Aug 9, 2011:
1:43 PM Ticket #7951 (Dialog pop-up style error) closed by Jakub Ś
expired: Closing the ticket as expired.
12:11 PM Ticket #5861 ([FF] Error when double clicking on table for first time.) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: I have checked it under latest CKEditor release. Seems to be fixed.
11:43 AM Ticket #2388 (FCK fake objects are not copy-and-paste proof) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
11:16 AM Ticket #2325 (Rich mode adds space characters to new lines characters) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
wontfix: FCKEditor +MediaWiki is no longer supported. Closing as expired
11:15 AM Ticket #2342 (Horizontal Rule id get removed on IE7) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: WFM in CKE3.6.2, closing as expired
10:56 AM Ticket #8249 ([FF]: Problems with deleting last list item) created by Jakub Ś
I have found this issue when reproducing 8248
Scenario 1
1. …
10:44 AM Changeset [7189] by Garry Yao
#8226: Update tcs from ticket comment: 10.
10:37 AM Ticket #2367 (IE: List padding may cause list command errors) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: WFM with CKE3.2.6Trunk
10:26 AM Ticket #2158 (Links cause spellerpages to go out of sync and not complete, ending ...) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
wontfix: FCKEditor +MediaWiki is no longer supported.
10:11 AM Ticket #1993 (Trying to select multiple paragraphs and set font properties to match ...) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
10:08 AM Ticket #2098 (Problem Toggling Editor in FireFox closed by Krzysztof Studnik
10:06 AM Ticket #8248 ([[WinXP & IE8]] Removing last list item in outer list creating a new ...) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect:
Copy the following code and paste it …
9:42 AM Ticket #2281 (Control is not getting loaded) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
8:01 AM Ticket #2303 ([FF3] contextmenu remains open in firefox when dialog opens) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
7:53 AM Ticket #2304 (JavaScript error in Replace dialog) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
7:29 AM Ticket #2205 (Double indent of first paragraph when selectAll is used) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
7:22 AM Ticket #2166 ([IE] Link isn't displayed when image is placed inside <fieldset>) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
7:22 AM Ticket #2148 (Image losing selection in IE after opening the image dialog.) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
6:51 AM Ticket #2179 (Identical adjacent styles are not merged) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
6:33 AM Ticket #1621 (Format combo normal option produces P tag even if in BR mode only!) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
Aug 8, 2011:
1:53 PM Ticket #8240 (Right click causes text to be highlighted) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: This issue is also reproducible in plain div with contenteditable set …
1:26 PM Ticket #8242 (Adding » to the special character table) closed by Anna Tomanek
fixed: Fixed with [7188]. Thanks for pointing this out!
1:25 PM Changeset [7188] by Anna Tomanek
#8242 : Add the "»" character to the Special Character dialog window.
12:45 PM Ticket #2131 ([FF] Some image aligment types aren't populated correctly) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
12:43 PM Ticket #2104 ([FF] Drag and drop placeholder starts a new colored span in the ...) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
12:27 PM Ticket #8247 (IE: throwing an error when we apply Alignment to entire page content ...) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect:
1. Open any sample type few paragraphs …
12:20 PM Ticket #2103 ([FF] Unstable editing with blockquote and formatted text) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
12:03 PM Ticket #2013 (Nested lists inherit their parents attributes (including id)) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
12:01 PM Ticket #2080 ([FF] Increasing indent erases an entry) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: CKE 3.6.2Trunk - Increasing indent, while caret is set in first item …
11:45 AM Ticket #2078 ([FF] Increase Indent button is sometimes disabled even when it shouldn't) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
11:41 AM Ticket #1784 (text formatting (bold, italic, underline) gets confused) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
10:55 AM Ticket #1996 (Insert new line before Select Box, unpredictable behavior.) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
10:51 AM Ticket #1345 (FF: Styles are not applied to multi-cell selections) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
10:48 AM Ticket #1774 (IE: <LI> without <OL> consumes sibling nodes) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: WFM in CKE3.6.2Trunk, result is:
FCKeditor was retired and is …
10:27 AM Ticket #8246 (Performance problems with nested documents) created by Damian
This problem was raised by a customer using Outlook to copy and paste …
10:01 AM Ticket #1540 (wrapping paragraph or ending br for new content, (Shift)EnterMode to 'br') closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
9:48 AM Ticket #1152 ([IE] InsertHtml doesn't insert nodes at the cursor position when foucs ...) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
9:38 AM Ticket #1951 (Embed tags are causing JavaScript errors in Firefox 3 Beta 3) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
8:35 AM Ticket #8245 (Multiple tbody tags in IE 9 are re-ordered) created by Simon
I've created a test case which replicates this problem. If you put the …
7:44 AM Ticket #1926 ([Safari] InsertHtml doesn't work first time in safari) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
7:41 AM Ticket #8244 (tab/shift-tab to indent/outdent <li> elements) created by Tuomas Salo
I'd like Ckeditor to indent/outdent a list item with tab/shift-tab.
