
Apr 22, 2010:

5:10 PM Ticket #5569 (Setting the doctype to HTML is not working) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: The CKEDITOR.config.docType should not be used for this purpose, …
4:52 PM Ticket #5425 (SCAYT button must be disabled in Opera) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5398].
4:51 PM Changeset [5398] by Garry Yao
#5425: Disable SCAYT for Opera.
4:30 PM Ticket #4884 (Spell Check As You Type (SCAYT) causes IE to Scroll) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Works for me after #5551.
4:30 PM Ticket #5551 (SCAYT - updated scayt core url) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed by #4836.
4:30 PM Ticket #5550 (SCAYT - text formating fixing) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed by #4836.
4:29 PM Ticket #5424 (SCAYT takes a lot to activate) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: The SCAYT initial time is much reduced after #5551, feel free to …
4:27 PM Ticket #5466 (SCAYT interferes on color commands) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Confirmed to be fixed by #5567 and #4836.
4:25 PM Ticket #4836 (SCAYT - when enabled, text formatting is working differently) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5397].
4:23 PM Changeset [5397] by Garry Yao
#4836: SCAYT now taking care of merging inline elements when removing …
4:15 PM Ticket #5567 (Remove inline style not joining siblings) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5396].
4:15 PM Changeset [5396] by Garry Yao
#5567: Fixing mergeSibling doesn't join elements in IE because of …
3:08 PM Ticket #5576 (Elementspath does not work correctly when clicking body) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
=== Steps to reproduce === * Open the demo. * Put the caret inside …
2:59 PM Ticket #5575 (CKEDITOR.replaceAll should consider all white spaces in classes) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
Currently, the Regex in the CKEDITOR.replaceAll functions considers …
2:43 PM Ticket #5574 (SCAYT doesn't get refreshed after command) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open any of the sample page and …
2:36 PM Ticket #5573 (SCAYT breaks cursor position after insert image) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open any of the sample page and …
2:12 PM Ticket #5572 ([IE] SCAYT move cursor on misspelled word) created by Garry Yao
=== Environment === IE === Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open any of …
1:38 PM Ticket #5571 (SCAYT throws error) created by Garry Yao
=== Environment === IE and FF === Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open …
1:35 PM Ticket #5570 ([IE] SCAYT load blind cursor in document) created by Garry Yao
=== Environment === All IE versions. === Reproducing Procedures === …
11:29 AM Ticket #5569 (Setting the doctype to HTML is not working) created by Senthil
After setting the doctype to HTML, toolbar controls are still …
10:23 AM Ticket #5559 (setData affected by iframe loading) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5395].
10:22 AM Changeset [5395] by Garry Yao
#5559: Loading wysiwyg mode data on iframe load event instead of via …
9:28 AM Ticket #5568 ([[IE]] First Char in the selected line in a Table is removed from ...) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect: 1. Open Ajax Sample. 2. Insert a …
3:52 AM Ticket #5567 (Remove inline style not joining siblings) created by Garry Yao
=== Environment === IE8 === Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open any of …

Apr 21, 2010:

6:18 PM Ticket #5566 (Smart tags not dealt with by pastefromword) created by navnorth
Smart tags are not dealt with in any way by the pastefromword plugin. …
5:32 PM Changeset [5394] by Garry Yao
Upgrade bespin embeded to 0.7.1, including the following changes: 1. …
3:58 PM Ticket #5565 (Erratic scrollbar behavior when opening a rich combo with RTL) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
Open a rich combo in an RTL page. Notice that an horizontal scrollbar …
3:48 PM Ticket #5274 ([[IE6]] Content Templates dialog is not displaying properly) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5393].
3:48 PM Changeset [5393] by Garry Yao
Re-fixing #5274: Hover styling now works well for template dialog options.
3:45 PM Ticket #4459 (CKEditor maximized appears below select element in IE6) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5392].
3:44 PM Changeset [5392] by Garry Yao
#4459: Adding iframe shim for maximized editor in IE6.
3:40 PM Ticket #5452 ([IE+Quirks] Unscrollable combo dropdown list) closed by Garry Yao
expired: That's weird, WFM now in current trunk.
3:29 PM Ticket #5564 (ContextMenu partially invisible if diaplyed above the cursor) created by WebSpellChecker.net
Context menu may became partially invisible (unusable) if it is …
3:22 PM Ticket #5563 ([FF] 'disableObjectResizing' and 'disableNativeTableHandles' not working) created by Garry Yao
Due to changes made at #3593, these two configs stop working since …
3:17 PM Ticket #5562 ([IE] Unable to have 'contentEditable=false" in effect) created by Garry Yao
=== Environment === IE8 === Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open any of …
3:11 PM Ticket #3593 (Use body.contentEditable = true instead of domDocument.designMode = 'on') closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5391] on 3.3.x branch.
3:10 PM Changeset [5391] by Garry Yao
#3593: Apply contentEditable=true in non-IE browsers.
2:54 PM Changeset [5390] by Garry Yao
Merge trunk [5388:5389].
12:37 PM Ticket #5561 (An easy way to switch between bulleted and numbered lists) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
While reading #4358, I was wondering about a way to easly switch …
12:20 PM Ticket #5021 (Automatic insertion of <br /> in Firefox when using enterMode = BR;) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5389].
12:20 PM Changeset [5389] by Garry Yao
#5021: fixing a regression of [3816] which cause cusor been placed …
12:16 PM Ticket #5547 (Image width and height should use width and height HTML attributes) closed by John Fletcher
wontfix: "It's just the other way: inline styles take precedence over any …
11:33 AM Ticket #5560 (insetHTML inserts at first position instead of the current cursor ...) created by Cass Labs
I am trying to insert a text into FCK Editor on click of a link which …
8:53 AM Ticket #5559 (setData affected by iframe loading) created by Garry Yao
=== Environment === IE with browser cache enabled. === Reproducing …
6:01 AM Ticket #5558 ([Webkit] Not scrolling to cursor after paste) created by Garry Yao
=== Environment === Chrome and Safari === Reproducing Procedures === …

Apr 20, 2010:

8:07 PM Ticket #5548 (Error: l.lang.contextmenu is undefined) closed by Christian Stone
invalid: For whatever reason, it seems to be working now. I don't understand …
7:05 PM Ticket #5557 (Paste as plain-text functionality) created by Shaun
Currently, paragraphs are separated by two <br /> tags after you paste …
5:45 PM Ticket #5556 (Incorrect applying text color to the last table cell) created by Karen Ananiev
* Insert table * Put some text to each cell * Select all …
9:55 AM Ticket #5555 ([IE] Can not focus the 'Pasting Area' after it loses focus) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
=== Steps to reproduce === * Click on the 'Paste from word' icon and …
9:34 AM Ticket #5554 (forcePasteAsPlainText can't be set in config file) created by advseb
I'm using CKEditor inside Drupal with the ckeditor module. I want to …
8:53 AM Ticket #5553 (Cursor location in Paste from Word and Paste dialogs is incorrect for ...) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect: 1. Open …
4:27 AM Ticket #5552 (Dialog doesn't execute 'commit' and 'setup' method of element when ...) created by Minh Nguyen
=== Steps to reproduce === Create new dialog without set id attribute …

Apr 19, 2010:

5:37 PM Ticket #5551 (SCAYT - updated scayt core url) created by WebSpellChecker.net
required for #4836 and #4884
4:56 PM Ticket #5550 (SCAYT - text formating fixing) created by WebSpellChecker.net
attached patch required to resolve #4836
4:53 PM Ticket #5549 (Paste command scrolls document in Webkit) created by Shane Birley
If you do a paste command in a document the editing window scrolls all …
1:38 PM Ticket #5548 (Error: l.lang.contextmenu is undefined) created by Christian Stone
I keep getting the following error when upgrading to 3.2.1 from 3.2 of …
12:48 PM Ticket #5547 (Image width and height should use width and height HTML attributes) created by John Fletcher
Previously FCKeditor converted what was specified in the image width …
10:50 AM Changeset [5388] by Garry Yao
Merge trunk [5304:5387].
9:20 AM Ticket #5546 (SCAYT breaks undo system) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open 'replacebyclass' sample page; …
8:00 AM Ticket #4062 ([IE] line after HR/Page Break problem) closed by Garry Yao
expired: Expired.

