Oct 31, 2010:
6:34 PM Ticket #6583 (IE: Caret disappears in dialogs at the right side in LTR) created by Dinu
To reproduce (IE, English):
- Click image button
- In URL …
4:14 PM Ticket #6582 (Add row properties dialog) created by Dinu
It's useful, supported and widely used to add styles on <tr>. A menu …
4:04 PM Ticket #6581 (Invalid background color triggers js error in IE and erratic behavior ...) created by Dinu
To reproduce:
- insert table
- cell properties
- in …
2:02 PM Ticket #6545 (Safari: new paragraph is being added automatically) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [6027].
2:02 PM Changeset [6027] by Garry Yao
#6545: remove auto-scrolling behavior on focus, regression of [5907].
10:01 AM Ticket #6578 (failed to load null resource when contentsCss set to null in webkit) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: config.contentsCss is supposed to be a none-empty value, it's …
8:58 AM Ticket #6580 ([IE9] Unable to edit Flash object) created by Garry Yao
1. Insert a flash object into document with only URL filled;
1. …
Oct 29, 2010:
9:46 PM Ticket #6579 (jQuery adapter error on Safari/iPhone) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
When using the jQuery adapter on Safari/iPhone, an error is thrown on …
6:23 PM Ticket #6578 (failed to load null resource when contentsCss set to null in webkit) created by David Wipperfurth
Low Priority
In webkit browsers if contentsCss is set to null, an …
6:13 PM Ticket #6577 (selection error when editor element is hidden) created by David Wipperfurth
Low Priority
Firebug Error: "q is null"
stack trace: …
4:48 PM Changeset [6026] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Updates to the CKEDITOR.lang documentation.
4:43 PM Changeset [6025] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Updates to the CKEDITOR.lang documentation.
2:21 PM Ticket #6576 (FCKEditor 2.6.5 & Internet Explorer 9) created by Dave
We have a non-ending list of problems when using IE9 with FCKEditor …
1:32 PM Ticket #6575 (Tabs disappearing in Link dialog after specific action sequence) created by Seb
Click on the "link" icon in the toolbar to make the dialog open.
12:55 PM Changeset [6024] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Updates to the CKEDITOR.imageCacher documentation.
12:53 PM Changeset [6023] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Updates to the CKEDITOR.htmlParser documentation.
12:19 PM Ticket #6574 (Opera: impossible to use keyboard after opening the context menu) created by Wiktor Walc
Arrow keys work only for the first time an arrow key is pressed, after …
12:17 PM Changeset [6022] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Updates to the CKEDITOR.focusManager class documentation.
11:58 AM Changeset [6021] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Minor fixes to the CKEDITOR.eventInfo documentation.
11:14 AM TicketSpecs edited by Krzysztof Studnik
11:13 AM TicketSpecs edited by Krzysztof Studnik
Refactoring keyword added (diff)
11:04 AM Ticket #6573 (Refactoring: Indent command doesn't share a big chunk of logic across ...) created by Tobiasz Cudnik
Refactoring: Indent command doesn't share a big chunk of logic across …
8:27 AM Ticket #6572 (Webkit: SCAYT repositions cursor in enterMode=BR) created by Tobiasz Cudnik
In Chrome, SCAYT repositions cursor in enterMode BR. The issue is …
8:26 AM Ticket #6571 ([IE] showblocks doesn't bring focus back to editor with shared toolbar) created by Garry Yao
1. On "sharedspaces" sample page, put the cursor inside editor;
1. …
8:15 AM Ticket #6570 (Paste from Word does not recognize start number in an ordered list) created by Wiktor Walc
Suppose we have the following list in a Word document, where user set …
5:41 AM Ticket #6569 (Indentation doesn't honor text direction in list) created by Garry Yao
1. Load the following content and selection:
1. Click on …
Oct 28, 2010:
8:52 PM Ticket #6338 (extra tags being added on ckeditor javascript api) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
5:58 PM Changeset [6020] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Updates on the documentation for CKEDITOR.event.
5:04 PM Ticket #6568 (Bug in table insert row) created by Alex
I've found the bug in release 3.4.1 and in earlier reliases: …
4:53 PM Changeset [6019] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Enhancements to the CKEDITOR.editor documentation.
2:51 PM Ticket #6567 (Change font size issue) created by Paweł Horzela
To reproduce the issue:
1. Click on 'New Page' on …
2:23 PM Ticket #6566 (Impossible to get out of blockquote on enterMode = BR) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
* Set enterMode = BR and open a sample.
* Type 3 rows.
* Apply …
1:40 PM Ticket #6565 (The Anchor dialog window should let the user set the ID for an anchor) created by Anna Tomanek
The Link dialog window lets the user choose an anchor from a drop-down …
1:38 PM Ticket #6563 (Subscript and Superscript buttons working only on selected text) closed by Garry Yao
duplicate: DUP of #1272.
1:29 PM Ticket #6564 ([FF] Applying inline style on a selected cell has no effect) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
* Create a table and select a cell (as in the picture).
