Sep 13, 2012:
10:40 PM Ticket #9330 (CKEditor Paste From Word strips anchor tags) created by Jake Berkes
When using Paste From Word option, anchor tags (<a name=...>) are …
3:39 PM CP/IBM_Priorities_v4 edited by Teresa Monahan
3:10 PM CP/IBM_Priorities_v4 edited by Teresa Monahan
1:30 PM Ticket #9325 (FF:Can't paste plain text by right-click when forcePasteAsPlainText= true) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: >>Can't paste plain text by right-click when forcePasteAsPlainText= …
12:46 PM Ticket #9313 (Color Picker does not change color on "OK" after having hit "Cancel") closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: DUP of #5960.
12:40 PM Ticket #9318 (Checkbox is not able to select on ie and firefox) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: I see no problems in IE. As for FF we have ticket for this already.
12:37 PM Ticket #680 (No context menu for checkbox in a table cell in Firefox) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: This is actually a dup of #5804 (Table has nothing to do here).
12:35 PM Ticket #7483 (Change checkbox state) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: Issue for ubuntu is no longer reproducible.
Issue for FF was …
12:27 PM Ticket #4842 (Radio and checkbox dialogs layout) closed by Jakub Ś
expired: No longer reproducible.
12:06 PM Ticket #9277 ([API docs] Scrolling to anchor doesn't work precisely) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Fixed with …
11:28 AM CP/IBM_Priorities_v4 edited by Teresa Monahan
10:41 AM Ticket #9329 (IE: Focus lost when editor's horizontal or vertical scroll bar is scrolled) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect:
1. Open any CK Editor sample & insert …
7:07 AM Ticket #9283 ([IE] Focus is broken in several cases.) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed on master with
7:06 AM Ticket #9241 (disableNativeSpellChecker invalid for inline) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed on master with
7:04 AM Ticket #9238 (State of some toolbar buttons are not updated after using 'Remove Format') closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed on master with
7:00 AM Ticket #8888 (CK Editor dialogs do not show completely in small window) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [7612].
7:00 AM Changeset [7612] by Garry Yao
#8888: Dialog layout changed to absolute position on small viewport, …
6:58 AM Ticket #8795 (tableresize not working correctly when the editor's horizontal scroll ...) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [7611] on trunk.
6:57 AM Changeset [7611] by Garry Yao
#8795: Fixed table column resize not working when doc overflows …
6:56 AM Changeset [7610] by Garry Yao
Introduced CKEDITOR.dom.event#getPasteOffset.
Sep 12, 2012:
8:22 PM Ticket #9328 ("Link Dialog" unusable in IE) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: >>I've installed version 3.6.3 with no customizations
It looks like …
3:36 PM CP/IBM_Priorities_v4 edited by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
3:35 PM CP/IBM_Priorities edited by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
3:16 PM Ticket #9112 (Some table operations are causing javascript errors) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
invalid: There is certainly a reason why to have those try/catch blocks in the …
2:18 PM Ticket #9328 ("Link Dialog" unusable in IE) created by john
I've installed version 3.6.3 with no customizations... I'm having …
1:26 PM Ticket #9327 ([API docs] Create a nice welcome page) created by Olek Nowodziński
JSDuck allows that:
10:40 AM Ticket #9232 (_languages.js should be removed from core (?)) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed on master with
9:13 AM Ticket #9326 ([Opera] Editable width changes after newpage) created by Olek Nowodziński
1. Open http://ckeditor4.t/ckeditor/samples/replacebyclass.html
2. …
7:15 AM Changeset [7609] by cksource_robot
Updated translations from CKEditor Translation Center
3:56 AM Ticket #9325 (FF:Can't paste plain text by right-click when forcePasteAsPlainText= true) created by dongqiuhong
forcePasteAsPlainText is true, FF version is 15.0.1
I debug it and …
Sep 11, 2012:
4:23 PM Ticket #9240 (Arrows not rendering correctly on menus in high contrast mode) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: Thanks for the fix, tmonahan. Fixed with a1d5c4e.