I …
6:36 AM Changeset [7187] by Garry Yao
New tc updated to #8226.
6:19 AM Changeset [7186] by Garry Yao
#8226: Manual TCs added.
Aug 7, 2011:
9:16 AM Ticket #8243 (CKEDITOR assumes basepath will include protocol) created by airtonix
As far as client side resources are concerned, a Django 1.3 project …
8:30 AM Ticket #8226 (Allow destroy after object removed from DOM) reopened by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Although it's possible to avoid the problem by calling .destroy(true), …
Aug 6, 2011:
4:10 PM Ticket #8226 (Allow destroy after object removed from DOM) closed by Doug Davis
2:49 PM Ticket #8242 (Adding » to the special character table) created by renaclerican
The table to insert symbols contains the left-pointing double angle …
Aug 5, 2011:
7:36 PM Ticket #8241 (In Chrome, Safari and Opera a <br /> is inserted in an empty text area ...) created by Patrick
If the CKEditor contains text and the enterMode is set to …
7:22 PM Ticket #8240 (Right click causes text to be highlighted) created by Brandon
Issue: If you type a line of text in the editor, then right click with …
2:28 PM Ticket #7943 (Label Style should have float:none) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: Fixed with [7185].
2:28 PM Changeset [7185] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
#7943 : Avoid CSS conflict when the page styles set the float property …
1:33 PM Ticket #1943 ([IE] Insertion of extra span when toggling sub or sup) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
1:13 PM Ticket #1869 (Jerky text while dragging new floating panels) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
1:08 PM Ticket #1911 (Replace All does not work after a Not Found alert) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
12:59 PM Ticket #1864 ([FF][Link][Tag]Switching to Source View adds P before and after link) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
11:52 AM Ticket #1829 (IE: Picture frame goes out from the Paste from Word window) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: WFM under CKE 3.6.2 trunk
11:46 AM Ticket #1490 (Deleted paragraph reappear after editing in source mode) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: WFM under IE8
FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. …
11:44 AM Ticket #1497 (Bottom border around the editor gets hidden if you...) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
11:41 AM Ticket #775 (Adding table rows using tab-key doesn't preserve attributes) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: WFM in CKE3.6.1 under IE8
FCKeditor was retired and is no longer …
11:37 AM Ticket #1716 (FCK Selection IE + Flashing cut and copy toolbar icons + optimisation) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: I cannot reproduce such behaviour in v3.6.x
FCKeditor was …
11:27 AM Ticket #8238 (Estonian translation update) closed by Anna Tomanek
fixed: Fixed with [7184].
Thanks again for the great job done, I know it was …
11:17 AM Changeset [7184] by Anna Tomanek
#8238: Estonian translation updated.
