Custom Query


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Priority Milestone
#8 Opera: Panels are displayed in the wrong position Opera Hallvord R. M. Steen (Opera Software) Bug Must have (possibly next milestone) Opera Compatibility
#9 Opera: Bold, Italic, Underline and Strikethrow buttons have wrong state Opera Hallvord R. M. Steen (Opera Software) Bug Must have (possibly next milestone) Opera Compatibility
#20 The textarea in source mode can grow too big (Opera) Opera Hallvord R. M. Steen (Opera Software) Bug Must have (possibly next milestone) Opera Compatibility
#214 Opera: Enter at the end of paragraph doesn't move the caret Confirmed Opera Bug Must have (possibly next milestone) Opera Compatibility
#570 Opera: Toolbar combos are not opening Opera fredck@… Bug Must have (possibly next milestone) Opera Compatibility
#571 Opera: Backspace is broken Opera Hallvord R. M. Steen (Opera Software) Bug Must have (possibly next milestone) Opera Compatibility
#1095 Backspace does not work in Opera Confirmed Opera Martin Kou Bug Must have (possibly next milestone) Opera Compatibility
#1953 Opera: FCKeditor is not loading Confirmed Opera Hallvord R. M. Steen (Opera Software) Bug Must have (possibly next milestone) Opera Compatibility
#1954 Opera: extra paragraph space when loading Confirmed Opera Bug Must have (possibly next milestone) Opera Compatibility
#1955 Opera: Element names are uppercased in the output Confirmed Opera Bug Must have (possibly next milestone) Opera Compatibility
#2193 Opera: Can't place cursor at the end of paragraphs Confirmed Opera Review+ Martin Kou Bug Must have (possibly next milestone) FCKeditor 2.6.1
#2195 Opera: Enter is misplaced Confirmed Opera Hallvord R. M. Steen (Opera Software) Bug Must have (possibly next milestone) Opera Compatibility
#2199 Opera: New table cells don't get expanded Confirmed Opera Hallvord R. M. Steen (Opera Software) Bug Must have (possibly next milestone) Opera Compatibility
#2264 Opera: empty paragraphs are appended to the top of document on startup Confirmed Opera Review+ Bug Must have (possibly next milestone) FCKeditor 2.6.1
#2276 Opera: Page scrolls on ENTER Confirmed Opera Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug Must have (possibly next milestone) FCKeditor 2.6.2
#2292 Opera: strange line break behavior when applying/removing styles Confirmed Opera Hallvord R. M. Steen (Opera Software) Bug Must have (possibly next milestone) Opera Compatibility
#5395 Opera: right click shows the default context menu Opera Garry Yao Bug Must have (possibly next milestone) CKEditor 3.4.2
#6208 Difficult to add content after a new horizontal line or Page break IBM Opera Bug Must have (possibly next milestone)
#6444 Close panels and dialogs don't return focus to wysiwyg Opera Garry Yao Bug Must have (possibly next milestone) CKEditor 3.4.2
#6624 [Opera] broken unlink Opera Bug Must have (possibly next milestone)
#6874 [Opera] Selection mangled after apply inline style (CORE-41462) Opera Bug Must have (possibly next milestone) CKEditor 3.6.6
#368 No drag 'n drop into or out the editor area Opera CantFix Bug Normal
#371 Opera: Dialogs can be resized Confirmed Opera Bug Normal FCKeditor 2.6
#927 Ctrl-X not working in Opera for the first selection Opera Bug Normal Opera Compatibility
#990 Enter key is broken in SVN Confirmed Firefox Safari Opera Martin Kou Bug Normal FCKeditor 2.5 Beta
#1150 <br type="_moz" /> appearing in Source mode Confirmed Firefox Opera Safari Review+ Martin Kou Bug Normal FCKeditor 2.6.3
#1180 'Print' button is always disabled. Opera Bug Normal
#1211 Opera & Safari: Editor page can be scrolled even if editor size is maximized Safari Opera Bug Normal
#1215 It is impossible to place caret after table by mouse Opera Bug Normal
#1366 Opera : FCKeditor is not loading on MacOS Confirmed Opera Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug Normal Opera Compatibility
#1682 Problem editing control elements in Firefox, Safari, Opera Confirmed FireFox Opera Safari Review+ Martin Kou Bug Normal FCKeditor 2.6
#1956 Opera: Combos don't have scrollbar in RTL Opera Bug Normal Opera Compatibility
#1994 Opera: ctrl-b twice will output bold text Confirmed Opera Bug Normal Opera Compatibility
#2194 Opera: Caret doesn't move on right click [CORE-33108] Opera Bug Normal
#2196 Opera: Dialog dragging flicks Opera Bug Normal
#2197 Opera: style="null" after image dialog Opera Bug Normal
#2198 Opera: Focus is out of text on Undo/Redo Opera Bug Normal
#2202 Opera: Form elements are a bit active Opera Bug Normal