3:04 PM CP/IBM_Priorities edited by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Moved tickets that will be handled on v4 (diff)
3:02 PM CP/IBM_Priorities_v4 created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
2:35 PM Ticket #9147 (Chrome: RTL on a list bullet has no visual effect) closed by Jakub Ś
2:35 PM Ticket #9056 (IE9 CKEditor 3.6.2 Javascript exception) closed by Jakub Ś
2:13 PM Ticket #9324 (magicline and contenteditable=false) created by mordy
I'm using contenteditable="false" on a div inside an inline editor.
1:20 PM Ticket #9323 (IE: Enter creating a new paragraph instead of new line in Paste dialog) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect:
1. Open any CK Editor sample and click …
11:31 AM Ticket #9322 (CKEditor should recognize fields like checkboxes pasted from word.) created by Jakub Ś
Allow for adding checkboxes in word 2010 as described in …
11:22 AM Ticket #9299 (HTML Editor Control (not parsing some of the Tags Correctly) - Help ...) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: I have added checkbox to word file as described in …
11:21 AM Ticket #9321 (FF: Vertical scroll bar & toolbar missing in maximized editor with ...) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect:
1. Open Autogrow Sample.
2. Maximize …
10:28 AM Ticket #9320 (Editor does not autogrow after entering content in Maximize mode) created by Teresa Monahan
Reproducible in IE, Webkit and Opera.
- Open the autogrow sample and …
10:04 AM Ticket #9319 (FF: Editor not expanding to Maximum size, when we click Maximize ...) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect:
1. Open Autogrow Sample.
2. Keep …
9:38 AM Ticket #9303 (Using backspace key causes javascript error, bumps you out of the ...) closed by Garry Yao
duplicate: This issue is to be handled at #9112, so I'm closing this one.
8:36 AM Ticket #8295 (Java Script error when inserting new column in the table) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [7608].
Added ticket test …
8:34 AM Changeset [7608] by Garry Yao
#8295: Fixed JS error from tabletools plugin on inserting table column …
7:02 AM Ticket #9318 (Checkbox is not able to select on ie and firefox) created by chinthu
Checkbox is not able to select on ie and firefox
4:25 AM Ticket #9317 (disableObjectResizing and disableNativeTableHandles does not work in ...) created by Mike Nicholls
Tested using IE9 on Windows 7, with both CKEditor 3.6.4 and 4.0 beta. …
3:56 AM Ticket #9312 (IE: Table with multiple tbody tags gets re-ordered when switching ...) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [7607].
Added ticket test http://ckeditor.t/tt/9312/1.html.
3:55 AM Changeset [7607] by Garry Yao
#9312: Fixed table with multiple <tbody> output in wrong order.
3:05 AM Ticket #9310 (Paste as Plain text closing when we press Enter in Pasting Area) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [7606].
3:05 AM Changeset [7606] by Garry Yao
#9310: Fixed a regression of [7516] that breaks enter key in dialog …
2:54 AM Ticket #8032 (Insert block element between block elements) closed by Garry Yao
wontfix: We'd not provide a workaround for this in 3.x, since we've provided …
Sep 10, 2012:
11:51 PM Ticket #9316 (Mac OS issues with .NET implementation of CKEditor v3.6.4) created by Paul
Hi there,
I've installed the .NET implementation of CKEditor v3.6.4 …
7:56 PM Ticket #9315 (Editor is removed when deleting all content and editor (div) is ...) created by Mike Burgh
If you select all content in the editor (keyboard or icon) and then …
7:15 PM Ticket #9314 (Incorrect wording of cancel color change dialog) created by jgallred
One of our program testers found this error. It was briefly mentioned …
7:05 PM Ticket #9313 (Color Picker does not change color on "OK" after having hit "Cancel") created by jgallred
One of our program testers has discovered this bug.