10:39 AM Ticket #1634 (Next element corrupted when delete key triggers removal of empty <P> tag.) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
fixed: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
10:36 AM Ticket #1635 (Find button report "The specified text was not found" even if text is ...) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
fixed: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
10:21 AM Ticket #1826 (link editor dialog and firefox 2.0.x) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
10:16 AM Ticket #1819 (Fitwindow bug when editor in relative positioned and auto overflowing div) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
fixed: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
10:15 AM Ticket #1655 (FF: Bulleted point dissaperas when changing the indetation) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
10:07 AM Ticket #1477 (In fullscreen mode, pop-up menu position relative to "content div) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
wontfix: FCK+Mediawiki is no longer supported. Closing ticket
10:05 AM Ticket #1698 (Phantom scrollbar problem experienced when switching between normal ...) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
9:57 AM Ticket #1730 (Delete 1th item from nested list) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
9:17 AM Ticket #1684 (SpellChecker having 1-off errors after skipping over links) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: WFM on 3.6.2Trunk. Closing
9:13 AM Ticket #1595 (Safari : Panel and button are not fused for color selectors in RTL) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: WFM on trunk. Closing
8:37 AM Changeset [7183] by Anna Tomanek
Proof-reading of language strings and changelog entries for #8025 and …
8:01 AM Ticket #1397 (Fx formatting lost when using enter and backspace) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
Aug 4, 2011:
4:05 PM Ticket #8239 (Don't break HTML comments out to separate lines) created by fastballweb
The following is a convention I've seen used several places, including …
3:43 PM Changeset [7182] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
#8050: Added a quirks TC for single-lined content, added the autogrow …
3:26 PM Ticket #8238 (Estonian translation update) created by mahfiaz
The file is attached.
2:31 PM Changeset [7181] by Anna Tomanek
API documentation revised for the colorbutton plugin.
1:58 PM Changeset [7180] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
#8050: Adding a manual TC to account for single-line contents.
1:12 PM Ticket #8237 (CK Editor doesn't support translation of keystroke names) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect:
Open Language sample and change …
1:00 PM Ticket #1260 (Inconsistent results when switching betwen Source view containing iFrame) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
11:54 AM Ticket #705 (unbold doesn't work in IE) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
duplicate: Replying to arczi:
> The same bug occurs in 3.0 beta 3667. …
11:42 AM Ticket #8025 (Check boxes on Find and Replace dialog should be part of a Fieldset) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
fixed: Fixed with [7179].
11:42 AM Changeset [7179] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
#8025: Checkboxes in the find/replace dialog are now presented in a …
11:35 AM Ticket #460 (when putting style="border:1px solid black; border-top:0px" in an ...) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
wontfix: Expired
11:34 AM Ticket #382 (Extra <p> using embeds in Firefox) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
11:18 AM Changeset [7178] by Krzysztof Studnik
Added additional tags to existing ticket tests tests from 1272 to 3950
10:42 AM Changeset [7177] by Krzysztof Studnik
Added additional tags to existing ticket tests tests from 4041 to 4950
10:23 AM Ticket #8236 (specialchar plugin does not allow non-breakable space ) created by anrikun
As a workaround for #5523, I have tried to add as a special …
8:08 AM Ticket #8235 (Removing some unused CKEditor langueage files) closed by Anna Tomanek
invalid: Take a look at …
7:46 AM Ticket #8235 (Removing some unused CKEditor langueage files) created by Killua
Hi all,
I'm having issues for removing some unused CKEditor language …
4:33 AM Ticket #8124 (Styles field is not validated) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [7176].
4:33 AM Changeset [7176] by Garry Yao
#8124: style fields are now validated.
Aug 3, 2011:
2:53 PM Ticket #5109 (Translation CKFinder into dutch) closed by Jakub Ś
expired: Closing this one as expired.
1:51 PM Ticket #8234 ([Webkit]: Problems when pasting from Demo page) created by Jakub Ś
First of all I'm not sure if this is not duplicate.
Since I …
11:28 AM Changeset [7175] by Anna Tomanek
Forgotten changelog update for #8155.
11:21 AM Changeset [7174] by Anna Tomanek
API documentation revised for the filebrowser plugin.
10:42 AM Ticket #8163 (filebrowserWindowFeatures) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
fixed: Fixed with [7173].
10:40 AM Changeset [7173] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
#8163: Correcting the name of the filebrowserWindowFeatures configuration.
8:26 AM Ticket #8233 (Can't modify disabled input field) created by Jakub Ś
Issue has been reproducible in Firefox and Opera 11.50 from CKEditor …
Aug 2, 2011:
3:53 PM Changeset [7172] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
Added TC for #7243.
1:42 PM Changeset [7171] by Garry Yao
Looks like it's also safe to just "body" copybin for webkit.