* Click …
1:09 PM Changeset [6018] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Changed the order of things in the header template for class documentation.
12:55 PM Ticket #6563 (Subscript and Superscript buttons working only on selected text) created by Krzysztof Studnik
- Open editor
- Clear edit area
- press Subscript or superscript …
12:44 PM Ticket #6562 (Webkit: An Office2003 skin's button issue) created by Tobiasz Cudnik
In Chrome, using Office2003 skin, the toolbar button's bottom space …
12:27 PM Ticket #6561 (IE9: Styles are broken in RTL language) created by Paweł Horzela
Go to user interface language …
11:55 AM Ticket #6560 (Pasting text in dialog box while RTL is enabled, pasted paragraph ...) created by Krzysztof Studnik
Test case
- Open CKEditor sample (replace by class),and clear …
11:39 AM Ticket #4023 ([Opera] Maximize plugin) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
fixed: Opera/Mac issue moved to #6559
Closing this one
11:38 AM Ticket #6559 (Maximize plugin @ Opera/Mac) created by Krzysztof Studnik
Connected with #4023
- under Opera/Mac open skins sample
- maximize …
11:21 AM Ticket #6558 (Can not change list type) created by Martin
Watch attached movie to reproduce bug. The main problem is that after …
11:14 AM Ticket #6557 (Missing list items) created by Martin
Attached movie reproduce bug situation
10:55 AM Changeset [6017] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Minor changes to the doc templates to avoid cutting the index block.
10:49 AM Ticket #6556 (Image and Title template - cursor is not visible) created by Wiktor Walc
In Firefox, straight after inserting the first template ("Image and …
10:38 AM Ticket #6555 (Spell checker: unable to correct mistakes in large documents) created by Wiktor Walc
When using the "Check Spelling" feature, spell checker checks all the …
10:33 AM Ticket #6554 (Webkit: cannot type after inserting Page Break) created by Tobiasz Cudnik
Cannot type after inserting Page Break using Chrome.
1. Start the …
10:13 AM Ticket #6553 (The Find and Replace dialog does not submit on the Enter key) created by Tobiasz Cudnik
The Find dialog doesn't submit on the Enter key, user has to Tab to …
10:01 AM Ticket #6552 (Disable wsc and scayt on Adobe Air) created by Garry Yao
Spellchecket.net has confirmed an incompatibility with AIR platform, …
10:00 AM Ticket #6551 ([IE7]: Improper behaviour when pasting a List in IE7) created by James
Steps to reproduce the defect:
1. Open the Ajax sample in IE7. …
9:54 AM Ticket #6547 (Divreplace - Apply div css styles to content in editor instance,) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: Please use our forums for …
9:50 AM Ticket #6544 (Webkit: An inline style cannot be applied on a collapsed selection) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
duplicate: DUP of #1272.
9:39 AM Ticket #6550 ([Flash] alignment styles lost in outputflash sample) created by Garry Yao
Flash 9b/IE7, alignments styles are not affecting in the output flash.
9:39 AM Ticket #6549 (Number list font size) created by Martin
Open empty editor. Change font size on 72. Create numbered list and …
9:33 AM Ticket #6548 ([enterBr] text indentation involves subsequent blocks) created by Garry Yao
In enterMode = BR environment,
use "indentation" command on the …
9:20 AM Ticket #6547 (Divreplace - Apply div css styles to content in editor instance,) created by Matthew
Trying to build an edit-in-place editing tool using sharedspaces and …
9:14 AM Ticket #6546 (Clicking on a "New Page" button triggers a JavaScript error) created by Wiktor Walc
Looks like a regression. Confirmed in Safari 5.0.2 @ Mac.
=== Steps …
8:38 AM Ticket #6545 (Safari: new paragraph is being added automatically) created by Wiktor Walc
When clicking between two paragraps an empty space is added …
8:22 AM Ticket #6544 (Webkit: An inline style cannot be applied on a collapsed selection) created by Tobiasz Cudnik
In Chrome, an inline style cannot be applied on a collapsed selection. …
8:20 AM Ticket #6543 (Applying style to selected content deletes the content) created by Wiktor Walc
When trying to apply style (for example change the color) to a …
8:14 AM Ticket #6542 (Safari: space added at the end of style attribute) created by Wiktor Walc
When aligning a paragraph to the right, an empty space is added at the …
8:06 AM Ticket #6541 (Safari: HTML compliant output sample - empty styles added to paragraphs) created by Wiktor Walc
=== Steps to reproduce ===
- Launch _samples/output_html.html
- …
7:51 AM Ticket #6540 (Safari: AutoGrow plugin - CKEditor loses focus) created by Wiktor Walc
When testing the AutoGrow sample attached with CKEditor using Safari …
7:49 AM Ticket #6539 ([IE] Smiley dialog not focused after text selection) created by Garry Yao
1. Make text selection inside editor but NOT collapsed selection;
1. …
4:46 AM Ticket #6497 (insertHtml method JS error on Webkit browsers, failing) reopened by Garry Yao
Oct 27, 2010:
8:42 PM Ticket #5848 (No way to add custom buttons at the bottom of the dialog when using ...) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
duplicate: dup of #5745
8:11 PM Ticket #6538 (insertHtml on Safari Mac OSX Snow Leopard (5.0.2) fails on nightlies) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
duplicate: Dup of 6497
7:11 PM Changeset [6016] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Documentation to the CKEDITOR.env object.
