
Jun 12, 2009:

5:42 PM Ticket #3717 (config.dialog_backgroundCoverColor does not work in IE7 or IE8) created by Mike
This is my first bug report for this project. Please let me know if I …
2:52 PM Ticket #2886 (Implement logic for handling bogus BR nodes.) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [3665].
2:52 PM Changeset [3665] by Garry Yao
Updating the fix of #2886: Using 'element.add()' to create new text …
1:26 PM Ticket #3716 (Context menu disappears after displaying one submenu) created by Damian
Same issue as reported in #3566 Browser: IE7 OS: Vista
10:45 AM Ticket #2886 (Implement logic for handling bogus BR nodes.) reopened by Garry Yao
When constructing parser nodes: […] we should also update their …
10:41 AM Ticket #3668 ([IE] Combo doesn't show dropdown on second open) closed by Artur Formella
duplicate: DUP of #3222
10:29 AM Ticket #3715 (Pre output formatting is broken) created by Garry Yao
Note this's not a DUP of #3188, where this ticket should deal with the …
9:47 AM Changeset [3664] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #3575.
9:36 AM Ticket #3714 (Tables are causing html parser to go into infinite loop) closed by Martin Kou
invalid: Oops... so it's already fixed by [3663]... I was just one revision …
9:11 AM Ticket #3714 (Tables are causing html parser to go into infinite loop) created by Martin Kou
To reproduce: 1. Open replacebyclass.html in any browser. 2. Insert …
8:45 AM Ticket #3609 (Parser fixbody option should align with enterMode) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [3663].
8:44 AM Changeset [3663] by Garry Yao
Updating the fix of #3609: Explicitly specify 'fixForBody' within …
8:18 AM Ticket #3256 (Justify across table cells incorrect) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [3662].
8:14 AM Changeset [3662] by Garry Yao
Fixing #3256: Update 'createBookmark' function to resist impacts on …
7:47 AM Changeset [3661] by Artur Formella
#3662 Added ability to reset the undo stack.
7:17 AM Ticket #2886 (Implement logic for handling bogus BR nodes.) closed by Martin Kou
fixed: Fixed with [3660]. Click here for more info about our SVN …
7:17 AM Changeset [3660] by Martin Kou
Fixed #2886 : Implemented logic for handling <br> and &nbsp; …

Jun 11, 2009:

9:32 PM Ticket #3713 (Image file name lost on enabling / disabling Wiki FCKEditior) created by wwwolf
Using the Wiki FCKEditor 2.6.4, it will loose the name of the file …
3:15 PM Ticket #3712 (Cant Apply styles in Tables) created by Sathish
When we select two cells and apply styles in a table. its throwing an …
2:56 PM Ticket #3711 (EMBED is outdated for flash) created by Carsten Schmitz
When embedding a flash object FCKeditor is currently using an <EMBED> …
2:42 PM Ticket #3710 (CKEditor doesn't support <style> tag in text area.) created by QinJun
When I switch to the "Code" view and paste the content inlcuding …
12:12 PM Ticket #3709 (Selected text stays selected when switch to source view and back) created by spx
Hello. To me FCKeditor is almost perfect. The only thing I miss from …
12:08 PM Ticket #3695 (Add missing entries to all language files) closed by Artur Formella
10:47 AM Ticket #3708 ([webkit] inline style doesn't work for collpased range) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open the replace by class
8:50 AM Ticket #2956 (plugin:sourcearea has extra <br /> when document is empty) closed by Martin Kou
fixed: This bug has been fixed between r3640 and r3650.
7:44 AM Ticket #3665 ([IE] Output source code has extra &nbsp;) closed by Martin Kou
invalid: I've just had a talk with Garry. This is actually not a bug - the …
3:48 AM Ticket #3707 ([webkit] editor.insertHtml not supported) created by Garry Yao
Currently we're currently rely on native document.insertHtml, …

Jun 10, 2009:

7:40 PM Ticket #3706 (High Contrast - Color picker doesn't display colored options) created by Damian
When using high contrast mode, the color pickers lose their background …
5:46 PM Ticket #3705 (Kama: The context menu has wrong background color for the icons) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
With the default UI color, when opening a menu, the background for the …
3:42 PM Ticket #3704 ("Unspecified Error" in Javascript) created by Sathish
While i am trying to select more than one cell in table and apply the …
3:41 PM Ticket #3703 (editor.insertHtml cause error) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open the attached example page in …
3:23 PM Ticket #3702 (UI Color plugin is broken in release version) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
3:22 PM Changeset [3659] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #3702.
2:44 PM Ticket #3702 (UI Color plugin is broken in release version) created by Tobiasz Cudnik
UI Color plugin is broken in release version. === TC === Sample from …
2:08 PM Ticket #3700 (Preview plugin is broken) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
1:46 PM Changeset [3658] by Wiktor Walc
Releaser now does not stop if javascript compression failed.
1:41 PM Ticket #3701 (Add option to exclude some files from javascript compression) created by Wiktor Walc
Files like _source\plugins\uicolor\yui\yui.js should not be processed …
12:59 PM Changeset [3657] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #3700.
12:25 PM Ticket #3700 (Preview plugin is broken) created by Tobiasz Cudnik
There are typos issues in preview plugin, making it unusable. Attached …
10:43 AM Ticket #3657 ('Select All' result in content change) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [3656].
10:42 AM Changeset [3656] by Garry Yao
Fixing #3657: Fixing body only for collapsed selection to avoid any …
10:06 AM Ticket #3699 (Create documentation for development tools) created by Wiktor Walc
Create documentation for development tools, including CKReleaser, …
10:00 AM Changeset [3655] by Artur Formella
#3695 Added missing translations
9:46 AM Ticket #3698 (CKLangTool should sort language entries) created by Wiktor Walc
(as the title says)
9:29 AM Ticket #3697 (CKLangTool should be launched automatically before releasing) created by Wiktor Walc
the title says it all - in patches usually just the "en" language …
9:25 AM Ticket #3560 (Disable SCAYT before getData) closed by Artur Formella
fixed: Fixed with [3654]
9:25 AM Changeset [3654] by Artur Formella
#3560 Added htmlfilter for SCAYT elements
9:18 AM Ticket #3696 ([IE6] Disabled buttons loosing position on hover) created by Tobiasz Cudnik
In kama skin, mouse over a disabled button results in position lost …
8:33 AM Ticket #3692 (Find scrollIntoView incorrect) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [3653].
8:31 AM Changeset [3653] by Garry Yao
Fixing #3692, scrollIntoView() function sometimes stops with a offset …
7:50 AM Ticket #3669 ([IE8] wysiwyg area shrink when toolbar collapsed) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Seems to be fixed somewhere before r3649.
7:24 AM Ticket #3646 ([IE7] White background color of toolbar button group) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Seems to be fixed somewhere before r3649.
7:20 AM Ticket #3555 (SCAYT button has wrong state when scayt_autoStartup = true) closed by Artur Formella
fixed: Fixed with [3652]
7:17 AM Changeset [3652] by Artur Formella
#3555 SCAYT button now has correct initial state when …
7:12 AM Ticket #3563 (Disabled items have wrong style in menus) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [3649].
7:02 AM Ticket #3695 (Add missing entries to all language files) created by Artur Formella
"common.unavailable" entry is missing in many languages.

Jun 9, 2009:

10:03 PM Changeset [3651] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Deleted the prototype branch.
10:03 PM Changeset [3650] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Deleted the kama branch. It has been merged into trunk with [3649].
10:00 PM Ticket #3598 (UI Color plugin) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: Fixed with [3649].
10:00 PM Ticket #3503 (New default skin for V3) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: Fixed with [3649].
10:00 PM Changeset [3649] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
#3503 and #3598 : Merged the branches/features/kama branch (r3648) …
9:39 PM Changeset [3648] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Updated the Kama branch to trunk r3636.
8:44 PM Changeset [3647] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Several skin fixes. Added a dedicated sample for the UI Color Picker.
6:12 PM Ticket #3609 (Parser fixbody option should align with enterMode) reopened by Garry Yao
We've left another spot unfixed for 'fixForBody'.
5:04 PM Ticket #3084 (Spellchecker displays (broken) HTML at the text field) closed by WebSpellChecker.net
fixed: Fixed on SpellChecker.net side.
2:46 PM Ticket #3573 (No undo snap when inserting form fields) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [3646].
2:43 PM Changeset [3646] by Garry Yao
Fixing #3573: Adding undo snapshot for insertElement; Disable undo …
2:37 PM Ticket #3526 (Implement Ignore Empty Paragraph feature) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [3645].
2:36 PM Changeset [3645] by Garry Yao
Fixing #3526: Adding remove empty paragraph logic and related …
2:14 PM Ticket #3372 (Undo / Redo Text Selection Bug) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [3643].
2:13 PM Ticket #3609 (Parser fixbody option should align with enterMode) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
2:12 PM Ticket #3679 ([IE8] element.html test fails in various places) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Issue mentioned by Garry has been moved to #3693. This issue is fixed …
2:11 PM Changeset [3644] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #3679.
2:02 PM Changeset [3643] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #3372.
1:59 PM Changeset [3642] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #3609.
1:56 PM Ticket #3644 (Image dialog missing radio lock) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: This seems to be already fixed in kama branch, somewhere before r3641.
1:53 PM Changeset [3641] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Various fixes for skins
10:06 AM Ticket #3694 (Find a better way for fixing blank CKEditor issue in IE6,7) created by Martin Kou
CKEditor is occasionally appearing blank in IE6 and 7. That issue has …
9:57 AM Ticket #3623 (Editor is loading up in IE7 without contents) closed by Martin Kou
fixed: Fixed with [3640]. Click here for more info about our SVN …
9:57 AM Changeset [3640] by Martin Kou
Fixed #3623 : Fixed an issue where the editor may load up in IE …
9:53 AM Ticket #3557 (Disabled toolbar buttons are indistinguishable from normal toolbar ...) closed by Martin Kou
fixed: Fixed with [3639]. Click here for more info about our SVN …
9:52 AM Changeset [3639] by Martin Kou
Fixed #3557 : Added voice notices on disabled toolbar buttons and …
9:19 AM Ticket #3686 ([IE] Cell properties RTL dialog layout problems) closed by Martin Kou
fixed: Fixed with [3638]. Click here for more info about our SVN …
9:19 AM Changeset [3638] by Martin Kou
Fixed #3686 : Fixed wrong dialog layout for table cells dialog in IE …
9:14 AM Ticket #3689 (Unneeded unicode character found in English translation files) closed by Martin Kou
fixed: Fixed with [3637]. Click here for more info about our SVN …
9:14 AM Changeset [3637] by Martin Kou
Fixed #3689 : Removed unneeded \u200b unicode characters from English …
8:04 AM Ticket #3688 (JavaScript error at loading) closed by Martin Kou
fixed: Fixed with [3636]. Click here for more info about our SVN …
8:04 AM Changeset [3636] by Martin Kou
Fixed #3688: Fixed some wrong bracket positions left in the last patch.
4:40 AM Ticket #3688 (JavaScript error at loading) reopened by Garry Yao
The brace is not on the right logic position.