When I try to …
2:57 PM CP/IBM_Priorities edited by Teresa Monahan
2:55 PM CP/IBM_Priorities edited by Teresa Monahan
2:46 PM Ticket #9312 (IE: Table with multiple tbody tags gets re-ordered when switching ...) created by Teresa Monahan
To Reproduce:
- Open any sample in IE and copy the following HTML into …
2:18 PM Ticket #9307 (Characters are coming in COLOR in IE7) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: It seems that browsers render these characters like that. There is …
1:14 PM Ticket #9311 (Vertical scroll bar not appearing in maximized editor with autogtrow ...) created by Teresa Monahan
To Reproduce:
- Open the Autogrow Sample in any browser.
- Maximize …
12:43 PM Ticket #9030 (IE9: select text + open link dialog - link creation fails if text ...) reopened by Jakub Ś
11:56 AM Ticket #9152 ([IE8] Delete key before list item) reopened by Jakub Ś
@satya comment is correct. TC from comment 10 is still reproducible.
10:21 AM CP/IBM_Priorities edited by Teresa Monahan
10:19 AM Ticket #9310 (Paste as Plain text closing when we press Enter in Pasting Area) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect
1. Open any CK Editor sample and open …
8:45 AM Ticket #9309 (Incorrect delete key behavior before list item) created by Satya Minnekanti
1. Load the following into editor
2. Place cursor at end …
4:58 AM Ticket #9132 (IE6-8 JS error thrown when pasting with dialog) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed the second TC mentioned in 12 with [7605].
4:57 AM Changeset [7605] by Garry Yao
Post-fix #9132: Eliminate JS error thrown right after pasting in old IEs.
3:47 AM Ticket #9152 ([IE8] Delete key before list item) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed by #9129.
3:45 AM Ticket #9304 (Editable keystroke handlers should use editor#key event) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed on master with
3:35 AM Ticket #9263 (config.ignoreEmptyParagraph invalid for inline) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed on master with
3:24 AM Ticket #9260 (Combo boxes should not react on hover in read-only mode) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed on master with
Sep 9, 2012:
7:16 AM Changeset [7604] by cksource_robot
Updated translations from CKEditor Translation Center
Sep 7, 2012:
10:21 PM Ticket #9279 (Divarea vs inline editor - styling problems) reopened by Piotrek Koszuliński
"pointer" is a correct cursor shape. It points that this box can …
4:23 PM Ticket #9308 (duplicate no-repeat value for background-repeat in Table dialog) created by Alexey
I found this ticket (http://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/8451) in your …
3:13 PM Ticket #9289 (JS can be entered using the protocl type 'Other' in links plugin and ...) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: Fixed with [7603].
3:12 PM Changeset [7603] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
#9289 : Disallow creating javascript: links through the link dialog.
3:01 PM Ticket #9117 (FF error shown when calling setData() on hidden editor, with autogrow on) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: Fixed with [7602].
3:01 PM Changeset [7602] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
#9117 : [FF] Avoid js error when calling setData() on a hidden editor.
2:51 PM Ticket #9307 (Characters are coming in COLOR in IE7) created by Debasish
Steps to replicate:
1. Open ckeditor demo site …
1:54 PM Ticket #9285 (CKEDITOR.config#on missed in documentation) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Masterised with https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor-dev/commit/2a1dfd1
1:39 PM Ticket #9242 ([IE7] Magicline expands editable) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Fixed and masterized with …
1:37 PM Ticket #9234 ([IE7,8] Magicline leaks out of an inline editor) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Fixed and masterized with …
12:40 PM Ticket #9279 (Divarea vs inline editor - styling problems) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Masterised with …
12:20 PM Ticket #9306 (Reusable removeFormat command) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
Currently removeFormat command may be applied only to the selection …
11:18 AM Ticket #9291 (User is unable to select a whole table in IE.) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: DUP of #9197.