6:00 PM Ticket #6538 (insertHtml on Safari Mac OSX Snow Leopard (5.0.2) fails on nightlies) created by George Vilches
Steps to replicate:
1. Go to …
4:39 PM Changeset [6015] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Updates to the CKEDITOR.dtd documentation.
4:32 PM Changeset [6014] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Fixed a misleading documentation warning.
4:25 PM Changeset [6013] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Cleaned up the CKEDITOR.dom documentation page.
4:21 PM Changeset [6012] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Updated the CKEDITOR.dom documentation.
4:21 PM Changeset [6011] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Removed a a documentation warning.
4:10 PM Changeset [6010] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Updates to the CKEDITOR.config documentation.
3:52 PM Changeset [6009] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Completed the CKEDITOR.commandDefinition documentation.
3:51 PM Changeset [6008] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Changed the template so namespaces don't get documented like class …
2:49 PM Ticket #6537 (Opera contex menu does not appear) created by Martin
Click many times by right mouse button on editor, after about 50 …
2:21 PM Ticket #6530 (IE: Applying any format on new page causes javascript error) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
invalid: Reverted [6003] and opened back #6485.
2:21 PM Ticket #6485 (BIDI: Language direction should be applied to individual list items ...) reopened by Sa'ar Zac Elias
Reverted [6003] with [6007] as it brings some pretty bad regressions …
2:21 PM Ticket #6536 (Switching direction/alignment doesn't work when formatted text applied) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
invalid: Reverted [6003] and opened back #6485.
2:16 PM Changeset [6007] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
Revert [6003].
1:40 PM Ticket #6536 (Switching direction/alignment doesn't work when formatted text applied) created by Paweł Horzela
To reproduce the issue:
1. Click 'New Page' on toolbar.
2. …
1:33 PM Ticket #6535 (Combo box list stays after editor is maximized.) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
duplicate: DUP of #5579.
1:24 PM Ticket #6535 (Combo box list stays after editor is maximized.) created by Krzysztof Studnik
- Open Ckeditor
- click on any combo box, so list is displayed
- …
1:04 PM Ticket #6528 ([IE7]: "Choose" buttons in cell properties dialog are not displaying ...) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
1:04 PM Ticket #6528 ([IE7]: "Choose" buttons in cell properties dialog are not displaying ...) reopened by Sa'ar Zac Elias
1:00 PM Ticket #6534 (Opera contex menu) created by Martin
Keyboard contex menu on active editor shows both editor and default …
12:58 PM Ticket #6528 ([IE7]: "Choose" buttons in cell properties dialog are not displaying ...) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
fixed: DUP of #6411.
12:55 PM Ticket #4023 ([Opera] Maximize plugin) reopened by Krzysztof Studnik
Works better than previously, but with CKE 3.4.2
- under …
12:45 PM Ticket #6533 (Problem with pasting from word) created by Martin
Try copy attached document. I observe on IE6 there is a lot of …
11:48 AM Changeset [6006] by Garry Yao
Merge trunk: [5613:6005].
11:44 AM Ticket #6532 (IE9: Clicking on WYSIWYG area don't set focus) created by Paweł Horzela
To reproduce the issue:
1. Click 'New page' on toolbar.
2. …
11:43 AM Ticket #6531 (Unavilable 'paste' on empty editor) created by Martin
Open empty editor. Open contex menu, 'Paste' is unavilable until write …
11:21 AM Ticket #6530 (IE: Applying any format on new page causes javascript error) created by Paweł Horzela
To reproduce the issue:
1. Click 'New Page' on toolbar.
11:20 AM Ticket #6529 (Basic style cannot be re-applied) created by Tobiasz Cudnik
Basic style cannot be re-applied, a regression since 3.4.1.
1. Use a …
10:50 AM Ticket #6528 ([IE7]: "Choose" buttons in cell properties dialog are not displaying ...) created by James
Steps to reproduce the defect:
1. Open the Ajax sample in IE7. …
9:53 AM Ticket #6527 (Upload tab captions in the Image, Link and Flash dialogs should be revised) created by Anna Tomanek
The captions of this tab look slightly untidy and are not consistent …
9:38 AM Changeset [6005] by Garry Yao
Changelog cleanup.
9:35 AM Ticket #6526 (Cannot assign float style to image) created by Martin
After assign float style to image there is no result and additionally …
9:07 AM Changeset [6004] by Garry Yao
Merge trunk [6001:6003].