Apr 18, 2010:

3:02 PM Ticket #5416 ([[IE]] we can't delete the Table on a Saved Page) closed by brooks
fixed: agree with Garry, I happen work on the ENTER_BR mode or else couldn't …
2:54 PM Changeset [5387] by brooks
#5416:[IE] Delete table throws a error when CKEDITOR.enterMode = …

Apr 17, 2010:

2:42 PM Ticket #5545 (Font size, color, type, format doesn't work.) created by BeCometA
As Summary. Font size, color, type and format doesn't work on any …
7:26 AM Ticket #5544 (Collapse / Expand one Row of Toolbar) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: It's nice to see your idea around this feature while the dev site is …
5:42 AM Ticket #5544 (Collapse / Expand one Row of Toolbar) created by sherry
I think i have an idea how to go around it. How can I contribute …

Apr 16, 2010:

9:27 PM Ticket #5543 (Support for syntaxhighlight tag (SyntaxHighlight GeSHi extension)) created by Sean Turley
The "source" tag is supported very well in FCKeditor, but the …
4:53 PM Ticket #5542 (textarea class names/ ids containing square brackets in IE) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
duplicate: dup of #5045 as those chars need escaping in CSS
3:34 PM Ticket #5542 (textarea class names/ ids containing square brackets in IE) created by lcrudd
Hi, I have had a few problems when using CKEditor for textareas with …
3:21 PM Ticket #5541 (Iframe in a dialog does not stretch) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
By adding a dialog with an iframe the iframe does not stretch to the …
3:02 PM Ticket #5330 (Contextual menu not functionnal in safari, Google Chrome and Firefox ...) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
fixed: Fixed with [5386]
3:01 PM Changeset [5386] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
#5330, detect correctly Meta and Ctrl modifiers in Mac
2:38 PM Ticket #5540 (Focus not going to Accessibility Instructions dialog when we activate it) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect 1. Open Ajax sample. 2. Go in to body …
2:32 PM Ticket #5144 (Pasting in Chrome can leave <div id="cke_pastebin"> elements) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5385].
2:32 PM Changeset [5385] by Garry Yao
#5144: Using 'body' element instead of 'div' as paste container to …
11:51 AM Ticket #5505 (IE: Insert image throws error) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5384].
11:51 AM Changeset [5384] by Garry Yao
#5505: Lock preview image when dialog is already closed.
11:48 AM Ticket #5488 (Normal Paste affected by paste from word) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5383].
11:47 AM Changeset [5383] by Garry Yao
#5488: Fixing a regression introduced in [4674] where force …
11:41 AM Ticket #5483 (Fullpage problem when missing title) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5382].
11:40 AM Changeset [5382] by Garry Yao
#5483: Fixing a regression of [5189].
11:38 AM Ticket #4881 (IE: Error when cutting hr or table) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: I was thinking of 4881_ref.patch before, but it doesn't eliminate …
11:38 AM Changeset [5381] by Garry Yao
#4881: Introduce a workaround for an IE bug where cutting control type …
11:33 AM Ticket #4476 (inaccessible bullet created when adding bullet at higher level and ...) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5380].
11:32 AM Changeset [5380] by Garry Yao
#4476: Adding a filler node (NBSP) for empty list item which contains …
11:27 AM Ticket #3601 (Bad performance at resizing editor in Safari) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5379].
11:27 AM Changeset [5379] by Garry Yao
#3601: Remove the chrome refresh hack in Safari when dragging resizer …
10:24 AM Ticket #5539 (Ajax sample throws an error when creating/destroying editor instance) created by Wiktor Walc
While trying to reproduce #5416 and following these instructions: 1. …

Apr 15, 2010:

10:43 PM Ticket #5532 (ie8 display inline-table problem) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
10:43 PM Ticket #5532 (ie8 display inline-table problem) reopened by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Nothing has been changed at the core, so this can't be marked as …
10:40 PM Ticket #5537 (contentEditable property in ckeditor) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
duplicate: dup of #3593
8:39 PM Ticket #5538 (IE 8/9 erratic context menu behavior) created by Charlie Shehadi
In the latest nightly build: using IE 8 - if I first copy something, …
1:00 PM Ticket #5537 (contentEditable property in ckeditor) created by Mayank Vishnoi
Please if you can help with the details of content editable properties …
12:37 PM Ticket #5536 (Problems with pasting (executing insertHtml) and formatted text) created by Wiktor Walc
This is actually a duplicate of #5170, but since that ticket was …
6:48 AM Ticket #5532 (ie8 display inline-table problem) closed by Serhat
fixed: i fixed.. in template.css cke_skin_kama .cke_editor class.. i deleted …

Apr 14, 2010:

4:23 PM Ticket #635 (Open properties dialog when double clicking on objects) closed by Minh Nguyen
fixed: Fixed with [5378].
4:23 PM Changeset [5378] by Minh Nguyen
#635: Resolve feature open properties dialog when double clicking on …
3:47 PM Ticket #5365 (Undocumented options for the link dialog) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
wontfix: I can't tell you if people are using these setting or not (we had the …
3:45 PM Ticket #5535 (Stack overlow in IE6 when pasting strange HTML) created by Wiktor Walc
When pasting HTML that contains lots of nested tags, IE6 throws an …
2:22 PM Ticket #5527 (Anchor (#) in URL gets urlencoded when using CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction) reopened by Wiktor Walc
Thanks for providing a nice example that helped me in reproducing it. …
11:48 AM Ticket #5534 (Uploading does not URL-encode the link at the end of the upload) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
=== Demonstration === * Open the demo and open the Image dialog. * …
10:17 AM Ticket #5533 (Bug: [IE] Copy / paste of unsigned lists adds extra p tags, which ...) created by tzweteto
When unsigned list is copied and pasted in IE, extra paragraph tags …
7:39 AM Ticket #5532 (ie8 display inline-table problem) created by Serhat
Hi, cke_skin_kama .cke_editor css use display propetries with …
7:08 AM Changeset [5377] by Garry Yao
Regression of [5140]: Webkit requires initial editor focus when dialog …
6:18 AM Ticket #5527 (Anchor (#) in URL gets urlencoded when using CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: WFM, we haven't make any change of the …
6:16 AM Changeset [5376] by Garry Yao
Adding TCs for 'CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction' and …

Apr 13, 2010:

9:58 PM Ticket #5526 (Ckeditor 3.2: Not Upload in IE) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
invalid: The problem is in your upload.php that isn't following the docs …
7:30 PM Ticket #5531 (All IDs and classes should all have the 'cke_' prefix) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
While I was reading the code I've noticed that not all IDs (e.g. in …
3:23 PM Ticket #5530 (page break for printing can not be removed using Undo) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect: 1. Open Ajax sample. 2. Type some …
11:53 AM Ticket #5529 (CKFinder loose png transparency on thumbnails (PHP)) created by Benoît Geeraerts
I don't know if it's clear enough on the screenshot but the "buy" …

Apr 12, 2010:

9:39 PM Ticket #5528 (Protect style attribute) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Browsers parse the contents of the style attribute and do strange …
8:38 PM Ticket #5524 (Inline Quotation Style Option is showing differently in IE to other ...) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
invalid: The quotes are applied by those browsers except IE. And as seen in …
8:36 PM Ticket #5525 ([[IE]] Inline Quotation Style Option is not working) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
invalid: That's just how IE shows <q>. The end users that visit the page will …
4:53 PM Ticket #5527 (Anchor (#) in URL gets urlencoded when using CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction) created by Jakob
When calling […] out of our custom filebrowser, CKEditor will …
12:52 PM Ticket #5526 (Ckeditor 3.2: Not Upload in IE) created by AMGreen
I have not Upload Pictures and Files in Ckeditor 3.2 in IE all version …
11:11 AM Ticket #5525 ([[IE]] Inline Quotation Style Option is not working) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect: 1. Open Ajax sample. 2. Click on …
11:00 AM Ticket #5524 (Inline Quotation Style Option is showing differently in IE to other ...) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect 1. Open Ajax sample. 2. Click on …
9:38 AM Ticket #5523 (No longer possible to insert non-breakable spaces like in FCKeditor) created by anrikun
Since CKEditor, it is not possible to insert non-breakable spaces …