Jun 8, 2009:

11:32 PM Changeset [3635] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Partially fixed the Office 2003 skin on the Kama branch.
3:02 PM Changeset [3634] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Implemented full RTL support in the Kama skin in IE. Included several …
1:58 PM Ticket #3693 (dom.element.getAttribute returns unnormalized style properties) created by Tobiasz Cudnik
In some cases IE8 and webkit returns uppercases css properties after …
11:26 AM Ticket #3692 (Find scrollIntoView incorrect) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open the replace by class
9:40 AM Ticket #3691 (Undo snapshot after select-and-type) created by Tobiasz Cudnik
Make undo snapshot after select-and-type. Derived from #3372. === TC …
8:12 AM Ticket #3569 (SCAYT should stop at form fields) reopened by Garry Yao
It's not a DUP of #3562 but issue from inside SCAYT, the default word …
7:37 AM Ticket #3690 (Selection is lost after Enable SCAYT) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open the replace by class
7:31 AM Ticket #3661 (Safari 3.2 cache issue) closed by Martin Kou
fixed: Fixed with [3633]. Click here for more info about our SVN …
7:31 AM Changeset [3633] by Martin Kou
Fixed #3661 : Fixed an issue with the script loader which is causing …
4:12 AM Ticket #3688 (JavaScript error at loading) closed by Martin Kou
fixed: Fixed with [3632]. Click here for more info about our SVN …
4:11 AM Changeset [3632] by Martin Kou
Fixed #3688 : Fixed a syntax error in element.js.
4:04 AM Ticket #3687 (Suggestion: Replace Format, Font, Size dropdowns with an image.) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: Thanks for your inputs, we've launched a dedicate …
3:55 AM Ticket #3689 (Unneeded unicode character found in English translation files) created by Martin Kou
L670 of en.js says […] The \u200b character is no longer needed - …
2:26 AM Ticket #3688 (JavaScript error at loading) created by Martin Kou
To reproduce: 1. Download today's SVN trunk. 2. Open …

Jun 7, 2009:

12:14 PM Changeset [3631] by Michael Osipov
- Moved package docs - Added licenses and Ids
11:22 AM Ticket #3681 ([Webkit] Shift enter broken) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [3630].
11:21 AM Changeset [3630] by Garry Yao
Fixing #3681: Adding padding br node should apply for other non-IE …

Jun 6, 2009:

12:20 PM Changeset [3629] by Michael Osipov
A non-existent request will now cause a NPE, just like the other classes do
9:46 AM Ticket #3687 (Suggestion: Replace Format, Font, Size dropdowns with an image.) created by Ray Fan
Dear CKEditor Team, It's marvelous how an editor with as much feature …

Jun 5, 2009:

9:59 PM Changeset [3628] by Michael Osipov
Can't probably synchronized less.
9:58 PM Changeset [3627] by Michael Osipov
Previous sync was broken. New map is safe against thread access + put …
8:20 PM Ticket #3686 ([IE] Cell properties RTL dialog layout problems) created by Damian
The cell properties dialog does not display well in RTL mode. …
6:30 PM Ticket #3463 (Dropdowns incorrectly positioned) closed by Josh Nisly
fixed: This seems to have been inadvertently fixed by [3626]. Closing.
5:20 PM Ticket #3685 (Update to scayt plugin) created by WebSpellChecker.net
SCAYT settings passing method changed - from particular field to the …
4:33 PM Ticket #3684 (Edit area adding <p> when clicking in the edit area) created by Damian
To reproduce: 1. Open nightly sample 2. Add a table with …
12:26 PM Ticket #3682 (Image Browser Server) closed by Artur Formella
duplicate: V3 doesn't have upload yet. This ticket is a DUP of #3673 and #2873.
12:04 PM Ticket #3652 (Styles combobox drop down content is blank for the second editor on ...) closed by Artur Formella
12:02 PM Ticket #3613 (CKEditor: combo content is not displaying in absolute positioned ...) closed by Artur Formella
worksforme: Ok, so we can close this ticket. Feel free to reopen it in the …
10:44 AM Ticket #3683 (Hides top portion of page when spellcheck window opens up) created by Chinmoy
Hello, I have noticed in the FCKEditor Demo page that when spellcheck …
10:43 AM Ticket #3680 ([webkit] Dialogs doesn't fire focus) reopened by Tobiasz Cudnik
I've been able to reproduce it finally on special character dialog. …
10:12 AM Ticket #3682 (Image Browser Server) created by Marco
The CKEditor 3.0 is a very very nice version... compliments. Hi, i …
7:30 AM Ticket #3681 ([Webkit] Shift enter broken) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open the replace by class
6:51 AM Ticket #3680 ([webkit] Dialogs doesn't fire focus) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
invalid: Actually the situation isn't dialog's fault. Problems is with webkit, …
6:11 AM Ticket #3680 ([webkit] Dialogs doesn't fire focus) created by Tobiasz Cudnik
On webkit (Google Chrome), after showing the dialog, focus event isn't …
5:45 AM Ticket #3545 (Context menus have wrong layout in IE quirks mode.) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [3626].
5:45 AM Ticket #3549 ([IE8] Empty dropdowns) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [3625]. element.html test failes moved to #3679.
5:44 AM Changeset [3626] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #3545.
5:39 AM Ticket #3679 ([IE8] element.html test fails in various places) created by Tobiasz Cudnik
Depending on chosen mode on IE8, element.html test fails in various …
5:29 AM Changeset [3625] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #3549.
4:57 AM Ticket #3678 ([IE] Edit image link result incorrect inside floated div) created by Garry Yao
1. Open the 'replace by class' sample page in IE, load the editor with …
3:21 AM Ticket #3656 (CKEDITOR.dom.range::trim() is destroying text ranges.) closed by Martin Kou
fixed: Fixed with [3624]. Click here for more info about our SVN …
3:21 AM Changeset [3624] by Martin Kou
Fixed #3656 : Fixed an issue in CKEDITOR.dom.range::trim() which is …
3:16 AM Changeset [3623] by Martin Kou
Fixed #3650 : Fixed non-working row/cell/column commands in table …
3:16 AM Ticket #3650 (Delete rows/columns/cells commands do not work when text is selected) closed by Martin Kou
fixed: Fixed with [3623]. Click here for more info about our SVN …
3:14 AM Ticket #3520 (Incorrect dialog layouts for Paste, Paste From Word, Paste As ...) closed by Martin Kou
fixed: Fixed with [3622]. Click here for more info about our SVN …
3:14 AM Changeset [3622] by Martin Kou
Fixed #3520 : Fixed incorrect dialog layouts for Paste, Paste from …

Jun 4, 2009:

4:13 PM Ticket #3677 (Image inside floating div cannot be linked, looses focus on IE7) created by Ioannis
Add an image inside a floating div: <div style="float: right"><img …
3:10 PM Ticket #3674 ([FF3] resetDirty() not working after initial load) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: Sorry for the inconvenience but CKEDITOR.editor::setData with …
2:53 PM Changeset [3621] by Tobiasz Cudnik
* Fixed border in HC (kama) * UNCOMPLETE fix for RTL (v2, office2k)
12:58 PM Ticket #3676 (FCKeditor 2.6.4 save didn't work with Chrome 3.0) created by Patrice De Saint Steban
With the last chrome version : ( when I submit a form, the …
12:52 PM Ticket #3675 (CKEditor - languagefile german complete) created by Alexander Kaupp
hello i completed the german language file (_source/lang/de.js)
12:50 PM Ticket #3674 ([FF3] resetDirty() not working after initial load) created by Damian
When calling resetDirty() after setData() the editor's checkDirty() …
11:11 AM Ticket #3673 (Add file browser support to CKEditor) created by Wiktor Walc
To do: create a plugin that makes it possible to integrate any file …
10:25 AM Changeset [3620] by Tobiasz Cudnik
* Fixes for RTL on FF
10:08 AM Changeset [3619] by Tobiasz Cudnik
* Fixed RTL on FF3 win (kama)
9:43 AM Ticket #3670 (Investigate methods to update JAWS' virtual cursor automatically) closed by Martin Kou
fixed: I've just tried it out for some time today. The trick seems to have …
9:32 AM Changeset [3618] by Tobiasz Cudnik
* Merged menu.css fixes from #3545 (kama, office2k, v2)
9:17 AM Ticket #3672 ([IE] Dialogs flicker when displaying) created by Damian
When dialogs are opened for the first time, they load and display …
8:44 AM Changeset [3617] by Tobiasz Cudnik
* Fixed #3563 (office2003, v2) * Missing previous HC fix
8:14 AM Ticket #3671 (Inserting Page break is introducing new paragraph) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open the replace by class
6:46 AM Changeset [3616] by Tobiasz Cudnik
* Fixed RTL for IE
4:14 AM Ticket #3670 (Investigate methods to update JAWS' virtual cursor automatically) created by Martin Kou
CKEditor 3 at its current state is often requiring the user to press …
3:18 AM Ticket #3669 ([IE8] wysiwyg area shrink when toolbar collapsed) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open the attached sample page in …
2:56 AM Ticket #3668 ([IE] Combo doesn't show dropdown on second open) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open the replace by class