1:23 PM Changeset [7170] by Krzysztof Studnik
Added additional tags to existing ticket tests tests from 5091 to 5930
1:19 PM Changeset [7169] by Krzysztof Studnik
Added TT #5315
1:17 PM Changeset [7168] by Krzysztof Studnik
Added TT #5305
11:11 AM Ticket #5305 (souce-mode: <br /> that following a textNode are moved behind next element) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: WFM on 3.6.2Trunk, <br /> stays in place.
10:02 AM Changeset [7167] by Garry Yao
Fix list pasting in IE.
10:00 AM Changeset [7166] by Garry Yao
#6642: adding new html parser tests.
9:59 AM Changeset [7165] by Garry Yao
Updating ticket tc.
9:34 AM Ticket #8225 (Using full screen in source mode misplaces the editor in the demo site) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
worksforme: I don't know what happened the other day. Now it's working fine.
7:44 AM Ticket #8155 (Special Character dialog window shows the same tooltip for symbols ...) closed by Anna Tomanek
fixed: Fixed with [7164].
Thanks for the tip, Saar, corrected all entries.
7:43 AM Changeset [7164] by Anna Tomanek
#8155: Special Character dialog window shows the same tooltip for …
6:31 AM Changeset [7163] by Garry Yao
Fixing bookmark creation order.
4:24 AM Changeset [7162] by Garry Yao
More friendly pagebreak on clipboard.
2:32 AM Ticket #8232 (Inline styles create empty garbage "cke_bm_" spans) created by Sheezwack
This happens in IE9/Windows 7 at least (other versions not yet …
Aug 1, 2011:
9:46 PM Ticket #8231 (Paste or PaasteFromWord with CKEditor in Webkit and Opera inserts ...) created by spgard
Steps to reproduce:
1. Copy the below code taken from …
9:38 PM Ticket #8230 (Problem with Google minify) created by Freddie Bingham
_source/plugins/listblock/plugin.js line 102
' aria-posinset="' + …
3:52 PM Ticket #8229 (Updating data in CKEditor on IE 8 blanks out the data) created by anandk
The code we have works fine on Firefox. That said, it is weird on IE …
9:49 AM Changeset [7161] by Garry Yao
Avoid resulting in empty blocks when content is pasted at the end of …
9:46 AM Changeset [7160] by Garry Yao
IE and FF have to use 'body' for paste in order to do full selection …
6:44 AM Ticket #8228 ([Webkit] enter does not exit from pre blocks) created by Karen Ananiev
* Type some text
* Apply Formatted paragraph format
* …
4:33 AM Changeset [7159] by Garry Yao
#7380: tc for br line-breaks before nested list.
1:56 AM Ticket #8227 (Problems with insertElement in IE7) created by Wilfrid Li
The following is my code snippet that works for every other browser …
Jul 31, 2011:
6:47 PM Ticket #8226 (Allow destroy after object removed from DOM) created by Doug Davis
related to:
I would like to …
Jul 29, 2011:
4:08 PM Ticket #8225 (Using full screen in source mode misplaces the editor in the demo site) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Test http://ckeditor.com/demo the nightly build seems OK, so it might …
2:07 PM Ticket #8224 (IE : scayt AutoStartUp and EnterMode BR moves cursor to the beginning.) created by Jakub Ś
1. Place attached file in sample folder. It contains only two …
10:42 AM Ticket #8220 (Renaming ckeditor.js file couse error) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Please read the …
10:09 AM Changeset [7158] by Garry Yao
#6642: tc updates.
8:56 AM Ticket #8221 (IE: Selection bug when opening dialog on certain content) closed by Damian
duplicate: Oops, submitted this ticket twice. Actual ticket for tracking this …
5:05 AM Changeset [7157] by Garry Yao
#8050: Adding tc: auto grow max height configured.
Jul 28, 2011:
3:01 PM Ticket #8223 (Disabling the Advanced tab for links causes "undefined" to be assigned ...) created by David Colon
When disabling the Advanced tab for links using the following:
[…] …
1:27 PM Ticket #8222 (IE: Selection bug when opening dialog on certain content) created by Damian
There seems to be some odd behavior when opening a dialog in the …
1:25 PM Ticket #8221 (IE: Selection bug when opening dialog on certain content) created by Damian
There seems to be some odd behavior when opening a dialog in the …
11:47 AM Ticket #8220 (Renaming ckeditor.js file couse error) created by djob
after 5 hours of solving my ckeditor bug:
- toolbar is …
9:03 AM Ticket #8153 (tab-key should increase indention of lists) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Tab key is used for navigation on page.
