
Nov 14, 2013:

4:33 PM Ticket #11164 ([Blink] Image is being duplicated/creates extra markup upon dnd) created by Marek Lewandowski
since: 4.3 until major That option was reproduces …
3:32 PM Ticket #11152 ([IE11] Icons in RTL toolbar are blured) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: I wasn't able to reproduce this either thus I'm closing this issue as …
2:39 PM Ticket #11163 ([IE11] Black line on the left side on Windows 8) created by Dennis1993
Hey, in IE11 is a black line on the left side. Here a screenshot. In …
1:56 PM Milestone CKEditor 4.3 completed
Stabilization release for CKEditor 4.3 Beta. * New Widgets system …
1:56 PM Milestone CKEditor 4.2.3 completed
12:57 PM Ticket #11162 ("Ctrl + A" and then "Del" works differently in FF and Chrome) created by Wiktor Walc
Take the Apollo sample, select all and delete it. In Chrome the <h1>
12:46 PM Ticket #11116 (Error thrown when clicking "body" in elements path when widget selected) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
duplicate: DUP of #11021.
10:47 AM Ticket #11161 (Widget's drag handler is not repositioned after various actions) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
Blocked by: #11001. === TC1 === 1. Open image2 sample. 2. Center …
10:38 AM Ticket #11160 ([IE11][QM] Editor does not work in IE11 QM) created by Piotr Jasiun
Editor does not work in IE11 Quirks Mode. […]
10:31 AM Ticket #11159 ([IE9-10] Image2: Buggy discovery of dimensions when changing src in dialog) created by Olek Nowodziński
1. Open /samples/plugins/image2/image2.html 2. Edit existing widget. …
10:21 AM Ticket #11158 ([IE10@Win8] Dnd of inline widgets throw an exception in Win8) created by Marek Lewandowski
since: 4.3 until major Dnd 1. open sample with …
9:22 AM Ticket #11157 (Unable to select text after enabling SCAYT) created by Karen Ananiev
Enable SCAYT and try to select text from the bottom upwards. See the …
9:14 AM Ticket #11150 (Accents and not working in Firefox over Linux.) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: I have just tried accents in CKEditor 4.2.2 and 3.6.4 in Linux - they …
9:14 AM Ticket #11156 (Increase the default width of Font Size combo) created by Wiktor Walc
Note: this is a separate issue than #6162 When I test CKEditor in …
9:00 AM Ticket #11155 (Problem with outdent/indent list in blockque) created by Piotr Jasiun
1. Open browser (tested with Chrome and IE11). 2. Open "Replace …
8:56 AM Ticket #11154 (Cannot disable list in blockque) created by Piotr Jasiun
1. Open browser (tested with Chrome and IE11). 2. Open "Replace …
8:44 AM Ticket #11153 (Error thrown in focusManager test) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
http://ckeditor4.t/dt/core/focusManager/focus.html Uncaught …

Nov 13, 2013:

4:17 PM Ticket #11147 ([IE11] UI Color config does not work on IE11) closed by Piotr Jasiun
fixed: git:ed68fde
3:46 PM Ticket #11148 ([IE8] Crash when widget copy & paste) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: Closing. Perhaps tomorrow it will be gone on Olek's OS too :D …
3:42 PM Ticket #11149 ([IE QM] Error thrown when undoing) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: git:a686269 landed in major.
3:26 PM Ticket #11152 ([IE11] Icons in RTL toolbar are blured) created by Piotr Jasiun
1. Open IE11. 2. Go to User Interface Languages sample …
3:26 PM Ticket #11151 (Error is thrown on copying widget in IE9-10) created by Jakub Ś
Follow up for #11095. 1. Open image2 sample. 2. Select widget. 3. …
3:24 PM Ticket #11150 (Accents and not working in Firefox over Linux.) created by somodi
When I try to use an accent (á, for example) the letter shows without …
3:23 PM Ticket #11149 ([IE QM] Error thrown when undoing) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
1. Write something. 2. Undo. 3. Error is thrown because there's no …
2:55 PM Ticket #11148 ([IE8] Crash when widget copy & paste) created by Olek Nowodziński
I spotted some crashes when running tests in IE8. For example, the …
2:30 PM Ticket #11145 ([IE8] Non-editable content of a widget is draggable) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on major with git:7b7a63c on dev and 1b6c606 on tests.
1:52 PM Ticket #11128 (JS error on pressing Delete in a list inside a table) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: DUP of #10890
1:49 PM Ticket #11147 ([IE11] UI Color config does not work on IE11) created by Piotr Jasiun
1. Open IE11. 2. Open UI Color sample (samples/uicolor.html). Editor …
1:29 PM Ticket #11146 ([IE] Preview window switches IE to QM) created by Piotr Jasiun
1. Open Image2 sample. 2. Press "preview" button. Captions are not …
1:26 PM Ticket #11143 (Text Wrap splitting words in two) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: This isn't editor issue. What you can do is using word-wrap set to …
1:01 PM Ticket #11145 ([IE8] Non-editable content of a widget is draggable) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
1. Open image2 sample. 2. Drag image (not by using the drag handler, …
12:32 PM Ticket #11144 ([IE11] Hidden values in selection field) created by Piotr Jasiun
1. Open IE11. 2. Open "Replace By Class" sample …
11:28 AM Ticket #11142 (Exception is being thrown on context menu in bulletlist) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Merged fix into major git:7d019b5.
11:05 AM Ticket #11099 (A few special characters aren't being encoded) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Please use …
11:02 AM Ticket #11143 (Text Wrap splitting words in two) created by Seb
Hi there, I am having an issue where each word that needs to move on …
10:33 AM Ticket #11142 (Exception is being thrown on context menu in bulletlist) created by Marek Lewandowski
since: 4.3 until major Touches opera/chrome (dont …
9:58 AM Ticket #11141 ([IE8-10] Focus is lost when undoing to empty inline blockless editor) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
1. Open inline all. 2. Focus blockless editor (e.g. 1st one), select …
9:11 AM Ticket #11063 ([IE11] Squashed anchor icon in contents) closed by Piotr Jasiun
fixed: git:9c493a9
8:59 AM Ticket #11140 ([IE11] Dragging anchors does not work) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
1. Open inlineall sample. 2. Drag an anchor. 3. It disappears after drop.
8:42 AM Ticket #11139 ([Divarea] Elements path is not cleared after switching to source mode) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
1. Opene divarea sample. 2. Focus editor and switch to source mode. 3. …
8:22 AM Ticket #11135 ([enterMode]<p> instead of <div> with Shift+Enter.) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: You would also need to enable forceEnterMode flag. Otherwise enter …
8:17 AM Ticket #11137 (CKEDITOR 3 and 4 on same page) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: It's not a forum and it's not a feature we could add, so I'm closing …
8:16 AM Ticket #11138 (insertHtml not inserting images in CKEditor content.) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: Your code is invalid. I don't understand why you initialize editor …
3:29 AM Ticket #11138 (insertHtml not inserting images in CKEditor content.) created by Ameya Sohoni
I am using the following code in order to insert the image, but image …

Nov 12, 2013:

9:49 PM Ticket #11137 (CKEDITOR 3 and 4 on same page) created by Michael Camden
I have a use case where I need to support multiple versions of …
4:54 PM Ticket #11136 (Line removed when pasting) created by alexqueue
Parts of my text is disappearing when I paste a paragraph from Word, …
4:26 PM Ticket #11135 ([enterMode]<p> instead of <div> with Shift+Enter.) created by Piotr Jasiun
1. Open browser (tested with Chrome and Firefox). 2. Go to "ENTER Key …
4:14 PM Ticket #11134 (Widgets support for divarea) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
We need to identify issues first, so this ticket requires tests. == …
3:58 PM Ticket #11124 (Invalid path in elementspath for div-based editor) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on major with git:94c0a56 on dev and 07a45db on tests.
3:35 PM Ticket #11123 (Drag handler duplicated on drop in FF) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on major with git:509c10d on dev and aa614b2 on tests.
3:27 PM Ticket #11133 (Pagebreak loses contenteditable=false when pasting) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
It's lost, because it's not part of pagebreak's ACF rules. It could be …
3:21 PM Ticket #11129 (Page break disappear on mode change) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on major with git:9c5820a on dev and b44c601 on tests.
2:23 PM Ticket #11132 ([FF] Caret is lost (again) on FF after inline widget drop) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
1. Open placeholder sample. 2. Drag widget. 3. Click or press arrow …
1:49 PM Ticket #11131 (Divarea + widget breaks when switching to source mode while having ...) created by DrColossos
1. Open image2 sample. 2. Focus nested editable (caption). 3. Click …
1:35 PM Ticket #11130 (Link to 3.x User's Guide in "About") closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: There's no guide for 4.x yet, so this link has to lead to 3.x guide. …
1:31 PM Ticket #11130 (Link to 3.x User's Guide in "About") created by Piotr Jasiun
It is more UX issue than bug, but it makes us look silly: In "About" …
12:59 PM Ticket #11129 (Page break disappear on mode change) created by Piotr Jasiun
1. Open browser (tested with Chrome and FF). 2. Go to "Replace by …
12:34 PM Ticket #10345 (focus event is not always fired in chrome) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: works for me too in CKe 4.2.2.
12:06 PM Ticket #11128 (JS error on pressing Delete in a list inside a table) created by Karen Ananiev
Add the table with the list inside: […] Move cursor to the end of …
11:55 AM Ticket #11127 (Install plugin upload image into ckeditor) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: It's not a forum. Try here: http://ckeditor.com/forums
11:50 AM Ticket #11127 (Install plugin upload image into ckeditor) created by mttdl
Install plugin upload image into ckeditor. where can I find a guide …
11:42 AM Ticket #11126 (Various issues when undoing when at the bottom of snapshots stack) created by Olek Nowodziński
Surprisingly, for some reason, when multiple inline editor are in use …
10:45 AM Ticket #11125 (AVT: When a menu is open and focus is on a menu item in that open ...) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect: 1. Open any CK Sample, keep cursor in …
10:27 AM Ticket #11124 (Invalid path in elementspath for div-based editor) created by Marek Lewandowski
In current major We have a regress after git:0c426c592ce. …
10:24 AM Ticket #11123 (Drag handler duplicated on drop in FF) created by Olek Nowodziński
See: video.
8:51 AM Ticket #11122 ([IE] Widgets exception after native context menu + widget blur) created by Marek Lewandowski
since: 4.3 until major 1. open sample with image2 …

Nov 11, 2013:

7:03 PM Ticket #11119 (IE 11 and rightclick on selection) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
duplicate: Thanks for feedback.
4:23 PM Ticket #11121 ([FF] HC mode enabled when editor loaded in hidden iframe) created by RichardD
As reported in the forums: …
1:13 PM Ticket #11120 (Support for multiple simultaneous Block level styles is missing) created by Joel
After reading the documentation I thought it would be possible to …

Nov 8, 2013:

11:52 PM Ticket #11119 (IE 11 and rightclick on selection) created by Bert Hankes
Using IE11 (final on Windows7) on …
4:15 PM Ticket #11118 (Widgets drag handler is marked in selection when it's not visible) created by Marek Lewandowski
since: 4.3 until major Atm selection looks buggy …
3:07 PM Ticket #11117 (Widget editables - does not prevent from dropping unsuportted markup) created by Marek Lewandowski
Widget editables - does not prevent from dropping unsuportted markup …
2:47 PM Ticket #11116 (Error thrown when clicking "body" in elements path when widget selected) created by Olek Nowodziński
1. samples/plugins/image2/image2.html (can be mathjax, doesn't matter) …
2:25 PM Ticket #11115 (Widgets are not filtered by ACF when pasting) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
1. Copy image2. 2. Paste it in the figcaption. Image2 will be pasted, …
2:23 PM Ticket #11110 (Image2: iframes/flashes are converted into image2 widgets when pasted) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on major with git:bfd103821 on dev and 358db53 + 9fdbc07 on tests.
2:14 PM Ticket #11114 (Unable to access context menu with menu key when widget is focused) created by Olek Nowodziński
1. samples/plugins/image2/image2.html 2. Focus widget. 3. Press …
1:59 PM Ticket #11113 ([IE] Elementspath does not display valid path for first click after ...) created by Marek Lewandowski
since: 4.0 until major This issue also appears in …
12:59 PM Ticket #11112 ([Chrome] Copy + apply list + change list type -> break inline wdget) created by Piotr Jasiun
1. open Chrome. 2. open "Mathematical Formulas" sample. 3. Select any …
12:56 PM Ticket #11089 (Widgets: focus policy after pasting a widget) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
duplicate: DUP of #11055.
11:47 AM Ticket #11111 (Range.enlarge test failing in Safari 7.0 and Chrome 37) created by Olek Nowodziński
Test /dt/core/dom/range/enlarge.html#test_enlarge_element12 fails in …
11:28 AM Ticket #11110 (Image2: iframes/flashes are converted into image2 widgets when pasted) created by Marek Lewandowski
Image2: iframes/flashes are converted into image2 widgets when pasted …
11:17 AM Ticket #11109 (position:absolute and widget problem) created by szehe
position:absolute does not create a freely dragable widget. Tested …
11:16 AM Ticket #10830 (Fix tests failing in built env) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
9:46 AM Ticket #11108 (Widget's documentation : data object) created by Franck Valentin
In the widget's documentation …
8:58 AM Ticket #11105 (CKEditor edit-mode is not working in Linux version of Google Chrome ...) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: Thanks for info. We cannot assure compatibility with every addon. I …
8:34 AM Ticket #11103 (Change LICENSE.html to LICENSE.md) closed by Marek Lewandowski
fixed: Merged to major with git:c3e8a8098.
8:06 AM Ticket #11098 (Wrong selection after undoing DnD) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on major with git:700ffd9 on dev and e1d6c74 on tests.

Nov 7, 2013:

11:28 PM Ticket #11105 (CKEditor edit-mode is not working in Linux version of Google Chrome ...) created by Wojciech
OS: Debian 7.1 Wheezy (updated) Browser: Chromium Version …
4:52 PM Ticket #11104 ([IE] Focusing widget will reset editor scrollbar position) created by Marek Lewandowski
since: 4.3 until major If you will scroll your …
2:13 PM Ticket #11103 (Change LICENSE.html to LICENSE.md) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
1:32 PM Ticket #11102 (CKEDITOR.template does not accept new line characters) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
This will throw an error: […] Related: #11216.
1:15 PM Ticket #11100 (Changed font size leads to major bug in line spacing) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: 1. This double span is not an error. Inline styles are continued to …
11:12 AM Ticket #11101 (Richcombo breaks when given double quotes) created by Marcus Bointon
I'm using the strinsert plugin
8:46 AM Ticket #11100 (Changed font size leads to major bug in line spacing) created by CGI Mobility
How to reproduce: Use full featured editor or any editor with …
8:13 AM Ticket #11081 (JSLint 4.3) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on major with git:b118c02.
7:56 AM Ticket #11074 ([IE] Inline widget dnd throws an exception) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on major with git:7642fa2 on dev and 9d1c2c1 on tests.
7:18 AM Ticket #10887 (Tests and compatibility review on IE8) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on major with git:1a7833e on dev and 0cc99c7 on tests.

Nov 6, 2013:

6:33 PM Ticket #11099 (A few special characters aren't being encoded) created by Ryan C
Seems that the following characters aren't being encoded in CKEditor …
4:31 PM Ticket #11083 (List and div are applied inside non-editable block when having fake ...) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on major with git:8af211e on dev and 193e839 on tests.
4:13 PM Ticket #10933 (Introduce Widget D&D with Magicline internals under the hood) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Feature landed in major git:ca5b94a and tests 31e7be5.
4:07 PM Ticket #11096 (TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'is') closed by Piotr Jasiun
fixed: git:bc2a560
4:03 PM Ticket #11098 (Wrong selection after undoing DnD) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
Follow up for #10933. 1. Open image2 sample. 2. Drag widget. 3. Undo …
3:28 PM Ticket #11097 (IE: Delay typing text when editor contains large tables and autogrow ...) created by Teresa Monahan
To reproduce: - Remove margin: 20px; from the body styles in …
3:23 PM Ticket #11096 (TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'is') created by Piotr Jasiun
- open browser (tested with Chrome and FF), - open …
3:06 PM Ticket #11082 ([IE] Widget is not copied/cut when using toolbar or ctx menu buttons) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Cleaned up the code, R+ed and fixed on major with git:176e843. I also …
3:06 PM Ticket #11095 ([IE8] Copying single widget does not work when using toolbar button) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
Follow up for #11082. 1. Open image2 sample. 2. Select widget. 3. …
1:45 PM Ticket #11094 ([IE8] Editor loses focus when moving focus from nested editable to widget) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
1. Open attached sample. 2. Place caret in nested editable. 3. Click …
1:21 PM Ticket #11088 ([IE8] image2 widget paste throws an exception on paste undo) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
duplicate: Will be fixed in #10887. The reason of error was: > When you press …
12:55 PM Ticket #11092 (Extra comma in build-config.js) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: Issue has been fixed in builder. There are still these popular …
12:34 PM Ticket #11093 (CSS properties should be lower-case, seen in sample) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: Fixed with git:e082dfa. Thanks Synchro!
12:29 PM Ticket #11079 (Placeholder sample is outdated and not useful) closed by Piotr Jasiun
fixed: git:d6d304b
11:36 AM Ticket #11093 (CSS properties should be lower-case, seen in sample) created by Marcus Bointon
A very small error in …
11:32 AM Ticket #11092 (Extra comma in build-config.js) created by Marcus Bointon
When you download a build of CKEditor, the build-config.js file …
9:35 AM Ticket #11051 ([IE8] Undo for widget paste causes exception.) closed by Marek Lewandowski
duplicate: I made duplicate of #11088, srry.
7:55 AM Ticket #11090 ("Marker" yellow highlight style not working for inline editors) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
duplicate: DUP of #10150.
7:55 AM Ticket #11091 (Issue with CKEditor regarding instance already attached to element) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: 1. I'm not aware of any core "Media Image" plugin. If it was created …
4:38 AM Ticket #11091 (Issue with CKEditor regarding instance already attached to element) created by Ameya Sohoni
I have Ck Editor 4.2.2 implemented, created a instance for framed …

Nov 5, 2013:

8:55 PM Ticket #11090 ("Marker" yellow highlight style not working for inline editors) created by hybra
select a word inside a inline editor instance, you can't apply …
6:06 PM Ticket #10869 (Widgets: Errors thrown with elementspath (lack of integration)) closed by Marek Lewandowski
fixed: Pushed to major dev with git:e4325a2de06 and major tests
5:32 PM Ticket #10934 (Blur not fired correctly in Chrome or Safari) closed by nik
4:27 PM Ticket #11089 (Widgets: focus policy after pasting a widget) created by Marek Lewandowski
since: 4.3 until major We should change widget …
4:03 PM Ticket #11088 ([IE8] image2 widget paste throws an exception on paste undo) created by Marek Lewandowski
since: 4.3 until major Issue does not occur with …
3:04 PM Ticket #10963 (JAWS issue with keyboard shortcut for magicline) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Merged changes into master git:6f379b2.
2:19 PM Ticket #11078 (MathJax sample should mention that MathJax widget does not support IE8) closed by Piotr Jasiun
fixed: git:6270667
12:06 PM Ticket #11087 (Opera & Chrome: Extra Border displaying across all menus list boxes) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect: 1. Open any CK sample & open any of …
11:41 AM Ticket #11086 ([IE8] Re enable inline widgets DnD) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
We disabled it due to serious issues in #11074. We can try to re …
10:42 AM Ticket #11066 (Widget's private parts don't use CSS reset) closed by Piotr Jasiun
fixed: - git:105a1dc - tests:280c648
9:30 AM Ticket #11085 (IE8 and MathJax) created by Piotr Jasiun
There is a problem with MathJax in IE8. I think that we should …
9:27 AM Ticket #11084 (Opening CKEditor in a modal window in Internet Explorer and SCAYT enabled) created by Ben
Hi there, I have a simple script that opens a modal window and loads …
8:25 AM Ticket #11061 (Paste stripping formatting on Windows) closed by Ben
worksforme: The user got back to me today and he has made some progress. It does …