Jun 3, 2009:

8:51 PM Changeset [3615] by Michael Osipov
added 2 TODOs
8:50 PM Ticket #3667 (Paste from WordPerfect) created by bladewheels
WordPerfect is still(!?) heavily used by my clients. I'd love to offer …
8:47 PM Changeset [3614] by Michael Osipov
Doc fix
5:59 PM Ticket #3417 (JAWS does not read the first toolbar item after switching focus to toolbar) reopened by Damian
Tested on http://nightly.ckeditor.com/3608/_samples/ajax.html
5:27 PM Ticket #3666 (Add Office 2007 XML extensions as default allowed file extensions) created by jesse
Add "docx", "pptx", and "xlsx" to the standard list of allowed file …
4:45 PM Ticket #3665 ([IE] Output source code has extra &nbsp;) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open the replace by class
3:01 PM Ticket #3664 (Insert table in empty document add extra line) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open the replace by class
2:42 PM Ticket #3663 (Drop-down "Styles" don't hide) created by jonat2
1. Click on 'Styles' combo to open dropdown float panel; 2. …
2:14 PM Ticket #3662 (There needs to be a way to reset the undo stack) created by Damian
A mechanism is required to reset the undo buffer. When the editor is …
2:09 PM Ticket #3661 (Safari 3.2 cache issue) created by Damian
To reproduce: Use Safari 3.2 on Windows. Ensure caching is not …
1:27 PM Ticket #3647 (Some values for Flash dialog need to be resourced) closed by Artur Formella
fixed: Fixed with [3613]
1:27 PM Changeset [3613] by Artur Formella
#3647 Completed localization of the flash dialog
12:59 PM Ticket #3660 (Add separate NAME parameter in taglib) created by David Webb
Add the ability to create a NAME parameter in the FCKEditor Taglib in …
12:47 PM Ticket #3615 (Disable resizing when editor is in fullscreen mode) closed by Artur Formella
duplicate: DUP of #3654
10:28 AM Changeset [3612] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Kama: Fixed spacing issues in IE6 and cleaned up some browser specific …
9:52 AM Ticket #3659 (newpage undo problem) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open the replace by class
9:15 AM Ticket #3658 ([IE6] Editor document has horizontal scrollbar on long lines) created by Garry Yao
Open the attached sample page for reproducing.
8:53 AM Changeset [3611] by Martin Kou
Fixed #3654 : Resize handle should not be visible after maximize mode …
8:53 AM Ticket #3654 (Resize handle should not be useable in maximized mode.) closed by Martin Kou
fixed: Fixed with [3611]. Click here for more info about our SVN …
8:50 AM Ticket #3653 (Collapse toolbar isn't working in Source mode) closed by Martin Kou
fixed: Fixed with [3610]. Click here for more info about our SVN …
8:50 AM Changeset [3610] by Martin Kou
Fixed #3653 : Fixed non-working collapse toolbar button in Source mode.
8:45 AM Ticket #3657 ('Select All' result in content change) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open the replace by class
8:20 AM Changeset [3609] by Garry Yao
Rollback to exclude unwanted changes been incorrectly comitted with [3606].
7:34 AM Ticket #3656 (CKEDITOR.dom.range::trim() is destroying text ranges.) created by Martin Kou
To reproduce: 1. Open replacebyclass.html. 2. Run the following in …
7:24 AM Ticket #3655 ([IE] Toolbar button cursor flicker between 'hand' and 'default') created by Garry Yao
When you mouseover any of the toolbar buttons, you'll find …
7:09 AM Ticket #3621 (Unnecessary snapshots) closed by Artur Formella
fixed: Fixed with [3608]
7:06 AM Changeset [3608] by Artur Formella
#3621 Removed unnecessary snapshots.
6:59 AM Ticket #3654 (Resize handle should not be useable in maximized mode.) created by Martin Kou
To reproduce: 1. Maximize the editor. 2. Drag the bottom right …
6:57 AM Ticket #3653 (Collapse toolbar isn't working in Source mode) created by Martin Kou
To reproduce: 1. Switch to Source mode. 2. Press the collapse …
6:35 AM Ticket #3640 ([IE] Dialog button background image incorrect) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: Invalid, IETester problem.
6:33 AM Ticket #3641 ([IE7] Dialog button has extra border line) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: Not valid, IETester problem.
6:20 AM Ticket #3645 ([IE] Editor size change after maximize) closed by Garry Yao
6:18 AM Ticket #3643 ([IE] Context menu has no content on second open) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Confirmed in trunk, maybe the trunk could be fixed after merging with …
6:15 AM Ticket #3637 ([IE6] Rich combo height incorrect) closed by Garry Yao
6:09 AM Ticket #3652 (Styles combobox drop down content is blank for the second editor on ...) created by Pavel
*Steps to reproduce -Add two editors into the page; -Open Styles menu …
4:48 AM Ticket #3651 (Setting height of editor is broken in IE8 Standards Mode) created by Michael
Environment: MS Vista (also XP vm), Internet Explorer 8 …
4:34 AM Ticket #3648 (Change paragraph format with empty document incorrect) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: My fault, yes, fixed by #3608.
4:30 AM Ticket #3608 (Create list on empty document error) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [3607].
4:30 AM Changeset [3607] by Garry Yao
Fixing #3608: Introducing CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark to skip …
4:28 AM Ticket #3585 (Inconsistent formatting of source code) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [3606].
4:24 AM Changeset [3606] by Garry Yao
Fixing #3585: Rtrim empty spaces before block end when output data.
3:55 AM Ticket #3650 (Delete rows/columns/cells commands do not work when text is selected) created by Martin Kou
To reproduce: 1. Create a default 2x3 table. 2. Right click on one …
3:35 AM Ticket #3649 (Incorrect selected size item on FontSize menu on continous typing and ...) created by Dongqiang Bai
Steps to reproduce 1. Clear everything in the editor of …