8:45 AM Ticket #8219 (Copy pasting URL in FireFox) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: This is a duplicate of #7376 which leads to new feature request #6307
7:12 AM Ticket #6888 (Dataprocessor seems to be not working with 3.5) closed by Jakub Ś
expired: Closing the ticked as expired.
6:42 AM Ticket #8214 (Invalid table colspans break row insert) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: This is a duplicate of #7996
5:38 AM Ticket #8219 (Copy pasting URL in FireFox) created by sasini
The issue is by coping a URL in the browser address and pasting it on …
Jul 27, 2011:
10:11 PM Ticket #8218 (Preselect color dialog to the current color (or bg color) of the ...) created by spgard
When opening the color dialog, highlight (with a border?) the color of …
6:54 PM Ticket #8217 (Turkish Translation of CKFinder) created by Abdullah M. CEYLAN
Finished the Turkish translation of CKFinder.
6:49 PM Ticket #8216 (Source protection doesn't work properly in some cases) created by Wiktor Walc
The default protection of <SCRIPT> tags and comments doesn't seem to …
5:22 PM Ticket #8215 (config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR cause error on ie7) created by posabsolute
config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR; cause getRange error on ie7 when …
4:43 PM Ticket #8214 (Invalid table colspans break row insert) created by Matthew Leffler
Reproduce steps:
1. Open demo
2. Paste the following in source:
3:07 PM Ticket #8213 ([Webkit]: Inline styles are not copied with text) created by Jakub Ś
1. Open ajax sample and paste the following code:
2. Select …
2:39 PM Ticket #5506 (can't use right arrow key to bypass the form elements ( checkbox or radio)) closed by Jakub Ś
2:30 PM Ticket #4792 (Unable to add anything after form element) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: I have checked the latest CKE 3.6.1 and it seems that now it is …
1:19 PM Ticket #5539 (Ajax sample throws an error when creating/destroying editor instance) closed by Jakub Ś
worksforme: Despite several attempts to reproduce I did not manage to do so. WFM …
12:57 PM Ticket #5033 (Invalid behavior when inserting nested divs with insertHtml()) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: After consulting with @wwalc, I'm closing this one as invalid.
12:21 PM Ticket #5808 (Pasting from Word does not work (sometimes) in IE) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: I was able to reproduce it till CKE 3.2.1. From CKE 3.2.2 it has been …
10:56 AM Ticket #6681 (Firefox: unable to insert a link after deleting it) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: Can't reproduce it either. It seems that it was fixed in CKE 3.5.1
10:08 AM Ticket #8210 (CKEditor not showing up in Drupal boxes) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Our programmers from drupal module has told me that you have reported …
9:15 AM Ticket #7882 (Opera : We can't open more than one sub menu) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Replying to hallvord@…:
> He probably meant that …
4:32 AM Ticket #8212 (data-scayt_word come automatic) created by rajeshbute
I am using the CKEditor 3.x,
from last few days i am facing …
Jul 26, 2011:
9:35 PM Ticket #8211 (scayt span tags left in returned text with Firefox) created by Keith Hackett
When using Firefox 5.0, Misspelled words are returned with the word …
2:56 PM Ticket #6560 (Pasting text in dialog box while RTL is enabled, pasted paragraph ...) closed by Jakub Ś
expired: I was not able to get the results described in a ticked.
After …
1:34 PM Ticket #6394 (Redundant space added when format set before text entered) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: I was able to reproduce it only till CKE 3.4.1. It works fine now.
12:58 PM Ticket #6431 (Multiple images inserted when pressing enter) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: I have checked the issue under current Opera 11.50 and it seems to …
12:43 PM Ticket #6405 (Font changing, for typed text does not work as expected) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: Issue with Webkit was fixed. "Actual Result" is the valid one not the …
11:50 AM Ticket #6266 (Tables: Merge Cells option active while cursor is at the end of text ...) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: WFM. Closing the ticked.