9:02 AM Ticket #6485 (BIDI: Language direction should be applied to individual list items ...) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [6003].
9:02 AM Changeset [6003] by Garry Yao
#6485: various BIDI range iteration fixes.
8:47 AM Ticket #6525 (Editing an image with a link opens the Link dialog and not the Image ...) created by Anna Tomanek
Double-clicking an image with a link added with the Image Properties …
8:25 AM WikiStart edited by Anna Tomanek
Minor grammar correction (diff)
8:23 AM TicketSpecs edited by Anna Tomanek
Minor spelling correction (diff)
7:08 AM Ticket #6524 (Remove image while unlink) created by Martin
1. Add image ( for example smile )
2. On image properties set some url …
Oct 26, 2010:
9:46 PM Ticket #6523 (FCK Config EnterMode = 'br') created by Raffaele
I'm using FCKeditor Version 2.6.4 VersionBuild '21629 'built-in …
9:16 PM Ticket #6522 (Simplification in indent plugin) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
I think that these changes are OK and avoid some extra calls by using …
8:12 PM Ticket #6521 (Table resize sample) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
The table resize plugin isn't included in the default set and it …
6:48 PM Ticket #6520 (BIDI: Alignment doesn't apply in some cases with BIDI paragraphs) created by Damian
To reproduce
1. Set data as below
2. Select the whole …
5:19 PM Changeset [6002] by Garry Yao
Merge trunk [5886-6001].
5:15 PM Ticket #6519 (firefox 3.6 ckeditor insertHtml() without focus inserts at beginning ...) created by rhair
In Firefox, if editor is in an iframe, and focus is taken completely …
4:43 PM Changeset [6001] by Garry Yao
Compensate changeset [5943] which is mistakenly removed by [5952].
4:39 PM Changeset [6000] by Garry Yao
Compensate changeset [5942] which is mistakenly removed by [5952].
4:31 PM Ticket #6518 (Select all + delete breaks the "div" enterMode) created by Wiktor Walc
Confirmed in IE8.
=== Steps to reproduce ===
- Type test1 , press …
3:57 PM Ticket #6087 (IE: Caret doesn't blink on RTL dialogs) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
fixed: Fixed with [5999].
3:56 PM Changeset [5999] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
#6087: Make cursor blinking in dialog text inputs visible in IE and …
3:31 PM Ticket #6517 (YouTube embeded videos) created by Micha Kaufman
My name is Micha Kaufman, from Pixiesoft. Small Israeli software …
1:57 PM Ticket #6485 (BIDI: Language direction should be applied to individual list items ...) reopened by Garry Yao
@damo, you're right, let's keep this in 3.4.2 still.
1:47 PM Ticket #6087 (IE: Caret doesn't blink on RTL dialogs) reopened by Sa'ar Zac Elias
Confirmed with IE8 compat and IE7 mode, OK with standart and quirks.. …
1:47 PM Changeset [5998] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
Reverted [5975].
1:17 PM Ticket #6512 (question regarding entermode p or div) closed by Wiktor Walc
invalid: Hi Kenny,
Apologies for late reply, I have send you an email with an …
1:15 PM Ticket #6516 (Safari: editor has 300 px min width when replacing div) created by Dinu
Safari 5.0.2: when replacing a div with width<300px, the editor …
11:18 AM Ticket #6515 (When clicking an image, screen jumps up, causing tool-bar to go off ...) created by fluidstudios
I have attached the source code from the editor. When I click the …
10:36 AM Ticket #6514 ([IE8]: Highlighted text is deleted when using browser Edit => Copy) created by James
Steps to Reproduce the defect:
1. Open the Ajax sample in IE8. …
10:07 AM Ticket #6513 (ARIA list property incorrect in "stylescombo") created by Garry Yao
Open styles combo and check the the "aria-setsize" attribute that …
9:38 AM Ticket #6512 (question regarding entermode p or div) created by Kenny
I had a question regarding entermode (didn't get reply on the support …
7:53 AM Ticket #6511 ([IE8] '0.startContainer' is null or not an object) created by WebSpellChecker.net
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open ckeditor.com/demo page in …
7:03 AM Ticket #6508 (BiDi: Margin mirroring logic doesn't honor CSS direction) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [5996].
7:03 AM Ticket #6043 (BIDI: When we apply RTL direction to a right aligned Paragraph, ...) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [5997].
7:01 AM Changeset [5997] by Tobiasz Cudnik
#6043 BIDI: When we apply RTL direction to a right aligned Paragraph, …
6:56 AM Changeset [5996] by Tobiasz Cudnik
#6508 BiDi: Margin mirroring logic doesn't honor CSS direction
5:42 AM Ticket #6510 (Margin mirroring doesn't respect style configuration) created by Garry Yao
Currently the 'indent' and 'justify' plugin that on behavior of …
Oct 25, 2010:
5:26 PM Changeset [5995] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Removed the parameters from the event list in the api docs.
4:48 PM Ticket #5850 (IE - Issues with Formatting options in Numbered/Bulleted list) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5994].