Jun 2, 2009:

2:09 PM Ticket #3617 (Change list type incorrect) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [3605].
2:09 PM Ticket #3618 (List is not merged) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [3605].
2:08 PM Changeset [3605] by Garry Yao
Fixing #3618: Simplify merge list logics.
1:15 PM Ticket #3645 ([IE] Editor size change after maximize) reopened by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fix is on L86 of maximize plugin: …
1:00 PM Changeset [3604] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Reverting [3603].
12:59 PM Changeset [3603] by Tobiasz Cudnik
11:03 AM Ticket #3645 ([IE] Editor size change after maximize) closed by Artur Formella
invalid: There is nothing to fix because it was only for debugging. Some things …
10:45 AM Ticket #3630 (Value field in the "Select" dialog doesn't look disabled) closed by Artur Formella
fixed: Fixed with [3602]
10:44 AM Changeset [3602] by Artur Formella
#3630 Value field in the "Select" dialog now looks disabled
10:29 AM Ticket #3638 (Float panel doesn't hide) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
10:28 AM Ticket #3566 (Context menu disappears after displaying one submenu in FF2) closed by Martin Kou
10:26 AM Ticket #3648 (Change paragraph format with empty document incorrect) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open the replace by class
10:16 AM Changeset [3601] by Tobiasz Cudnik
* Fixed #3637, #3645, #3643
8:52 AM Changeset [3600] by Martin Kou
Fixed #3566 : Fixed non-working context submenus in Firefox 2.
8:49 AM Ticket #3580 (IE: switching to Source in Ajax example raises an error) closed by Martin Kou
fixed: Fixed with [3599]. Click here for more info about our SVN …
8:49 AM Changeset [3599] by Martin Kou
Fixed #3580 : Fixed undo system errors when switching to and from …
8:19 AM Ticket #3647 (Some values for Flash dialog need to be resourced) created by Damian
Below is a proposal to resource the outstanding items in the Flash …
7:02 AM Ticket #3581 (name attribute on anchors is duplicated) closed by Artur Formella
fixed: Fixed with [3598]
7:01 AM Changeset [3598] by Artur Formella
#3581 name attribute now works with anchors and images
6:50 AM Ticket #3631 (name attribute on <select> is lost) closed by Artur Formella
fixed: Fixed with [3597]
6:49 AM Changeset [3597] by Artur Formella
#3631 name attribute now works with select,checkbox, radio and textarea

Jun 1, 2009:

8:43 PM Changeset [3596] by Michael Osipov
Revised docs
8:02 PM Changeset [3595] by Michael Osipov
Revised docs
6:50 PM Changeset [3594] by Michael Osipov
Revised docs
2:51 PM Ticket #3646 ([IE7] White background color of toolbar button group) created by Garry Yao
All the button groups' background color now is white instead of the …
2:45 PM Ticket #28 (Implement Interface for File Browser Connector and Quick Uploader) closed by Michael Osipov
fixed: At long last. This ticket can be closed. Final changes have been …
2:45 PM Ticket #3645 ([IE] Editor size change after maximize) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open the replace by class
2:37 PM Ticket #3634 (The clipboard dialog that 's related to browsers security setting ...) closed by Artur Formella
invalid: If you click "YES", the text will be pasted. If you click "NO" you …
2:37 PM Ticket #3644 (Image dialog missing radio lock) created by Garry Yao
2:25 PM Ticket #3643 ([IE] Context menu has no content on second open) created by Garry Yao
2:20 PM Ticket #3642 ([IE7] File type form field layout incorrect) created by Garry Yao
2:17 PM Ticket #3641 ([IE7] Dialog button has extra border line) created by Garry Yao
2:13 PM Ticket #3640 ([IE] Dialog button background image incorrect) created by Garry Yao
The background image is not shown in IE6; with incorrect position and …
2:05 PM Ticket #3639 (Button size inconsistency) created by Garry Yao
The size of different dialog buttons should be the same.
1:52 PM Ticket #3638 (Float panel doesn't hide) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open the replace by class
1:45 PM Changeset [3593] by Tobiasz Cudnik
* reverted not-ready changes to v2/menu.css
1:44 PM Ticket #3637 ([IE6] Rich combo height incorrect) created by Garry Yao
1:18 PM Changeset [3592] by Tobiasz Cudnik
* Fixed combo boxes height (IE6, IE quirks) * Fixed missing space in …
1:04 PM Changeset [3591] by Michael Osipov
Documented the remaining connectors.
10:56 AM Changeset [3590] by Tobiasz Cudnik
* Fixed padding issue (IE quirks / kama)
10:27 AM Changeset [3589] by Michael Osipov
Added Java 5 preferred package-info.java files
9:16 AM Ticket #3636 (Bug in Polish translation) created by TKr
in /editor/lang/pl.js Templates: is "Sablony" - should be "Szablony".
8:58 AM Changeset [3588] by Tobiasz Cudnik
* Fixed horizontal resize (FF3, Opera / office2003, v2)
7:33 AM Changeset [3587] by Tobiasz Cudnik
* Added missing css and imgs * Fixed dialog close button (IE6)
5:34 AM Ticket #3635 (Create list on whole paragraph incorrect) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open the replace by class
5:01 AM Ticket #3634 (The clipboard dialog that 's related to browsers security setting ...) created by chunwai
How to replicate the problem: 1. Use IE6/7/8 2. Copy any text from …
12:43 AM Changeset [3586] by Michael Osipov
JavaDoc report requires additional settings
12:24 AM Changeset [3585] by Michael Osipov
- Updated sequence diagram - Removed package.html with "a sentence" meaning

May 31, 2009:

11:54 PM Changeset [3584] by Michael Osipov
- Reworked ConnectorServlet JavaDoc - Small JavaDocs fixes
10:52 PM Changeset [3583] by Michael Osipov
- Unified manifest.mf for jar, sources and javadocs - global javadocs …
6:46 PM Ticket #3606 (Replace feature leaves selection after cancel) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [3564].
6:15 PM Changeset [3582] by Michael Osipov
Changed JavaDoc creation params
6:13 PM Changeset [3581] by Michael Osipov
- Reworked ConnectorServlet JavaDoc - Small JavaDoc fixes - Added …
2:45 PM Changeset [3580] by Michael Osipov
- Reworked Dispatcher JavaDoc - Small JavaDocs fixes
2:27 PM Ticket #3633 (Default context menu isn't disabled in toolbar, status bar, panels...) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Load CKEditor and right click in the toolbar, status bar, any floating …
2:21 PM Ticket #3632 (Name attribute problems in <form>) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
1. Load replace by class sample in any browser 2. Insert a form and …
2:14 PM Ticket #3631 (name attribute on <select> is lost) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
1. Load replace by class sample in IE (8) or Safari (in other browsers …
1:48 PM Ticket #3630 (Value field in the "Select" dialog doesn't look disabled) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Open the dialog to insert a <select> field. The "value" field is …

May 30, 2009:

11:21 PM Changeset [3579] by Michael Osipov
sources jar is now part of the bin distro
10:51 PM Changeset [3578] by Michael Osipov
Changes are now Release Notes
8:42 PM Ticket #3629 (typos and lint fixes) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Some spelling typos and lint warnings across several files.
6:29 PM Changeset [3577] by Michael Osipov
- Completed Connector JavaDoc - Removed useless inherited docs
4:51 PM Changeset [3576] by Michael Osipov
- Bumped source plugin to 2.1 - Attached source jar to package cycle
4:04 PM Changeset [3575] by Michael Osipov
GetFiles accepts now any Number-compatible object and retrieves its …
10:54 AM Ticket #3619 (Add IDs to the table caption and summary fields) closed by Artur Formella
fixed: Fixed with [3574]
10:54 AM Changeset [3574] by Artur Formella
#3619 Added IDs to the table caption and summary fields
9:39 AM Ticket #3626 (Small fixes in scayt plugin) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
fixed: Fixed with [3573]
9:38 AM Changeset [3573] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Fix #3626 small cleanup in SCAYT plugin
9:04 AM Ticket #3602 (config.addPlugins looks like a method) closed by Artur Formella
fixed: Fixed with [3572]
9:04 AM Changeset [3572] by Artur Formella
#3602 Renamed config.addPlugins to config.extraPlugins

May 29, 2009:

10:54 PM Ticket #3628 ($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] don't work on a virtual server (founded ...) created by Marc A
HI. I'm writting because I did'nt find any solution yet on your bug …
9:51 PM Ticket #3627 (Performance testing) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
I guess that everybody has this in mind, but no one has written it so …
8:52 PM Ticket #3626 (Small fixes in scayt plugin) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
The patch is some spelling fixes, as well as some jslint warnings and …
7:06 PM Ticket #3625 (Enhanced Internal Link Search for Mediawiki+FCKeditor) created by Don Stringham
The users of the FamilySearch Research Wiki …
2:21 PM Changeset [3571] by Tobiasz Cudnik
* Fixed YUI color picker vertical scrollbar * Added uicolor plugin …
1:26 PM Changeset [3570] by Tobiasz Cudnik
* Fixed rich combo inner text in opera
1:12 PM Changeset [3569] by Tobiasz Cudnik
* Reverted unneeded changes
1:10 PM Changeset [3568] by Tobiasz Cudnik
* Fixed UI color synchronization
12:54 PM Changeset [3567] by Tobiasz Cudnik
* Fixed elementpath space in FF3 * Fixed extra toolbar spaces in IE6
12:33 PM Ticket #3620 (Unexpected document change when selecting item on elementpath) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [3565].
12:33 PM Changeset [3566] by Tobiasz Cudnik
* Fixed maximize feature
12:32 PM Changeset [3565] by Garry Yao
Fixing #3620: Considering table relating elements into blockLimit.
10:32 AM Changeset [3564] by Garry Yao
Fixing #3606: Match highlight permanent existed.
9:15 AM Changeset [3563] by Tobiasz Cudnik
* Fixed dialog button backgrounds (kama) * Fixed dialog button colors …
8:24 AM Changeset [3562] by Tobiasz Cudnik
* Fixed toolbar wrap (opera, webkit / v2, kama) * Fixed button valign …
7:34 AM Ticket #3624 (JAWS should announce dialog titles when dialogs are opened) created by Martin Kou
It's currently difficult for screenreader users to determine which …
7:29 AM Ticket #3623 (Editor is loading up in IE7 without contents) created by Martin Kou
To reproduce the issue: 1. If you don't have IE7, install IETester …
7:24 AM Ticket #3622 (enterBr when content selected incorrect) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open the replace by class
6:52 AM Ticket #3505 (Enter key on empty document is broken) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed along with #3189/#3190.
6:42 AM Ticket #3621 (Unnecessary snapshots) created by Artur Formella
Now we're saving snapshot for many commands which doesn't make sense …
6:08 AM Ticket #3620 (Unexpected document change when selecting item on elementpath) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open the replace by class
2:34 AM Ticket #3619 (Add IDs to the table caption and summary fields) created by Josh Nisly
CKEditor allows setting the caption and summary for a table. Since …

May 28, 2009:

8:01 PM Ticket #3612 (Testcase for parsing XML with &nbsp; in it) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
fixed: Fixed with [3561]
8:00 PM Changeset [3561] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Fix #3612. Add testcase for parsing XML including the &nbsp; and fix …
5:36 PM Ticket #3600 (Changes alert is wrong in dialogs) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [3600].
5:35 PM Changeset [3560] by Garry Yao
Fixing #3600: Change the sequence of 'setInitialValue' and 'onShow' event.
5:30 PM Ticket #3618 (List is not merged) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open the replace by class
5:02 PM Ticket #3617 (Change list type incorrect) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures === 1. Open the replace by class
2:41 PM Ticket #3614 (CKEditor: table is not resizing correctly) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
wontfix: FredCK filed this problem in bugzilla almost three years ago: …
2:30 PM Ticket #3587 (Error pressing enter after selectAll) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
worksforme: Something has changed because now it works, but the generated code is …
2:09 PM Changeset [3559] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Merged YUI files.
1:59 PM Changeset [3558] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Changes related with #3503 into kama branch.
1:32 PM Changeset [3557] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Fixed the right border for the editing area without using additional code.
12:56 PM Changeset [3556] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Changes related with #3503 into kama branch.
12:33 PM Changeset [3555] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Changes related with #3503 into kama branch.
10:42 AM Changeset [3554] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Changes related with #3503 into kama branch.
9:27 AM Changeset [3553] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Changes related with #3503 into kama branch.
9:16 AM Ticket #3616 (Copy/Paste in Safari and Chrome resulted in more <p> tags) created by ambio
When I copy a text of a <p> tag and I paste it, the generated HTML is …
8:31 AM Ticket #3615 (Disable resizing when editor is in fullscreen mode) created by Artur Formella
In full screen mode it is possible to resize the editor and see the …
7:23 AM Ticket #3041 (plugin:colorbutton incorrect state after color selected.) closed by Artur Formella
fixed: Fixed with [3552]
7:21 AM Changeset [3552] by Artur Formella
#3041 colorbutton now has correct state after color selected
3:48 AM Ticket #3614 (CKEditor: table is not resizing correctly) created by Pavel
* Steps to Reproduce -Press "create table" editor tool …
3:44 AM Ticket #3613 (CKEditor: combo content is not displaying in absolute positioned ...) created by Pavel
If CKEditor is placed into absolute positioned "div" element with …
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