10:43 AM Ticket #2140 (Firefox (MacOSX): Invalid capturing of enter-key event) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: >Here is some background. Generally, IME(Input method editor) is used …
8:44 AM Ticket #4066 (Context menu offset with AIR 1.5.x) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: I have checked under Windows, Linux and Mac with the latest AIR and …
5:59 AM Changeset [7156] by Anna Tomanek
API documentation revised autogrow, basicstyles, contextmenu, and entities.
Jul 25, 2011:
2:04 PM Ticket #3851 (Linux version of jslint is unavailable) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: Checked on the latest trunk. It's present now.
1:58 PM Ticket #8210 (CKEditor not showing up in Drupal boxes) created by lyd
CKEditor is a wonderful tool. However, right now I'm using a clean …
1:19 PM Ticket #2088 (Curly Braces save with tweaking but are lost on next edit.) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: WFM with CKE3.6.2, { and } are not lost
1:16 PM Ticket #2069 (Table issue with template and heading) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
wontfix: MediaWiki and FCKeditor are no longer supported. Closing the ticket
1:11 PM Ticket #1903 (Cursor is not coming when string inserted via javascript) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
expired: MediaWiki and FCKeditor are no longer supported. Closing the ticket
1:09 PM Ticket #1714 (cursor jumps from beginning of text area to the end) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
invalid: in CKE r7141 Entermode_P -
tag on the beggining is …
1:02 PM Ticket #1839 (PageBreak with EnterMode br) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
worksforme: WFM under CKE3.6.2
12:55 PM Ticket #6478 (Silently insert an empty paragraph in Chrome) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: I have tested your issue and from what I see it was fixed in CKEditor 3.5.
12:26 PM Ticket #8209 ([Firefox5] : Unable to write in the same line ,After using display ...) created by Jakub Ś
1. Place 1111.html file in samples folder.
2. Open file in a browser …
12:21 PM Ticket #1468 (MediaWiki+FCKeditor doesn't play nicely with HTML lists) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
wontfix: MediaWiki and FCKeditor are no longer supported. Closing the ticket
12:09 PM Ticket #1377 (mediawiki + fckeditor - anchor) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
invalid: MediaWiki and FCKeditor are no longer supported. Closing the ticket
10:59 AM Changeset [7155] by Garry Yao
Introduces the copybin support.
10:24 AM Ticket #4446 (Implement ieSpell and Speller Pages) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
expired: fredck Wrote:
> We don't have plans to develop this …
10:20 AM Ticket #3078 (Images loose any URL/Link reference when edited a second time) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
expired: MediaWiki and FCKeditor are no longer supported. Closing the ticked.
10:19 AM Ticket #2937 (Internal Link FCKeditor / MediaWiki 1.14) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
expired: MediaWiki and FCKeditor are no longer supported. Closing the ticked.
10:15 AM Ticket #2711 (Square character appears in list of links - FCKEditor 2.6.3) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
expired: MediaWiki and FCKeditor are no longer supported. Closing the ticked.
10:14 AM Ticket #5602 (Using FCKeditor 2.6.4 with Media wiki 1.15.3) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: FCKeditor and MediaWiki are no longer supported. Closing the ticked as …
10:13 AM Ticket #2710 (Text size larger than normal in Internet Explorer 7 - FCKEditor 2.6.3) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
expired: MediaWiki and FCKeditor are no longer supported. Closing the ticked.
10:11 AM Ticket #3799 (Text direction button for FCKeditor Mediawiki extension) closed by Krzysztof Studnik
expired: MediaWiki and FCKeditor are no longer supported. Closing the ticked.
10:10 AM Ticket #6218 (Detected bug in an extension! Hook FCKeditor_MediaWiki) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: FCKeditor nad MediaWiki are no longer supported. Closing the ticked as …
10:08 AM Ticket #6792 (Ambiguous page scroll in Firefox) closed by Jakub Ś
worksforme: WFM. I was not able to reproduce it etiher.
9:51 AM Ticket #6912 (too much recursion) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: It seems that it was fixed in CKE 3.5.3
6:35 AM Changeset [7154] by Krzysztof Studnik
Added additional tags to existing ticket tests tests from 6107 to 6992
Note: See
for information about the timeline view.