#2204 Opera: paste from right-click menu creates unformatted text even inside formatted blocks [CORE-35090] Opera Bug Normal
#2305 Opera 9.5 lose meta and style information Opera Bug Normal
#2365 Can't Add URL to Image Opera Bug Normal
#2736 Opera can't display spell check Opera Bug Normal
#3201 [Opera] Discards entities when switchng to source view and back Confirmed Opera Review+ Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.0
#4021 [Opera] ESC key doesn't close dialogs Opera Garry Yao Bug Normal
#4022 TAB key in Opera Opera Bug Normal
#4023 [Opera] Maximize plugin Opera Paweł Horzela Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2
#4043 [Opera] Special Characters and Smiles are not keyboard accessible Opera Bug Normal
#4044 [Opera] ALT+F10 doesn't focus the toolbar [CORE-33752] Opera VendorFix IBM Bug Normal
#4063 [Opera] JS error with custom domain Opera Bug Normal
#4267 Can't Link Images in Drupal 5.x/ Opera 9 or 10 b3 Opera Bug Normal Opera Compatibility
#4404 Opera 10: extra\nested <P> Opera Bug Normal
#4530 Opera: context menu doesn't work Confirmed Opera Review+ Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.1
#4531 Opera: Tab key issues in dialog Opera Bug Normal
#4532 Opera: hidden field is invisible Opera Bug Normal
#4533 Opera: double-clicking undo/redo UI button can open "hotclick" context menu due to selection being restored by the editor Opera Bug Normal
#4534 Opera: issues when using arrow keys in combo elements Opera Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2
#4535 Opera: Check Spelling button is disabled Confirmed Opera Bug Normal
#4657 Opera: It's not possible to apply styles on collapsed selections IBM Opera Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.1
#4790 CKEditor in enterMode = BR, problem with bullet list Opera Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.3
#4797 Opera: using enter key in dialogs triggers javascript error Confrmed Opera Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.3
#4798 Opera: using tab key makes input fields undeitable Confirmed Opera 3.0.2 Review+ Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.1
#4800 Opera: when SCAYT is enabled, it is impossible to create new paragraph Confirmed Opera Bug Normal CKEditor 3.3
#4805 Opera: flash preview doesn't work Opera Bug Normal
#4812 'Esc' key is not working for dialog on Opera Confirmed 3.0.2 Opera Review+ Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.1
#4818 Opera: Cannot insert new row when clicking on an empty cell Opera Bug Normal
#4846 Opera: object becomes unselected when context menu is opened Opera Bug Normal
#4847 Opera: when opening context menu, an empty paragraph is added Opera Bug Normal
#4849 Opera: right-clicking with a mouse does not select an object Opera Bug Normal
#4929 Opera: scrollbar in Text Color / Background Color window Opera Bug Normal
#5293 Unwanted linebreak on Firefox Confirmed Firefox Opera Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4
#5297 Dialog wrek after closed in Opera Opera Bug Normal CKEditor 3.3
#5622 [FF] Cursor not blinking on editor::focus Confirmed Safari Firefox Opera Review+ Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.3
#5893 Copy/Paste in Opera displays chinese text Opera Bug Normal
#6023 [[Opera]] Can not delete number/bullet list by pressing Backspace key IBM Opera Garry Yao Bug Normal
#6024 [[Opera]] we can't start a Number/bullet list by just clicking Number/bullet list icon with out selecting Text in editor body [CORE-91] IBM Opera VendorFix Bug Normal
#6025 Focus is lost after applying commands in Opera Opera Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4
#6087 IE: Caret doesn't blink on RTL dialogs IE Opera IBM Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2
#6110 Code altered after deleting quotation mark within <td> Webkit Opera Firefox IE Bug Normal
#6234 Context menu items are missing in Opera browser. Opera Bug Normal
#6238 Changing "selected" option does not refresh radio button state. Opera Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1
#6241 [[IE]] some format is lost during paste IBM IE Firefox Opera Paweł Horzela Bug Normal
#6270 Chrome: Difficulties pasting tables from Excel Webkit Opera Bug Normal
#6277 "Enter" pressed in WYSIWYG mode for a few seconds causes Opera crash Opera Linux Bug Normal
#6285 Unable to Drag&drop image in Opera Opera Bug Normal
#6402 Opera: Focus goes out of Editor after selecting an option in one of combo boxes IBM Opera Martin Bug Normal
#6403 Opera: selected Font name option not shown in Font Name combo when we typed the text IBM Opera Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2