4:47 PM Changeset [5994] by Garry Yao
#5850: fixing an edge case in IE at the start of list where inline …
4:35 PM Ticket #5730 (Safari: Repeated paste creates issues) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5993].
4:34 PM Changeset [5993] by Garry Yao
#5730: Prevent continual pasting breaks the content in Safari.
3:44 PM Ticket #4655 (message: contains unauthenticated content (ckeditor 3.0.1)) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Both SCAYT and WSC are compatible with SSL now.
3:25 PM Ticket #5702 ([IE] SCAYT context menu with "Menu" key) closed by Garry Yao
worksforme: Without the patch, this is not reproducible on trunk.
3:12 PM Ticket #5706 ([IE] Cursor position after word correction) closed by Garry Yao
3:03 PM Ticket #5732 (Safari: SCAYT + offline causes floatpanel and dialog issues) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Confirm to be fixed in all browsers.
2:52 PM Ticket #5826 ([ContentEditable] SCAYT should be disabled inside non editable elements) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Confirmed to be fixed.
2:44 PM Ticket #6506 ([FF] Style is added to the html element on full page) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
fixed: Fixed with [5992].
2:43 PM Changeset [5992] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
#6506: Fixing a regression of [5929]: The style attribute was added …
2:27 PM Ticket #5862 (SCAYT plugin removes selection in table) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Confirmed to be fixed on both IE and FF.
2:06 PM Ticket #5905 (SCAYT Spellchecker & Dojo Toolkit) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Confirm to be fixed.
2:00 PM Ticket #6509 (Dirty property should probably be set even when source doesn't change) created by Dinu
If you changes to the document but it ends up unchanged (for example, …
1:11 PM Ticket #4925 (Spell checker dialog - problem with lists and tables) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: Works fine now on trunk.
12:06 PM Ticket #6501 ([IE9] context menu item layout is broken) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5991].
11:11 AM Ticket #6508 (BiDi: Margin mirroring logic doesn't honor CSS direction) created by Tobiasz Cudnik
This is a small fix.
Margin mirroring logic doesn't honor CSS …
9:44 AM Changeset [5991] by Garry Yao
#6501: Box model has a quirks in IE9 which breaks menu item layout.
9:31 AM Ticket #5626 (CKeditor 3.2.1 : html content attached makes ckeditor crash the ...) closed by Paweł Horzela
fixed: Fixed with [5990].
9:30 AM Changeset [5990] by Paweł Horzela
#5626: CKeditor 3.2.1 : html content attached makes ckeditor crash the …
9:27 AM Changeset [5989] by Garry Yao
Update ticket test of #5656 due to strategy change.
9:08 AM Ticket #6497 (insertHtml method JS error on Webkit browsers, failing) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: >the dev console tends to take focus away...
You're right, WFM with …
8:55 AM Ticket #5446 (Setting config.filebrowserImageBrowseUrl results in displaying also ...) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [5988].
8:51 AM Changeset [5988] by Tobiasz Cudnik
#5446 Setting config.filebrowserImageBrowseUrl results in displaying …
8:12 AM Ticket #4897 ([IE] Paste: Some lists with alpha numberings cause problems) closed by Garry Yao
duplicate: DUP of #6330.
7:34 AM Ticket #6402 (Opera: Focus goes out of Editor after selecting an option in one of ...) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: DUP of #6444.
7:25 AM Ticket #6440 (BIDI: Applying same language direction to all paragraphs not working.) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
worksforme: WFM as of [5987].
Oct 24, 2010:
5:58 PM Ticket #6503 (class="Apple-style-span" should not be added by rich text editor) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
duplicate: The workaround is as pointed out in #5052 to process all the HTML and …
3:22 PM Ticket #6507 (Hidden fields are shown as 'hiddenfield' in the elements path) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
Add an hidden field into the content and focus it. Notice that the …
2:29 PM Ticket #6506 ([FF] Style is added to the html element on full page) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
* Open the full page sample in FF.
* Go to source mode.
Note the HTML …
2:10 PM Changeset [5987] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
Post-fixing [5985].
10:43 AM Ticket #5870 (Add ability to hide anchors in editor content (patch)) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
wontfix: The only reason to add this patch would be due to the current behavior …
10:39 AM Ticket #6385 (IE throws Javascript error when using anchor) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
duplicate: I think that all the issues with anchors are addressed with the patch …
10:00 AM Ticket #6505 (Optimization in scriptLoader) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
The noCheck parameter in scriptLoader.load isn't used in any call, and …
9:56 AM Changeset [5986] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Document showBusy in scriptLoader
Oct 23, 2010:
5:15 PM Ticket #6504 (Race condition while loading several customConfig files) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Reported in http://cksource.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=20480
The …
3:38 AM Ticket #6503 (class="Apple-style-span" should not be added by rich text editor) created by jokerall
What is the expected result?
The generated HTML should be something …
Oct 22, 2010:
3:05 PM Changeset [5985] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
Coding style fixes and code size reductions.
