8 on tests.
5:40 PM Ticket #10094 (Unable to dynamically/lazily load a CKBuilder-generated ckeditor.js) created by Chris Ingham
I would like to load CKEditor dynamically/lazily as part of a single …
5:30 PM Ticket #10073 (ACF should clean up empty elements) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Merged to major with git:3ba4d62 on dev and 708b379 on tests.
5:26 PM Ticket #10010 (Revise toolbar sample after changes in toolbar plugin made in #9829) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on major with git:df9e850.
4:34 PM Ticket #8784 (Allow for external mechanisms to work on the dataprocessor) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: This issue is fixed (currently only on …
2:10 PM Ticket #9954 ([CKBuilder] The command line tool should support languages property) closed by Wiktor Walc
fixed: Fixed in CKBuilder 1.6.1. For plugins that are not included directly …
2:06 PM Ticket #10013 (CKBuilder: detect plugin requirements in a smarter way) closed by Wiktor Walc
fixed: This has been somehow improved in 1.6.1. Unfortunately there is no …
2:01 PM Ticket #9624 (Unable to run builder with no plugins in profile) closed by Wiktor Walc
fixed: Fixed in CKBuilder 1.6.1.
1:28 PM Ticket #9713 (Inline editing Source mode) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Introduced new sourcedialog plugin in: git:7754ef70470365. …
12:12 PM Ticket #9507 ([FF] Focus on editor focused for the first time set selection before ...) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Fixed in git:d904beb99e1. Merged tests in 94a4c57@tests-v4.
11:51 AM Ticket #10071 (ACF should be aware of config.enterMode) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Merged to major with git:a998cba on dev and 7b8a6c1 on tests.
11:50 AM Ticket #9848 (Failing command test after switching off selectionChange's errorProof flag) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Added info regarding IE versions. Fixed with 89814fa@tests-v4.
9:34 AM Ticket #9907 (Add ability to process data that goes to preview) reopened by Olek Nowodziński

Feb 18, 2013:

11:57 PM Ticket #10093 (IE9 inline/destroy multiple times causes return key to repeat that ...) created by Steve Wake
In IE9 if you call inline and destroy multiple times on the same div …
5:54 PM Ticket #10092 (Focus lost on IE when reopening in an iframe with a jQuery onload listener) created by Tuomas Salo
CKEditor doesn't receive the focus with a mouse click in a quite …
3:36 PM Ticket #10091 (Blockquote treated like an inline element when added via a custom styleSet) created by Michael C.
I need to insert blockquotes with a certain class attribute. To that …
2:22 PM Ticket #9992 (Styles combo integration with allowed content filter) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Merged to major with git:6a0fd35 on dev and b48b207 on tests. I …
2:06 PM Ticket #10058 (CKEDitor 4 inline editor firefox and IE bug) closed by Jakub Ś
wontfix: I have consulted this issue and here is what we have decided: This is …
12:28 PM Ticket #10088 (Can I Change toolbar at runtime on ckeditor 4.x.x) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: 1. This is not forum but place for reporting bug and feature requests. …
12:09 PM Ticket #10090 (disableAutoInline not working) closed by giammin
11:56 AM Ticket #10090 (disableAutoInline not working) created by giammin
to reproduce just download ckeditor and add in config.js […] then …
10:34 AM Ticket #10089 (<script> tag is not filtered out) created by Wiktor Walc
Thanks to #9829 CKEditor now creates HTML content which contains only …
10:27 AM Ticket #10088 (Can I Change toolbar at runtime on ckeditor 4.x.x) created by Couvert
Hi, I wonder if it is possible to change the toolbar dynamically in …

Feb 17, 2013:

11:17 AM Ticket #10086 (Can't edit fields in jQuery UI modal dialog) closed by Oskar
7:53 AM Ticket #10087 ([Webkit] space is deleted when line start is space.) created by Cha, Hojeong
Commonly this bug appear enter mode br, but can reproduce other modes. …

Feb 16, 2013:

9:28 PM Ticket #10086 (Can't edit fields in jQuery UI modal dialog) created by Oskar
I can't edit input fields in filemanager, link or any other dialog, …

Feb 15, 2013:

7:30 PM Ticket #10085 (Plugin divarea causes baseHref not working) created by Dave Jackson
This worked fine in 4.0. I've only tried it with the minified …
3:50 PM Ticket #9907 (Add ability to process data that goes to preview) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Feature added to major in commit git:2ae48b9 Tests pushed to major …
3:36 PM Ticket #9851 (selectionChange isn't fired when mouse selection finished outside editable) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Fixed with git:bcb07200a76f6b
2:27 PM Ticket #10084 ([Android] Problems with Maximize plugin in zoomed-in page) created by Anna Tomanek
Tested on Samsung Galaxy S, Android 4.2.1 (Jelly Bean), CKEditor 4.0.1 …
2:11 PM Ticket #10083 ([Android] Opening dialog windows from editor contents does not work) created by Anna Tomanek
Tested on Samsung Galaxy S, Android 4.2.1 (Jelly Bean), CKEditor 4.0.1 …
1:34 PM Ticket #10082 ([Android] Dialog windows open in an incorrect place on a page and ...) created by Anna Tomanek
Tested on Samsung Galaxy S, Android 4.2.1 (Jelly Bean), CKEditor 4.0.1 …
1:12 PM Ticket #10080 (ACF post-integration issues) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on major with git:5aff1ea and tests with 3edab9c.
12:59 PM Ticket #10081 (NEW! can't edit fields in jQuery UI modal dialog) created by psyafter
when using CKEditor in UI Dialog there is a problem with editors …
12:20 PM Ticket #10077 (i am made many tabs in contents and...) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: >>It is a bag? or i made somthing wrong? help me please. If you are …
10:11 AM Ticket #10080 (ACF post-integration issues) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
After merging #9989 + #10006 + #9994 + #9990 to major I've found few …
9:53 AM Ticket #9990 (Dialogs integration with allowed content filter) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Merged to major on git:c7cf983 on dev and 43ddcc2 on tests.
9:40 AM Ticket #9994 (Mark which allowed content rules were added by which features) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Merged to major on git:85dfc91 on dev and 5263b41 on tests.
9:28 AM Ticket #10006 (Strip entire element after removing required attr/style) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Merged to major on git:3a9b2c5 on dev and 33387db on tests.
9:22 AM Ticket #9989 (Editor's features should unify input data basing on defined transformations) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Merged to major on git:a896e92 on dev and dbd4db0 on tests.

Feb 14, 2013:

9:31 PM Ticket #10079 (IE8: Permission denied cleaning editor on focus) created by Juan Pablo
I want to clean up the editor when it's focused and it's throwing an …
6:10 PM Ticket #10078 (BBCode: No line-breaks when pasting paragraphed text) created by p3r3
When pasting a list of items from notepad/textedit in the bbcode …
5:03 PM Ticket #10077 (i am made many tabs in contents and...) created by Viacheslav
i am made many tabs in contents like: return { title: 'Insert …
3:25 PM Ticket #10075 (CKEditor 4 Inline editing - Toolbar appears in the wrong place when ...) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: This is a dup of #9816. Toolbar positions horizontally correctly but …
3:20 PM Ticket #10076 (ACF should not filter data on output) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
This is follow-up of #9829. Currently, on major, filter is applied to …
3:15 PM Ticket #10075 (CKEditor 4 Inline editing - Toolbar appears in the wrong place when ...) created by Roy Shoa
Hi The Toolbar appears in the wrong place when you drag the editing …
2:45 PM Ticket #10074 ([Android] Clicking a link in CKEditor opens this page in editor ...) created by Anna Tomanek
Tested on Samsung Galaxy S, Android 4.2.1 (Jelly Bean), CKEditor 4.0.1 …
2:10 PM Ticket #10073 (ACF should clean up empty elements) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
TC: 1. Create editor without image button (e.g. use one of editors in …
1:59 PM Ticket #10072 (Disallowed command should be disabled by changing its state) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
This is follow-up of #9829. Currently when command isn't allowed its …
1:56 PM Ticket #10071 (ACF should be aware of config.enterMode) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
The follow-up of #9829. Things that need to dependent on …
1:36 PM Ticket #10070 ([Android] Selecting and deleting word deletes a single character ...) created by Anna Tomanek
Tested on Samsung Galaxy S, Android 4.2.1 (Jelly Bean), CKEditor 4.0.1 …
1:08 PM Ticket #10069 ([Android] Content width in CKEditor does not match the content area width) created by Anna Tomanek
Tested on Samsung Galaxy S, Android 4.2.1 (Jelly Bean), CKEditor 4.0.1 …
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