Apr 11, 2010:

9:01 AM Ticket #5518 (Cannot embed a textarea in a form in ckeditor) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
invalid: Please, use our forums for general …
8:12 AM Ticket #5522 (IE Fails to apply type="text" attribute to Text Fields) created by Jerry Martinez
Descriptive summary: When creating a Text Field element of …

Apr 10, 2010:

8:56 PM Ticket #5518 (Cannot embed a textarea in a form in ckeditor) reopened by Chris Baker
Where is this PHP Server Integration?
5:57 PM Ticket #5521 (fullpage and enablexhtml jacking up head and body tags (adding extras)) created by centrex
If I paste the following into the source screen: […] then switch …
9:07 AM Ticket #5520 (CKfinder 1.4.3 html security does not accept 'HTM' extensions) created by Charles Perk
Although I have added HTM in: $configHtmlExtensions? = …
8:19 AM Ticket #5518 (Cannot embed a textarea in a form in ckeditor) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
invalid: The HTML of your page is invalid as you aren't escaping the contents …
1:22 AM Ticket #5519 (Bad handling of textareas) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
Tested with IE8 and the demo. === To reproduce === * Open the …
12:55 AM Ticket #5518 (Cannot embed a textarea in a form in ckeditor) created by Chris Baker
If I build a form using the toolbar in ckeditor and include a textarea …

Apr 9, 2010:

7:11 PM Ticket #5517 (Extra <p>&nbsp;</p> when pasting in webkit) created by Pablo Vanwoerkom
When pasting in Webkit, there is often an extra <p>&nbsp;</p> added …
4:25 PM Ticket #5507 (Help dialog button auto set "active" state when open.) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
wontfix: That's desirable because the Cancel button is the only action a user …
3:28 PM Ticket #5516 (IE8: Toolbar buttons have higher bottom padding) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
This cannot be reproduced with the sample files, but in the …
3:27 PM Ticket #5515 (Hebrew language update) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
Updated Hebrew language file. Attaching 2 patches: one contains both …
3:04 PM Ticket #5514 (Elements path navigation incompatible with RTL) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
The arrows in RTL should be the opposite of LTR. Attaching a patch.
2:58 PM Changeset [5375] by Wiktor Walc
Updated the releases branch with CKEditor 3.2.1
2:53 PM Ticket #5513 (Tab navigation in dialogs incompatible with RTL) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
The arrows in RTL should be the opposite of LTR. Attaching a patch.
2:43 PM Ticket #5512 ([IE] Can not navigate to the Cell sub menu in the context menu with ...) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
I was able to reproduce this bug on IE8. I couldn't reproduce it on FF …
2:35 PM Changeset [5374] by Wiktor Walc
CKEditor 3.2.1 tagging.
2:23 PM Changeset [5373] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Fixed an issue in the changelog structure.
2:16 PM Changeset [5372] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Closed the 3.2.1 release on trunk.
2:08 PM Changeset [5371] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Final commit for the release of version 3.2.1.
2:06 PM Changeset [5370] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Merged trunk [5361-5369].
2:02 PM Changeset [5369] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Changelog fixes.
1:53 PM Changeset [5368] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Fixlineends run.
1:48 PM Changeset [5367] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
JSLint fixes.
1:45 PM Ticket #4580 (Hungarian language) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: Fixed with [5366].
1:45 PM Changeset [5366] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
#4580 : Updates to the Hungarian language file. Thanks to glex.
1:37 PM Ticket #2847 (Slovak language file updates and changes) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
expired: Unfortunately this patch remained outdated.
1:35 PM Ticket #4109 (Not possible to translate colors) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
1:31 PM Ticket #5511 (Pasting plain text with blank lines intermixed with existing text) created by Christopher LaRosa
The following problem occurs with Internet Explorer 8 (but it works …
1:31 PM Ticket #5392 (Complete Finnish translation) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: Fixed with [5365].
1:31 PM Changeset [5365] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
#5392 : Updates to the Finnish language file. Thanks to Airis.
1:27 PM Ticket #5370 (New Faroese locale) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: Fixed with [5294] and [5364].
1:26 PM Changeset [5364] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Fixed changelog for #5370.
1:23 PM Ticket #5326 (Catalan language file updated) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: Fixed with [5363].
1:23 PM Changeset [5363] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
#5326 : Updates to the Catalan language file. Thanks to mcus21.
1:19 PM Ticket #5301 (Translation updates for Norwegian in CkEditor 3.2) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: Fixed with [5362].
1:18 PM Changeset [5362] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Updates to the Norwegian language file. Thanks to arveskjorestad.
1:00 PM Ticket #5510 (Style plugin not working on selection) created by Gilles van den Hoven
The Styles combo does not work as expected. I have this custom …
12:34 PM Ticket #5509 (Blockquote Blockquote) created by richsky
Hi there, When you are in a paragraph, indent adds margin. When you …
11:56 AM Changeset [5361] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Merged trunk [5358-5360].
11:43 AM Ticket #5504 ([IE] Paste button problem) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5360].
11:40 AM Changeset [5360] by Garry Yao
5504: Use 'range::execCommand' instead of 'document.execCommand' on …
11:34 AM Ticket #5508 (Line disappear after context menu) created by Garry Yao
=== Environment === IE8 Quirks === Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open …
11:26 AM BadContent edited by Wiktor Walc
9:41 AM Ticket #5507 (Help dialog button auto set "active" state when open.) created by Minh Nguyen
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open the "fullpage.html" page; 1. …
9:03 AM Ticket #5506 (can't use right arrow key to bypass the form elements ( checkbox or radio)) created by brooks
when the last element of the edit doc is checkbox or radio, can't …
7:42 AM Ticket #5505 (IE: Insert image throws error) created by brooks
first make sure you are in https environment, and then choose replace …
6:18 AM Ticket #5504 ([IE] Paste button problem) created by Garry Yao
=== Environment === IE6/7 === Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open any …
6:00 AM Ticket #5503 (Font-size overlaps background-color) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open any of the sample page, load …
4:48 AM Ticket #5253 (CKEditor 3.2 + Firebug 1.5.2 = Problems) closed by Garry Yao
expired: The bug is fixed in …

Apr 8, 2010:

5:51 PM Ticket #5502 (The text previously highlighted after doing Insert/Edit link is ...) created by doranen
FCKEditor 2.x, seemingly appears in versions of Firefox/Safari, not …
4:45 PM Ticket #5501 (Missing attributes of Text Area) created by Garry Yao
=== Environment === IE6/7 === Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open any …
4:38 PM Ticket #5500 (Missing attributes of Text Field) created by Garry Yao
=== Environment === All IE versions === Reproducing Procedures === 1. …
4:27 PM Ticket #5499 (Editing checkbox error) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5359].
4:26 PM Changeset [5359] by Garry Yao
#5499: Fixing JS error thrown when change checkbox value attribute …
4:23 PM Ticket #5499 (Editing checkbox error) created by Garry Yao
=== Environment === IE6/7 === Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open any …
3:29 PM Ticket #5498 ([IE] Inline quotation problem) created by Garry Yao
=== Environment === All IE versions. === Reproducing Procedures === …
2:04 PM Ticket #5497 (allow 'grouping' in Styles to be configurable) created by Gilles van den Hoven
My clients find it confusing when the styles, listed in the "Styles" …
1:30 PM Ticket #5419 (JAWS not reading first option in Special Character list on Special ...) closed by Satya Minnekanti
1:27 PM Ticket #5496 (Make "removeformat" work even without selection) created by Gilles van den Hoven
When you select 1 char inside a block level element, and click on the …
1:04 PM Ticket #5489 (can't assign block style inside block style) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
invalid: This is HTML, and in HTML it's not possible to have nested heading …
12:55 PM Changeset [5358] by Garry Yao
Merge trunk [5351:5375].
12:44 PM Ticket #5495 (Link plugin ruins undo system) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
=== Steps to reproduce === * Open the replace by code sample * …
12:34 PM Ticket #5494 (Editor should cleanup dialogs when it is destroyed) created by Damian
If a dialog is open from the editor and the editor is destroyed, the …
12:32 PM Ticket #5419 (JAWS not reading first option in Special Character list on Special ...) reopened by Satya Minnekanti
This is still reproducible
12:21 PM Ticket #5493 ([[IE]] Some smileys remain highlighted after selection) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect: 1. Open Ajax sample. 2. Click the …
12:17 PM Ticket #5492 (Enhancement Request: Replace tab in Find and Replace dialog should ...) created by Satya Minnekanti
1. Open Ajax Sample. 2. Click the Replace icon on the editor toolbar. …
12:05 PM Ticket #5491 (Allow configuring (disabling) of htmlwriter 'rules') closed by Gilles van den Hoven
invalid: Solved with …
11:56 AM Ticket #5491 (Allow configuring (disabling) of htmlwriter 'rules') created by Gilles van den Hoven
see http://dev.fckeditor.net/ticket/5489[[br]] it is desirable to …
11:54 AM Ticket #5490 ([IE] Can't move the cursor after an anchor) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
There are two different cases affected by this bug: === Steps to …
11:12 AM Ticket #5337 (Major defect with enterMode = ENTER_BR) closed by Garry Yao
expired: Already get fixed by #5310.
11:01 AM Ticket #5489 (can't assign block style inside block style) created by Gilles van den Hoven
Bug 1: If you have this […] And select …
10:55 AM Ticket #5408 (Style plugin not working as expected.) closed by Gilles van den Hoven
fixed: Fixed in latest SVN, at least there it is working as it should; is …
10:24 AM Ticket #5488 (Normal Paste affected by paste from word) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open …
8:50 AM Ticket #5487 (Fullpage writer problem with line-break) created by Garry Yao
=== Environment === All IE versions. === Reproducing Procedures === …
8:37 AM Ticket #5486 ([IE8] Unable to exit from block elements) created by Garry Yao
It's not able to move cursor after the following elements at the end …
8:33 AM Ticket #5485 (Missing accessibility attributes in the editing area DOM) created by Senthil
Once the editor is displayed, editor area's iframe is not having the …
8:19 AM Ticket #5484 (Finding text in CK Editor find function doesn't scroll to show found text) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect: 1. Open Ajax sample. 2. Type some …
8:16 AM Ticket #5483 (Fullpage problem when missing title) created by Garry Yao
=== Environment === Firefox and Safari === Reproducing Procedures === …
8:02 AM Ticket #5482 (Smiley icons preload) created by Garry Yao
This screencast in IE demonstrates …
7:29 AM Changeset [5357] by Garry Yao
Adding undo snapshots for insert and modify 'div' container.
7:24 AM Ticket #5481 (Edit inserted div in table cell) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Load any of the sample page and …
7:05 AM Ticket #5480 (Anchor link wrong 'class' attribute) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Load any of the sample page; 1. …
6:36 AM Ticket #5479 ([IE] Cursor after table at the end of document in enterMode=BR) created by Garry Yao
=== Environment === IE8 standards, with enterMode = BR. === …
6:28 AM Ticket #5478 ([IE] Impossible to place the caret after images at the end of the contents) created by Garry Yao
=== Environment === All IE versions === Reproducing Procedures === 1. …
6:20 AM Ticket #5477 ([IE] Tab key incorrect result when document contains control type element) created by Garry Yao
=== Environment === All IE versions === Reproducing Procedures === 1. …
6:09 AM Ticket #5476 (Enter key before sub list not right) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Load any of the sample page and …
3:57 AM Ticket #5419 (JAWS not reading first option in Special Character list on Special ...) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5356].
3:57 AM Changeset [5356] by Garry Yao
Fixing special character dialog option name not been properly …