10:55 AM CP/IBM_Priorities edited by Teresa Monahan
10:48 AM Ticket #3986 (can't place cursor before a table) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: DUP of #7821
10:36 AM Ticket #3784 ([IE] Paragraph before table is not deleteable) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: DUP of #6217
9:45 AM Ticket #9284 (Disabling custom context menu by adding it to removePlugins list ...) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Masterised with https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor-dev/commit/d6f9f94
9:15 AM Ticket #9305 (Enter key fails if CKEditor is used in a cross domain frame) created by Jakub Ś
Ticket based on #9217
1. Open attached file
2. Type few chars and …
8:40 AM Ticket #9302 (Is there a way we can prevent FCK editor not to HTML encode following ...) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: 1. FCKeditor is no longer supported. We have just released CKEditor 4 …
8:23 AM Ticket #9234 ([IE7,8] Magicline leaks out of an inline editor) reopened by Olek Nowodziński
The problem is reproducible and definitely not yet resolved. The …
8:05 AM Ticket #9246 (Cache inInlineMode in magicline) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Resolved with 489bfe3. Masterized.
3:07 AM Ticket #9258 (Incorrect handling of multiple font-sizes chosen at the same time) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed on master with
2:52 AM Ticket #9129 (Backspace at the start of first list item) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [7601].
2:52 AM Changeset [7601] by Garry Yao
#9129: Fixed backspace/del behaviors around list item.
2:47 AM Ticket #9097 (Selection at the beginning of paragraphs is broken on IE9 and IE8) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [7600].
2:47 AM Changeset [7600] by Garry Yao
#9097: Revised IE selection start from outside body.
2:41 AM Ticket #9221 (Check the full page feature) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed on master with
2:39 AM Ticket #9256 (Paragraph added before <hr>) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed on master with
2:19 AM Ticket #9304 (Editable keystroke handlers should use editor#key event) created by Garry Yao
Currently we're hooking on raw DOM event, so it's impossible to …
Sep 6, 2012:
10:19 PM Ticket #9303 (Using backspace key causes javascript error, bumps you out of the ...) created by Lynne Kues
Enable running with Firebug.
Go to CKEditor demo.
Select the …
5:16 PM Ticket #9302 (Is there a way we can prevent FCK editor not to HTML encode following ...) created by Hari
We need to prevent FCK Editor not do following things
Don't do HTML …
4:04 PM Ticket #9292 (Browser error when calling insertText(' ') in V4) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Masterised with https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor-dev/commit/704fdb4
4:00 PM Ticket #9234 ([IE7,8] Magicline leaks out of an inline editor) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
worksforme: Replying to Reinmar:
> I'm not able to reproduce this bug …
8:57 AM Ticket #9301 (Complete DTD for HTML5) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
=== Intro ===
Googling... googling... That's right - there's no DTD …
8:32 AM Ticket #8916 (Safari: Press delete button in an empty cell deleting empty Rows below ...) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: There's a problem with having test coverage on keystroke handlers in …
8:20 AM Ticket #9300 (Move keystroke handlers) created by Garry Yao
Currently we hooked all keystroke handles, inside of editable.js, it …
Sep 5, 2012:
7:06 PM Ticket #9217 (Line Feed key with absolut link in a frame (only Firefox)) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: I have looked once more into your issue. I haven't looked for the …
9:03 AM Ticket #9299 (HTML Editor Control (not parsing some of the Tags Correctly) - Help ...) created by Manish Chhetia
Hi CKEditor Technical/Support Team,
Greetings of the day.
I am …
7:42 AM Ticket #9296 (FCKEditor 2.6.8 doesn't work with Firefox 15.0) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: We're sorry, but FCKEditor isn't supported any more. It's version that …
7:39 AM Ticket #9298 (CKEditor 4.0 -IE 9,8 insert html element bug) created by kira
Brower: IE 9, 8
I insert some <br> tag and I insert some …
5:42 AM Ticket #9297 (IE - CKEditor 4.0 -At table insert Hyperlink broken) created by kira
Steps: (see attach image)
1. Create a Table 3*2
2. Insert Hyperlink …
Sep 4, 2012:
4:42 PM Ticket #9296 (FCKEditor 2.6.8 doesn't work with Firefox 15.0) created by tavnon
Updated Firefox to the newest version, 15.0. Now I can't post comments …
4:21 PM Ticket #9295 (Font Size and Bold/Italic/Underline create multiple spans) created by Donald Hanson
Using the following configuration:
Start with this content:
2:53 PM Ticket #9294 (IE: Inserting Cell Before or After not working if the table has only ...) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect:
1. Open any sample and insert a table …
1:59 PM Ticket #8034 (Fake elements config for "Unknown Object") closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Please have a look at files
1. _source/plugins/fakeobjects/plugin.js …
1:41 PM Ticket #2599 (Allow an arbitrary query string, and propagate it to dialog boxes) closed by Jakub Ś
wontfix: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
1:20 PM Ticket #5267 (There are some issues with PRE blocks which have any attributes) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: No longer reproducible in latest CKEditor 3.6.4.