#6414 Differences in sorting of default styles in dropdown between IE9 and other browsers IE Opera Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug Normal
#6431 Multiple images inserted when pressing enter Opera Bug Normal
#6445 Find/Replace highlight styles were incorrectly left in DOM Opera Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2
#6448 [Webkit] adds line break in list Webkit Opera Bug Normal
#6493 Paste from Word - Numbering of list is wrong when elements are separated by paragraphs Opera Webkit Bug Normal
#6524 Remove image while unlink Opera Bug Normal
#6526 Cannot assign float style to image Opera IE Bug Normal
#6534 Opera contex menu Opera Martin Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2
#6537 Opera contex menu does not appear Opera Bug Normal
#6557 Missing list items Opera Bug Normal
#6558 Can not change list type Opera Bug Normal
#6559 Maximize plugin @ Opera/Mac Opera Mac Bug Normal
#6574 Opera: impossible to use keyboard after opening the context menu Opera Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2
#6585 [Opera] Close inline style fails Opera IBM Garry Yao Bug Normal
#6617 Super scrip and sub script problem Opera Bug Normal
#6666 Do not use element.all property (CKEditor entirely broken in latest Opera) Opera Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.3
#6757 [Opera] Dialog skin sides layout broken Opera Bug Normal
#6823 Opera: Unable to move cursor below horizontal line or Page break IBM Opera Bug Normal
#6825 Opera: Dialog borders broken after a resize Opera Bug Normal
#6870 When 'unlink' on image, whole image is deleted from content Opera11 Bug Normal
#6882 Opera: we can't open Accessibility Instructions or Help Dialog IBM Opera Bug Normal
#6938 IE/Opera: RTL language direction is not preserved when enter is pressed at the end of a list. IE Opera IBM Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.3
#6960 Opera we can't copy the read only paragraphs [CORE-35866] IBM Opera Safari Bug Normal
#6973 Opera: Paste from Word functionality is not working IBM Opera Bug Normal
#6978 Opera: flash preview doesn't work on Windows XP IBM Opera Bug Normal
#6985 Whitespace lost on paste in FF Firefox Opera IBM Bug Normal
#7058 [Opera] Selection enlarges wrongly Opera Bug Normal
#7060 [Opera] Input field invisible Opera Bug Normal
#7061 [Opera] Keyboard navigation not working in dialogs Opera Bug Normal
#7062 [Opera] Dialog dragging only on a left edge Opera Bug Normal
#7063 [Opera] When opening dialog, a page is scrolled to the top Opera Bug Normal
#7064 [Opera] Dialog borders are broken for Office and V2 skins Opera Bug Normal
#7108 [Opera] Broken content after pasting as plain text and then edited Opera Bug Normal
#7122 API demo broken in Opera Opera11 Bug Normal
#7138 api.html sample in Opera does not work as expected Opera Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.3
#7179 Remains of selected table, stay in edit area after inserting form element IE Opera Garry Yao Bug Normal
#7202 Double clicking word after inline style is applied, selects only part of the word IE8, Firefox, Opera Bug Normal
#7490 [IE] Extra <br> counted at the end of selection IE Opera Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.2
#7496 [Opera] Text bold and unbold problems Opera Bug Normal
#7502 Select elements are 'duplicated' in Opera Opera Bug Normal
#7504 [Opera] Accessibility shortcuts problem Opera Bug Normal
#7611 Opera: Text remains highlighted unnecessarily when font colour is applied IBM Opera Bug Normal
#7612 Opera: Indented bullets do not have circle or square styled bullets (CORE-41465) IBM Opera Bug Normal
#7685 [Opera] ALT+F10 and ALT+F11 doesn't work Opera IBM Bug Normal
#7701 Problem with Opera 11.10 Opera Bug Normal
#7789 Dialog shadow in Office and v2 skin broken when zoom is used on page Opera Bug Normal
#7798 Wrong toolbar placement while Editor is resized under Opera Opera Bug Normal
#7801 [Opera] Nested block while pasting paragraphs IBM Opera Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.1
#7874 Opera: Link Target to open in New window/Topmost Window not working IBM Opera Bug Normal
#7877 Opera: Toolbar drop down menus are not displaying IBM Opera Bug Normal
#7882 Opera : We can't open more than one sub menu Opera, IBM Garry Yao Bug Normal
#7883 [Opera] Context menu appears for toolbar button double-click Opera Bug Normal
#7893 Can't link to anchor WebKit Opera Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.1
#7916 Opera: empty values shown for all fields on the dialog when we activate dialog using context menu. IBM Opera Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.1