Nov 4, 2013:

4:02 PM Ticket #11083 (List and div are applied inside non-editable block when having fake ...) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
1. Open image2 sample. 2. Focus widget. 3. Apply list or div. 4. List …
3:27 PM Ticket #11080 ("Beta" tags should be removed from samples) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: I decided to preserve CSS class for beta mark in samples index so we …
3:21 PM Ticket #11082 ([IE] Widget is not copied/cut when using toolbar or ctx menu buttons) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
1. Focus widget. 2. Press "copy" button in toolbar and allow clipboard …
3:08 PM Ticket #11081 (JSLint 4.3) created by Olek Nowodziński
For a better world.
3:06 PM Ticket #9929 ([Blink Webkit] &nbsp; is created when deleting character and typing ...) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Merged branch into master git:cd791a6 as a part of 4.2.3.
2:51 PM Ticket #11080 ("Beta" tags should be removed from samples) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
We added them for CKE4.3 beta. Now we need to remove them.
2:46 PM Ticket #11079 (Placeholder sample is outdated and not useful) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
1. In JS sample we add "CreatePlaceholder" button to the toolbar, but …
2:38 PM Ticket #11078 (MathJax sample should mention that MathJax widget does not support IE8) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
Due to frequent crashes on IE8 it is important that developers know …
2:06 PM Ticket #11077 (Image2: resize records two undo snapshots) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
1. Open image2 sample. 2. Resize image using resize handler. 3. Undo …
1:53 PM Ticket #11068 (Cleanup en.js on image2) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Branch merged in major git:812c3c4.
1:24 PM Ticket #11069 (Large images and large files) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Editor works in browser and is limited by it. 7MB is a lot but 7MB in …
11:33 AM Ticket #11027 (Block commands break on widget) closed by Piotr Jasiun
fixed: - git:7b210e8 - tests:82fb749
11:23 AM Ticket #11076 ([IE8] Caret is not shown when you will move to end of document) created by Marek Lewandowski
checked at major 1. open any CKEditor sample (i.e. …
11:23 AM Ticket #11075 (AVT: With focus on button menu & no drop-down menu displayed, pressing ...) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect: 1. Open any CK Sample, keep cursor in …
10:46 AM Ticket #11074 ([IE] Inline widget dnd throws an exception) created by Marek Lewandowski
checked at major I've reproduced issue on IE8 and …
10:46 AM Ticket #10833 (Image2: “Lock ratio” should be on by default.) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Branch merged into major: git:d792be6
9:49 AM Ticket #10886 (Widgets: add some tooltip to the drag handler?) closed by Marek Lewandowski
fixed: Merged to major in git:ea3a4dc28fb
9:42 AM Ticket #10895 (Image2 need to support server file browsers) closed by Marek Lewandowski
fixed: Merged to major with git:d4f479a253.
9:32 AM Ticket #11073 (Chrome - Cursor doesn't start blinking on focus) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
duplicate: It was fixed in CKEditor 4.2.2 in #10945.
9:10 AM Ticket #10843 (MathJax widget tests) closed by Piotr Jasiun
fixed: tests:f11e069
9:09 AM Ticket #11057 ([IE] Regression in #10212 test) closed by Piotr Jasiun
fixed: git:8deec25
7:17 AM Ticket #11073 (Chrome - Cursor doesn't start blinking on focus) created by Paul Korzhyk
Here's a jsfiddle to reproduce the issue: …
6:36 AM Ticket #11072 (Merge cells doesn't work in FF when replaced textarea with inline editor) created by Ales Seifert
Tested in FF24 on …

Nov 1, 2013:

12:13 PM CP/IBM_Priorities_v4 edited by Teresa Monahan
9:37 AM Ticket #11071 (Email design and alignment and line space look different on HTML email ...) created by Jitendra Sarangi
The email design and alignment and line space look different on their …
12:29 AM Ticket #11070 (Bullet point content loses font style/size (Possibly other settings) ...) created by cjarczew
Edit: 1. From the whole list bellow only Method 0 is valid for …

Oct 31, 2013:

8:59 PM Ticket #11067 (Add editing support for definition list's) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
duplicate: I'm not sure what Sebstefanov had in mind but there's no special …
6:44 PM Ticket #11069 (Large images and large files) created by Vivian Jardim
Hello, my company is considering using CKEditor in one of the …
5:09 PM Ticket #11068 (Cleanup en.js on image2) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
The English language file of image2 is pretty dirty, containing …
4:28 PM Ticket #11067 (Add editing support for definition list's) created by sirtet
Even if you set the config to allow DL DT DD structures in the source, …
4:24 PM Ticket #10843 (MathJax widget tests) reopened by Piotr Jasiun
I found that FF also behave differently with and without cache so …
2:16 PM Ticket #10565 (Tags autocomplition for Fort) closed by Piotr Jasiun
2:09 PM Ticket #10848 (Integrate remaining plugins with active filter) closed by Piotr Jasiun
fixed: Closed. - git:d93829a - tests:31ae7e6
2:01 PM Ticket #11066 (Widget's private parts don't use CSS reset) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
Based on: …
1:55 PM Ticket #10975 ([IE] Error thrown while opening color palette) closed by Piotr Jasiun
1:29 PM Ticket #11065 (Incorrect paragraph style after applying indentation and changing text ...) created by Irina
1. Load the attached sample page 2. Click into the 1st inline editor …
11:28 AM Ticket #11064 ([Blink/Webkit] Can not select all when widget is last element) created by Piotr Jasiun
- open Chrome or Opera, - go to …
10:57 AM Ticket #8119 (HTML5 / Add support for source and track elements) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
worksforme: Thanks for the feedback!
10:16 AM Ticket #10992 ([IE11]Table needs whitespaces in cells) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed as a part of #10907.
10:16 AM Ticket #10612 (IE11 Compatibility) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: We should have reached the first milestone here. We'll followup on …
10:14 AM Ticket #11063 ([IE11] Squashed anchor icon in contents) created by Olek Nowodziński
It looks horrible. [[Image(...)]]
9:20 AM Ticket #11062 ([IE9,10] Scrolling while dragging freezes browser window) created by Piotr Jasiun
- open Image2 plugin (plugins/image2/samples/image2.html), - edit one …
8:00 AM Ticket #10906 ([IE11+] Editable is not being focused when clicking outside body) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on major with git:4db3dbb.
7:26 AM Ticket #11061 (Paste stripping formatting on Windows) created by Ben
Hi there, I have a user who cannot paste formatted content into a …

Oct 30, 2013:

5:00 PM Ticket #10865 (Widgets: copybin is not hidden) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on major with git:cc0310f on dev and 0c6414a on tests.
4:51 PM Ticket #11060 ([IE11+] Selection is not placed right above the cursor when clicking ...) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
Follow up for #10906. When clicking below body, selection should be …
2:59 PM Ticket #11054 (Pasting arrow from word converts to registered trademark symbol) closed by Jakub Ś
wontfix: The problem is that browser sees this docx code as registered …
2:52 PM Ticket #11059 (Widget reinitialization procedure should be redesigned) created by Piotr Jasiun
Widget reinit/recreate procedure should be rethought. There's no way …
2:29 PM Ticket #11058 (IE8: Error 800a025e is thrown when deleting a row.) created by Jakub Ś
1. Insert 3x3 table. 2. Fill in all cells with data. 3. Go to middle …
2:12 PM Ticket #11057 ([IE] Regression in #10212 test) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
http://ckeditor4.t/tt/10212/1.html Fails on IE9 and IE8. Haven't …
12:55 PM Ticket #11056 (IE8-10 - UNDO and Ctrl+Zdon't work with SCAYT) created by Jakub Ś
This is based on #11053. Steps to reproduce: 1. Go to the demo …
12:40 PM Ticket #10907 ([IE11] Selection needs <br> filler in empty blocks) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on major with git:ac1285f on dev and 99a987c on tests.
12:26 PM Ticket #10843 (MathJax widget tests) closed by Piotr Jasiun
fixed: Closed: - git:a2d9130 - tests:387f06c I also added some jsDuck tags …
8:35 AM Ticket #11055 (Image2 is not focused after pasting) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
Seleciton is placed inside nested editable. Instead, widget should be …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.
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