2:21 PM Changeset [5984] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
Added changelog entry for [5983].
2:17 PM Ticket #5024 (Port doctype samples from FCKeditor) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
fixed: Fixed with [5983].
2:17 PM Changeset [5983] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
#5024: Added Flash sample.
1:43 PM Ticket #6187 (IE6 skin images 404) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5982].
1:43 PM Changeset [5982] by Garry Yao
#6187: incorrect url resolving in skin part preloading.
1:18 PM Ticket #6502 (Remove IE6 image preloading) created by Garry Yao
Discovered in #6187, in case we can confirm that the following hack is …
12:51 PM Changeset [5981] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Initial documentation for CKEDITOR.command.
12:50 PM Changeset [5980] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Several API documentation enhancements.
10:07 AM Changeset [5979] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Forced to ignore "inner functions" documentation due to …
10:01 AM Ticket #6501 ([IE9] context menu item layout is broken) created by Garry Yao
Seen in the attached screenshot, context menu item has smaller …
9:02 AM Ticket #6445 (Find/Replace highlight styles were incorrectly left in DOM) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5978].
9:01 AM Changeset [5978] by Garry Yao
#6445: regression of [5847], 'getStyleText' must be used in order to …
8:46 AM Ticket #6235 (BIDI: Applying direction to multi-paragraph selection within a div) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [5977].
8:34 AM Ticket #6500 (Style combo: Object style remain selected) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
1. Insert an image in the editor (e.g. a smiley).
2. Select the …
8:23 AM Changeset [5977] by Tobiasz Cudnik
#6235 BIDI: Applying direction to multi-paragraph selection within a div
7:41 AM Ticket #4534 (Opera: issues when using arrow keys in combo elements) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5796].
7:41 AM Changeset [5976] by Garry Yao
#4534: 'keypress' instead of 'keydown' in float panel keyboard navigation.
7:36 AM Ticket #6087 (IE: Caret doesn't blink on RTL dialogs) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5975].
7:36 AM Changeset [5975] by Garry Yao
#6087: Make cursor blinking in dialog text inputs visible in IE and …
7:33 AM Ticket #6499 (Indentation command stop working in enter mode BR) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5974] as micro-change.
7:32 AM Changeset [5974] by Garry Yao
#6499: bookmark checking defects fixed.
7:25 AM Ticket #6499 (Indentation command stop working in enter mode BR) created by Garry Yao
1. Load the following content and select all:
1. Click on …
7:22 AM Ticket #6282 (Editor leaves bookmark node after applying formatted style) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5973].
7:21 AM Changeset [5973] by Garry Yao
#6282: Removing the first round of bookmarking when applying styles.
7:13 AM Ticket #6403 (Opera: selected Font name option not shown in Font Name combo when we ...) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5972].
7:13 AM Changeset [5972] by Garry Yao
#6403: Font-family css property normalization.
7:08 AM Ticket #6417 (Context menu jumps into upper-left corner of edit area under IE9) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5971].
7:08 AM Changeset [5971] by Garry Yao
#6417: Stick to old IE even model in IE9 because of the unstable …
6:56 AM Ticket #6376 (BIDI: BIDI buttons should not toggle the base language direction) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [5970].
6:51 AM Changeset [5970] by Tobiasz Cudnik
#6376 BIDI: BIDI buttons should not toggle the base language direction
Oct 21, 2010:
9:58 PM Ticket #6498 ([Safari] Insert between paragraphs unifies them) created by AndiU
A very annoying bug which does not exists for too long (don´t know the …
7:49 PM Ticket #6497 (insertHtml method JS error on Webkit browsers, failing) created by George Vilches
Steps to replicate:
1. Go to http://ckeditor.com/demo
2. Open …
1:59 PM Changeset [5969] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Fixed the data processor documentation key.
1:09 PM Ticket #6496 (Replacing multiple paragraphs with an element does not fully remove ...) created by Joe Kavanagh
1. Open the Ajax sample.
2. Create four paragraphs, for example:
10:22 AM Ticket #6495 (Paste from Word - list divided by paragraphs) created by Krzysztof Studnik
Firefox result of use case from #6493
- Paste content from word …
10:16 AM Ticket #6494 (Unexpected behaviour with preformated text) created by Martin
Let`s see te attached video and observe that the while typing some …
10:15 AM Ticket #6493 (Paste from Word - Numbering of list is wrong when elements are ...) created by Krzysztof Studnik
- Copy text from attached document to CKEditor
- Paste content to …
8:23 AM Ticket #6254 (BIDI: creating a Numbered/Bulleted list causing improper behavior on bidi) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
worksforme: WFM as of [5968].
8:23 AM Ticket #6100 (BIDI: when we change Table language direction indentation of text in ...) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [5968].
8:23 AM Ticket #6099 (BIDI: when we apply explicit language direction to Numbered/Bulleted ...) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [5967].