1:18 PM Ticket #325 (API: GetXHTML() temporarily distorts rendering) closed by Jakub Ś
wontfix: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
12:40 PM Ticket #3965 ("Collapse Toolbar" changes editor width) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: In your example you have set
not width:100%
. …
12:18 PM Ticket #8178 (CKEditor toolbar should float on a page and be dynamically attached to ...) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: I believe that your request has been solved by inline editing plugin …
12:03 PM Ticket #1836 (Restrict New Floating Dialogs to stay within client area) closed by Jakub Ś
wontfix: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
10:02 AM Ticket #9293 (Save text with div replace) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Please note that the CKEditor development website is not the right …
8:12 AM Ticket #9293 (Save text with div replace) created by amirov73
i see this: …
Sep 3, 2012:
3:15 PM Ticket #9251 (Magicline goes wrong with enterMode=BR) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Fixed with d90b0b4 (dev), 8cbd2d2 (tests). Masterized.
2:18 PM Ticket #9282 (src url encoding - ampersands should not be encoded in img and iframe src) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Ampersand character is a special case which must always be encoded.
1:17 PM Ticket #9276 (First letter of new line after the link is appended to the link) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: DUP of #8146.
1:16 PM Ticket #9292 (Browser error when calling insertText(' ') in V4) created by Teresa Monahan
To Reproduce:
- Open any V4 CKEditor sample
- Enter the following in …
10:01 AM Ticket #9291 (User is unable to select a whole table in IE.) created by Shiv
Users can select the menu for cell properties, but the changes like bg …
9:12 AM Ticket #9290 (Loading CKEditor in readOnly mode breaks the undo/redo toolbar buttons) created by Joel
Loading a CKEditor instance with the config setting
breaks the …
8:58 AM Ticket #9289 (JS can be entered using the protocl type 'Other' in links plugin and ...) created by Rajasimhan
Links plugin has a protocol type called 'other' using which one can …
8:52 AM Ticket #9253 (Resize feature should be disabled for maximized editor) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Fixed with b852334. Masterized.
Sep 2, 2012:
11:10 PM Ticket #9288 (TypeError: this.getWindow().$.getComputedStyle(this.$, "") is null) created by Jay
Using CKEditor along with CKFinder within a page which is loaded …
Aug 31, 2012:
2:04 PM Ticket #9287 (Duplicate width (attribute and style)) created by Flavien CROCHARD
To reproduce :
1. Create a new table.
2. In wysiwyg mode, resize …
11:56 AM Ticket #9286 (CKEDITOR.config#keystrokes - update docs) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
Pretty important change has been made in v4. See: …
11:30 AM Ticket #9285 (CKEDITOR.config#on missed in documentation) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
10:48 AM Ticket #9284 (Disabling custom context menu by adding it to removePlugins list ...) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
1. Add
removePlugins: 'contextmenu'
option to any "bycode" …
10:41 AM Ticket #3966 (Add title for "Collapse Toolbar") closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: No longer reproducible.
10:36 AM Ticket #9283 ([IE] Focus is broken in several cases.) created by Olek Nowodziński
1. Go to http://ckeditor4.t/ckeditor/samples/api.html
2. Change the …
9:38 AM Ticket #6168 (Multiple styles lost when changing coreStyles_underling to use <span> ...) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [7599].