#8258 No undo after image/flash/iframe insertion on empty editor Firefox Opera Bug Normal
#8266 Chrome: Paste from Word inserts blank line at top. Webkit Opera IBM Bug Normal CKEditor 4.6.0
#8269 Opera : Copying and pasting tables not working properly (CORE-41467) IBM Opera Bug Normal
#8276 Opera: cursor goes to start of editor body when we apply text/background colour IBM Opera Bug Normal
#8286 Opera: paste from right-click menu does nothing Opera Bug Normal
#8300 [Opera] extra BR appears at document start Opera VendorFix Bug Normal
#8301 [Opera] editor::focus interfere editor selection Opera Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.2
#8327 [Opera] Remove expired hacks Opera Garry Yao Task Normal CKEditor 3.6.2
#8427 Opera: Problem with typing around contentEditable="false" element Opera Bug Normal
#8454 Caret in wrong position after line break in opera Opera Bug Normal
#8515 Opera, highlight text, click style button and cursor position incorrect Opera Bug Normal
#8588 [Safari, Chrome] Copying and pasting last table row does not work Webkit Opera IBM Bug Normal
#8622 Opera: problems with splitting table cells Opera Bug Normal
#8632 Cannot highlight and delete a list item word Webkit Opera Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.3
#8673 Chrome: cannot select and remove Page Break (pagebreak) Webkit Opera Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.3
#8676 Opera: Copy/paste problem into table cells Opera Bug Normal
#8765 random sorting of styles dropdown list in Chrome 17 and Opera 11.61. Chrome Opera Bug Normal
#8824 Opera ctrl+v have jumps bug Opera Bug Normal
#8871 Strange problem with image plugin in Opera Opera Bug Normal
#8946 Opera: pasted text (with CRTL+V) inserts at the beginning when enter mode is set to BR Opera Bug Normal
#9134 Opera: Can't apply inline style to empty line. Empty lines collapse. Opera Bug Normal
#9150 Opera: Link selection is incosistent Opera Bug Normal
#9158 Opera: pressing backspace at the beginning of list, removes the list Opera Bug Normal
#9345 [Opera] Floating panels don't hide on blur Opera Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 4.0
#9447 [Opera] Selection is expanded up to the next element after applying one of basic styles Opera Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 4.0
#9448 [Opera&Inline] Selection is lost on click in toolbar Opera Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 4.0
#9464 [Opera&Framed] Selection stops updating after incorrect blur Opera Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.0
#9468 [Opera] Apply block style moves cursor to the start of block Opera Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 4.0
#9470 [Opera] Unable to close inline style at the end of block Opera Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 4.0
#9522 [Opera] Pasting by paste dialog inserts bogus <br> Opera Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.0
#9568 [Opera] Scroll after inserting element Opera Bug Normal
#9570 [Opera] Toolbar plugin interferes with magicline tests Opera Bug Normal CKEditor 4.0
#9574 Inline editing: 7th div when we invoke Context menu on image using keyboard native menu shows up Firefox Opera Bug Normal
#9593 A number of moono skin regressions Opera Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 4.0
#9664 [Opera] When inline editor is focused by click on image toolbar doesn't pop up Opera Bug Normal
#10343 Chrome & opera - trailing white space lost on paste IBM Chrome Opera Bug Normal
#10345 focus event is not always fired in chrome Webkit Opera Bug Normal
#10522 [Opera]Form elements editing doen's work on Opera Opera Bug Normal
#10523 [Opera]Cannot access to context menu using keyboard Opera Bug Normal
#11232 Opera: Additional <br />s keep appearing Opera Bug Normal
#11833 [Opera] Table not rendering correctly when set alignment to it Opera Bug Normal
#21 Opera doesn't recognize user-select:none HasPatch Opera Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug Low
#572 Opera & Safari: The xml output of the connectors isn't show in the tests Safari Opera Bug Low
#2735 clicking link in Opera when text is selected doesn't clear selection [CORE-35943] Opera Bug Low
#6692 BIDI: When list is set to RTL, bullets are moved outside of visible area Opera Chrome Firefox3 Bug Low
#7012 Samples - Languages -fast switching between languages causes Editor to crash IE Opera Bug Low
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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