8:19 AM Changeset [5968] by Tobiasz Cudnik
#6100 BIDI: when we change Table language direction indentation of …
7:34 AM Changeset [5967] by Tobiasz Cudnik
#6099 BIDI: when we apply explicit language direction to …
6:00 AM Ticket #6481 ([IE] 'document' is null or not an object error) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5966].
5:57 AM Changeset [5966] by Garry Yao
#6481: No undo snapshot for scayt command.
5:51 AM Ticket #6485 (BIDI: Language direction should be applied to individual list items ...) closed by Garry Yao
duplicate: DUP of #6235.
Oct 20, 2010:
2:27 PM Ticket #6489 (Hiding the information bar) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
invalid: Please, use our forums for general support.
1:29 PM Ticket #6492 (Populate the Find dialog with the selected text.) created by Joe Kavanagh
If the user selects some text and then opens the Find dialog the Find …
12:58 PM Ticket #6416 (Disabled selection of text by mouse in Source editing under IE9) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5965].
12:58 PM Changeset [5965] by Garry Yao
#6416: adding 'mousedown' event bubbling blocker for IE9 on source area.
12:43 PM Ticket #6491 (The image lock ratio is set when the image URL field is populated.) created by Joe Kavanagh
1. Open the image dialog.
2. Click on the lock ratio icon to unlock …
12:19 PM Ticket #6490 (Image properties removed link on image) created by Floris
1) in ckeditor put code: <a href="http://www.nu.nl"><img alt="Test" …
11:25 AM Ticket #6489 (Hiding the information bar) created by Renu Jacob
When we type anything inside the text edidtor and changing the styles …
10:29 AM Ticket #4023 ([Opera] Maximize plugin) closed by Paweł Horzela
fixed: Fixed with [5964]
10:27 AM Changeset [5964] by Paweł Horzela
#4023: [Opera] Maximize plugin.
9:37 AM Ticket #6488 (Image dialog validation should not allow a value of zero be entered ...) created by Joe Kavanagh
The Image dialog allows zero to be entered for image width and height. …
9:10 AM Ticket #6487 (Google Chrome bug: all button in toolbox are in one LONG row) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: Cannot reproduce in Chrome 6 (ubuntu) and 7 (windows). Toolbar works fine.
9:05 AM Ticket #6352 (Editor leaves new-line char when the document is empty) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed by #5766.
7:00 AM Ticket #6253 (BIDI: creating a Numbered/Bulleted list causing improper behavior on bidi) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [5963].
6:59 AM Changeset [5963] by Tobiasz Cudnik
#6253 BIDI: creating a Numbered/Bulleted list causing improper …
5:17 AM Ticket #6083 (IE: Selection collapses when inserting special char) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5962].
5:17 AM Changeset [5962] by Garry Yao
#6083: Selection restoring logic, might normalize text nodes beneath …
5:12 AM Ticket #5931 (Unable to change font-size) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed now with [5961].
5:12 AM Changeset [5961] by Garry Yao
#5931: Change element inline style fails because parent node holds …
5:04 AM Ticket #5766 (‘ignoreEmptyParagraph’ behaves wrong) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5960].
5:04 AM Changeset [5960] by Garry Yao
#5766: "ignoreEmptyParagraph" is not anymore removing tail empty …
5:00 AM Ticket #6100 (BIDI: when we change Table language direction indentation of text in ...) reopened by Garry Yao
Changeset is broken new table creation, revert with [5959], patch must …
4:59 AM Changeset [5959] by Garry Yao
Reverting [5954].
Oct 19, 2010:
7:46 PM Ticket #6487 (Google Chrome bug: all button in toolbox are in one LONG row) created by tomalek
this is Google Chrome bug only:
all button in toolbox are in one …
7:29 PM Ticket #6486 (IE bug: Many smiles in the smiley dialog do not fit into surrounding TD tag) created by tomalek
This is IE bug only:
I can see that the table with smiles is placed …
3:45 PM Changeset [5958] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Fixed the CKEDITOR.dataProcessor class documentation so it gets listed …
3:39 PM Changeset [5957] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Removed the BOM from the documentation template script (which breaks …
3:19 PM Ticket #6480 (CSS changes in CKEditor) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
invalid: Please, use the forums for general support.
3:18 PM Ticket #5045 (uiColor creates wrong css-code when editor-id contains period(.) when ...) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
fixed: Fixed with [5956]
3:17 PM Changeset [5956] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
#5045 uiColor behaved wrong in IE if there are multiple editors with …
12:13 PM Ticket #6485 (BIDI: Language direction should be applied to individual list items ...) created by James
Steps to reproduce the defect:
1. Open the Ajax sample.
2. …
11:49 AM Ticket #6484 (BIDI: Incorrect alignment is applied when copying & pasting RTL ...) created by James
Steps to Reproduce the defect:
1. Open the Ajax sample.
2. …
11:41 AM Ticket #6483 (FCK Editor Image upload problem for https enable site) created by sourav moy sau
The image uplaod features does not work for the site that is https …
11:32 AM Ticket #6482 (BIDI: Copying & Pasting RTL lists from Word not working properly in IE7) created by James
Steps to reproduce the defect:
1. Open the Ajax sample in IE7. …
10:48 AM Ticket #6481 ([IE] 'document' is null or not an object error) created by WebSpellChecker.net
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open …
7:50 AM Ticket #6413 (Extra indent in the <pre> tag) closed by Garry Yao
7:34 AM Ticket #6094 (Find & replace is not working properly with Tables in the content.) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5955].