9:38 AM Changeset [7599] by Garry Yao
#6168: Style definition now resolves correctly styles defined as …
9:34 AM Ticket #8995 (Link gets destroyed in bbcode when you modify it) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [7598].
9:33 AM Changeset [7598] by Garry Yao
#8995: Fixed incorrect html escaping when parsing bbcode.
9:28 AM Ticket #9262 (Fix for body misssing from the divarea) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed on master with: …
9:26 AM Ticket #9261 (Broken image icon displays for Flash and IFrame elements) closed by Garry Yao
8:41 AM Ticket #3049 (RangeIterator not correct with table caption) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: No longer reproducible.
8:38 AM Ticket #2894 (GetParentElement wrongly gives body sometimes for ff and webkit) closed by Jakub Ś
wontfix: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
8:34 AM Ticket #4339 (Add Script Button) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: DUP of #9280
8:32 AM Ticket #4854 ([FF3] Maximize layout broken in RTL quirks) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: No longer reproducible.
Aug 30, 2012:
9:01 PM Ticket #9282 (src url encoding - ampersands should not be encoded in img and iframe src) created by franzo
This happens for both img and iframe tags.
Steps to reproduce:
1. …
4:07 PM CP/IBM_Priorities edited by Teresa Monahan
2:19 PM Ticket #9231 ([Opera] Wrong cursor type for magicline's "enter" handler) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Fixed with c5f8ed3. Masterized.
2:10 PM Ticket #9281 (Safari: Error on table dialog when border:none is added to the styles field) created by Teresa Monahan
To Reproduce:
- Open any sample in Safari and insert a table.
- Open …
2:03 PM Ticket #7822 (Fake image for protectedSource) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: As discussed with @fredck - protectedSource was created for developers …
2:02 PM Ticket #9280 (Provide a plugin that will replace code entered in source with fake ...) created by Jakub Ś
Based on #7822.
This is very similar to proctectedSource.
1. Based on …
1:46 PM Ticket #9279 (Divarea vs inline editor - styling problems) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
1. To style both focused editables - normal inline one and created …
1:31 PM Ticket #9222 ([FF] Browser uses default cursor for inline editors) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on master. Before masterising I expanded this fix for divarea, …
12:58 PM Ticket #9278 (Add 'list-style-type:none' to list properties dialog.) created by Jakub Ś
I think that list property dialog should have also have none option.
12:53 PM Ticket #9218 (FakeObjects plugin has wrong reference to spacer.gif) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
duplicate: DUP of #9261.
11:25 AM Ticket #9223 (Float panel doesn't scroll with page for inline) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on master.
11:06 AM Ticket #9277 ([API docs] Scrolling to anchor doesn't work precisely) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
See e.g.
7:40 AM Ticket #9276 (First letter of new line after the link is appended to the link) created by tema
How to repdoruce:
Open a new instance of an editor with
Aug 29, 2012:
2:32 PM Ticket #9249 (Escape key does not close the a11yhelp dialog) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed on master.
2:28 PM Ticket #9226 (Auto directional change is not working on inline) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed on master. …
12:52 PM Ticket #9275 (Paste from word instead of paste in context menu) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Please note that the CKEditor development website is not the right …
10:37 AM Ticket #9274 (Copying the word content adds two lines above/below the bullet points) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: If you look at this word document you will see that your client …
7:23 AM Ticket #9209 (IE7: Browser crash when changing list item type) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [7597].
7:22 AM Changeset [7597] by Garry Yao
#9209: Fixed wrong way of removing cke_expando (cause IE crash).
7:12 AM Ticket #9275 (Paste from word instead of paste in context menu) created by sarath
I would like to know if it is possible to trigger paste from word …
7:02 AM Ticket #9274 (Copying the word content adds two lines above/below the bullet points) created by Senthil
Copy the content from the attached word doc and paste it …
6:37 AM Ticket #9273 (CK Editor does not copy paste microsoft word formatting into it like ...) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: To get that you need to set below two properties to false:
Note: See
for information about the timeline view.