Apr 7, 2010:

9:39 PM Ticket #5440 (Mark mobile browsers as incompatible) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
fixed: Fixed with [5355]
9:39 PM Changeset [5355] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
#5440 Mark mobile browsers as incompatible.
4:26 PM Ticket #5475 (Menu items can be dragged of the Menu) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
duplicate: dup of #5100
3:36 PM Ticket #5475 (Menu items can be dragged of the Menu) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect 1. Open Ajax sample. 2. Insert a Table …
12:22 PM Ticket #5220 (Style tag in body element messes output in CKEditor fullpage edit) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5354].
12:21 PM Changeset [5354] by Garry Yao
#5220: Dtd change to allow <style> appear inside content.
12:18 PM Ticket #5149 (Cursor dissapears after maximize in Firefox 3.6) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5353].
12:18 PM Changeset [5353] by Garry Yao
#5149: Force the cursor to blink after executing maximize command.
11:51 AM Ticket #5474 (Content not editable if width/height style is set in DIV tag) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
duplicate: The demo is using 3.2 and #4682 will be available in the next release.
10:03 AM Ticket #4784 (Incorrect cursor position after delete table cells) closed by brooks
fixed: fixed with 5352
10:02 AM Changeset [5352] by brooks
#4784:Incorrect cursor position after delete table cells
9:32 AM Ticket #5474 (Content not editable if width/height style is set in DIV tag) created by lkor
In spite of what ticket #4682 states as being fixed, in IE8 any DIV …
9:14 AM Ticket #5473 (Dragging and dropping content from Word onto editor bypasses 'on ...) created by Daniel Rendall
In both IE and Firefox, if you drag content from a document open in …
9:01 AM Changeset [5351] by Garry Yao
Merge trunk [5350].
8:59 AM Ticket #3599 (Issue with nested Font size and background color) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5348] and [5350].
8:57 AM Changeset [5350] by Garry Yao
Fixing a missing function param in [5348].
8:51 AM Changeset [5349] by Garry Yao
Merge trunk [5345:5348].
8:44 AM Changeset [5348] by Garry Yao
Post-fixing #3599: When applying color styles, it doesn't remove …
7:58 AM Ticket #5472 (Appling color stops on style already applied) closed by Garry Yao
expired: Regression of [5343], expired along with reverting that changeset.
7:40 AM Ticket #5462 (Color is removed improperly from partial selections) closed by Garry Yao
7:40 AM Ticket #5462 (Color is removed improperly from partial selections) reopened by Garry Yao
Due to the risky explained …
7:38 AM Ticket #3599 (Issue with nested Font size and background color) reopened by Garry Yao
We've seen regression at #5462 and #5472, which proves [5251] is much …
7:35 AM Changeset [5347] by Garry Yao
Reverting [5251] AND [5343] from trunk due to it's introducing risky …
6:57 AM Ticket #5472 (Appling color stops on style already applied) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
1. Load the following: […] 2. Hit CTRL+A to select all. 3. …
6:50 AM Changeset [5346] by Garry Yao
Updating TCs to compare styled element based on parsed html to exclude …
6:40 AM Ticket #5454 (After replaced success, the popup window couldn't been closed and a js ...) closed by brooks
6:35 AM Changeset [5345] by brooks
#5454: After replaced success, the dialog couldn't been closed and a …
4:40 AM Ticket #5471 (Insert 'Div' result wrong in enterMode=BR) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Load the 'enterkey' sample and …
4:36 AM Changeset [5344] by Garry Yao
Merge trunk [5338:5343].
4:29 AM Ticket #5462 (Color is removed improperly from partial selections) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5343].
4:28 AM Changeset [5343] by Garry Yao
#5462: Fixing a regression introduced in [5251] where conflicting …
4:17 AM Ticket #5460 (Empty <ul></ul> remains on source) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5342].
4:16 AM Changeset [5342] by Garry Yao
#5460: Fixing a regression of [5285] which cause empty list root node …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.
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