7:33 AM Changeset [5955] by Garry Yao
#6094: Match boundary logic should only be checked inside walker guard …
7:28 AM Ticket #6100 (BIDI: when we change Table language direction indentation of text in ...) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [5954].
7:27 AM Changeset [5954] by Tobiasz Cudnik
#6100 BIDI: when we change Table language direction indentation of …
7:23 AM Ticket #5595 (Leading line-breaks lost in <pre>) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5953].
7:23 AM Changeset [5953] by Garry Yao
#5595: linebreak and indentation created by writer are now prohibited …
7:20 AM Ticket #6349 (Some SCAYT's contextmenu options are not displayed if MooTools ...) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
6:35 AM Ticket #5931 (Unable to change font-size) reopened by Garry Yao
Basic style application is broken by the change, revert with [5952].
6:33 AM Changeset [5952] by Garry Yao
Reverting [5951].
6:30 AM Ticket #6480 (CSS changes in CKEditor) created by Arunshyam
I want to make following changes in CKEditor.
1. Background color …
6:17 AM Ticket #5931 (Unable to change font-size) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5951].
6:17 AM Changeset [5951] by Garry Yao
#5931: Change element inline style fails because parent node holds …
Oct 18, 2010:
3:01 PM Changeset [5950] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixing [5948] BOM.
2:34 PM Ticket #6479 (BIDI: Language direction is not being preserved when pressing Enter ...) created by James
Steps to reproduce the defect:
1. Open the Ajax sample.
2. …
2:30 PM Ticket #5824 (Up/down arrows stop working in editing area) closed by Damian
fixed: I can no longer reproduce this on the trunk (3.4.x).
1:32 PM Ticket #6478 (Silently insert an empty paragraph in Chrome) created by Stephane
I just downloaded the latest nightly build revision 5942.
On Chrome …
12:51 PM Ticket #6149 (CreateDiv: cannot get out of the div) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
duplicate: DUP of #5921
12:34 PM Ticket #6189 (Reducing the code size) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
fixed: Fixed with [5949]. Additional minor fixes should be commited as micro …
12:33 PM Changeset [5949] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
#6189: Code size reduction.
12:14 PM Changeset [5948] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Microchange from #6349 Some SCAYT's contextmenu options are not …
11:28 AM Ticket #6477 (inproperly pasting table from excel in IE9) created by Krzysztof Studnik
Using excel file from #6465 opened in Office 2010, copy table to …
10:36 AM Ticket #6476 (Line break character should not be inserted if elements only contain ...) created by Joe Kavanagh
The HTML writer inserts line break characters after closing the …
7:47 AM Ticket #6474 (Selecting spacebar on select words) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
duplicate: DUP of #2015 and #6139
7:45 AM Ticket #6444 (Close panels and dialogs don't return focus to wysiwyg) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5947].
Bug reported at Opera with DSK-316445@…
7:45 AM Changeset [5947] by Garry Yao
#6444: Focus switch back from other iframe is not functioning in …
7:28 AM Ticket #5646 (CK 3.2.1 protected source problem) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5946].
7:28 AM Changeset [5946] by Garry Yao
We should keep inline element when parsing that contains only comments.
7:25 AM Ticket #6332 (IE: V2 skin bottom dialog's border broken) closed by Paweł Horzela
fixed: Fixed with [5945]
7:25 AM Changeset [5945] by Paweł Horzela
#6332: IE: V2 skin bottom dialog's border broken.
7:21 AM Ticket #5395 (Opera: right click shows the default context menu) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5944].
7:20 AM Changeset [5944] by Garry Yao
#5395: contextmenu event is now presented in Opera and we should …
7:18 AM Ticket #6226 (BIDI: Language direction applied to a Paragraph is removed when we ...) closed by Paweł Horzela
fixed: Fixed with [5942]
7:16 AM Changeset [5943] by Paweł Horzela
#6226: BIDI: Language direction applied to a Paragraph is removed when …
7:07 AM Changeset [5942] by Paweł Horzela
#6226: BIDI: Language direction applied to a Paragraph is removed when …
Oct 17, 2010:
10:06 AM Ticket #6475 (Optimize compression) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
I've noticed that the numbers like 1000 are output by the compressor …
Oct 16, 2010:
7:16 AM Ticket #6474 (Selecting spacebar on select words) created by psyafter
When double click on word OR selecting words with mouse so spacebars …
Note: See
for information about the timeline view.